Sublist 1
Exerci 1
period | legal | available | contract | rearch |
analysis | mr rightsimilar | indicate | factor | economy |
| | | | |
1.He did an _______________ of the way children learn language for his Master's thesis. analysis
2. He was arrested for drunk driving becau he had drunk more than the _______________ limit of alcohol. legal
3. The culture of the United States is quite _______________ to that of Canada. similar
4. The Canadian _______________ is largely bad on natural resources. economy
5. Environmental pollution ems to be an important _______________ in the increa in cancers all over the world. factor
6.The apartment will be _______________ on June first. available
7. The young popstar became famous while still in high school after winning a _______________ with a major record label. contract
8. Your continued lateness for class _______________ to me that you are not really a very rious student. indicates
9. Living in Berlin during the _______________ when the Berlin Wall was torn down was an unforgettable experience. period
10.. Some _______________ into cond language learning suggests that oral fluency may increa with moderate amounts of alcohol. rearch .
11. There are wind-surfers and kayaks _______________ for rent at the lake. available
12.条件英文 The planet Mars has a surface which is somewhat _______________ to that of our moon. similar
国际贸易专业研究生13. It could take weeks to _______________ all the data, but when we do, the results will be very helpful to our project. analyze
14. Spencer's father is doing _______________ into the melting of the polar ice cap in the Arctic. rearch
15. The boss was really excited when he heard we had won the _______________. contract
16. Here in British Columbia, it is not _______________ to ll cigarettes to people under the age of sixteen. legal
17. The low number of people attending the lecture is a clear _______________ of lack of interest in the topic. indication
18. Alcohol was a major _______________ in a car accident which claimed three lives over the weekend. factor
19. Canada's _______________ growth has been quite consistent for the last few years. economic
20.. Canada went through a _______________ of economic prosperity in the s. period .
山东高考分数线2014Exerci 2 U the appropriate forms of the words in the table to fill in the blanks
全新版大学英语综合教程4Environment | approach | finance | individual | policy |
sourcearch me | create | respond | benefit | legislation |
| | | | |
1. One of the _______________ of studying English in Victoria is that you have the opportunity to speak English outside of class. benefits
2. The cat slowly _______________ the bush where the mou was hiding. approached
3. A department store spokesman says that their new outlet will _______________ more than 75 permanent jobs in the city. create
4. The government recently pasd _______________ which prohibits tobacco advertising at sporting events. legislation
5. There are many things you can do in your everyday life to help protect the _______________, such as recycling or riding a bicycle. environment
6. The _______________ of the river is somewhere in the mountains. source
英语谜语及答案7. You must _______________ to our offer within 30 days or it will be withdrawn. respond
cheaper是什么意思8. The government has announced a special program to help _______________ new small business. finance
9. It is the _______________ of our government that no one should be without food or shelter. policy
10. The oldest _______________ to win a medal in the Olympics was Oscar Swahn, who won a silver medal in shooting at the age of 72.
11. The government is offering more programs which _______________ low income families. benefit
12. She _______________ her boss about getting a rai. approached
13. Celebrities generally receive so much fan mail that it is impossible to _______________ to each and every letter personally. respond
14. Victoria is generally a safe and friendly _______________ for foreign students to study in. environment
15. My father's company has been experiencing some _______________ difficulties, so they are going to have to lay off some staff. financial