A Report on the Benefits for the Staff of ABC Software?
appropriately From:Personnel Manager?
To:Managing Director?
college是什么意思 Date:31,July,2006?
英语26个字母 Re:Your instructions of 15th July,2006 to report on the policy of the staff benefits.? The materials included in this report were gathered from earlier reports on staff policies and our conversations with the staff members of all levels in ABC Software.Many staff members demand that we formulate specific policies on staff benefits as early as possible.As we know,other big companies have such policies and our prent policies have caud a lot of dissatisfactions.We propo that we formulate and practice policies by the end of this year.?
hat的中文意思是什么 We would like to prent the preliminary recommendations for your consideration:? (1)That all staff members are assured of individual attention as well as a good pay package.?
(2)That tho who have to retire early becau of illness will have full ?retirement? benefits if they have worked for the company for over 15 years.?金融在职研究生
(3)Everyone in the company is covered by life insurance as soon as they join our company.?
(4)Holidays are fixed at 25 days,rising to 30 days after five years.?
eternal flame天津韩语培训班 (5)We must ensure that all personnel actions such as compensation,benefits,transfers,layoffs,return from layoff,company-sponsored training,education and tuition assistance are administered fairly.?