
更新时间:2023-05-31 23:19:51 阅读: 评论:0

本⽂是作者亲⾃整理的上百个英⽂常⽤缩略词,常常⽤于社交⽹络或闲聊中(有些带脏字),严肃场合慎⽤哦。觉得有⽤的话点个赞吧,算是给我的⾟苦⼀个奖励❤ ❤
AC - air conditioner
af - as f**k
afaik - as far as I know
afk - away from keyboard
aka - also known as
ama - ask me anything
asap - as soon as possible
asl - age, x, location (often ud as a question in dating apps to ask basic info)
atm - at the moment
awol - abnt without (official) leave (常⽤于military中,没正式请⽰/请假就不见)
bak - back at the keyboard
bbq - barbecue
b/c - becau
bff - best friend forever
blt - bacon, lettuce and tomato (指⾥⾯有这三种⾷材的的三明治)
brb - be right back
byob - bring your own beer/booze/beverage (常见party的邀请中)
btw - by the way
cc - 抄送,来⾃邮件bye bye
CTA - call to action (常见于营销中)
cu - e you
cya - e ya
diy - do it yourlf
dm - direct message (类似于pm,私信)
dnd - do not disturb
dob - date of birth
< - for example
ELI5 - explain it to me like I'm 5(把我当5岁⼩孩来解释,诞⽣于社交⽹络)EOD - end of day
EOW - end of week
ETA - esitmated time of arrival
FAQ - frequently asked questions
FBF - flashback Friday (周五发以前拍的照⽚,常见于社交⽹络中的hashtag) FOMO - fear of missing out
FTR - for the record
FU - f**k you
FWIW - for what it's worth
FYI - for your information
GG - good game (⽤于游戏结束时)
GL - good luck
GJ - good job
idk - I don't know
< - 来⾃拉丁语,in another word
iirc - if I recall / remember correctly
ikr? - I know right? (表⽰很同意)
imo - in my opinion
imho - in my humble / honest opinion IRL - in real life
jk (j/k) - joking
k/kk - okay
ldr - long-distance relationship
lmao - laughing my ass off
lmfao - laughing my f**king ass off
lmk - let me know
lol - laughing out loud, laugh out loud
MIA - missing in action (常⽤于military) [N]
N/A - not available/applicable
teenager什么意思科比名言np - no problem
nsfw - not safe for work
nvm/nvmd - never mind
oic - Oh, I e
omg - oh my god
omw - on my way
op - original poster
O RLY - Oh really?
pls - plea
pm - private message (私信)
pov - point of view
ppl - people
PR - public relations
PS - post script
re - regarding
RIP - rest in peace
RN - right now
rotf - rolling on the floor (笑得地上打滚⼉,类似LOL)
rotfl - rolling on the floor laughing
rotflmao - rolling on the floor laughing my ass off
RSVP - 来⾃法语,但在英语中很常见,表⽰”plea reply (the invitation)“
SO - significant other
STD - xually transmitted dia
tba - to be announced
tbd - to be determined
tbh - to be honest
tbt - throwback Thursday (周四发以前拍的照⽚,类似FBF,常见于社交⽹络中的hashtag) tgif - thank god it's Friday
thx/thnx/tx - Thanks
TIL - today I learned
TL;DR - too long; didn't read
ttyl - talk to you later
ttys - talk to you soon
ty - thank you
tyvm - thank you very much
u - you
wbw - wayback Wednesday (周三发以前拍的照⽚,类似FBF,常见于社交⽹络中的hashtag) wfh - working from home
wrt - with respect/regard to
wtf - what the f**k
wth - what the hell
enzymeyolo - you only live once.
yw - you're welcome.
别忘了点个赞哟❤ ❤

本文发布于:2023-05-31 23:19:51,感谢您对本站的认可!



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