Unit 16: China’s Culture
1. Expression from the exercis:
第五届中国国际民间艺术节the 5th China International Folk Art Festival
中国杭州2001西湖狂欢节the Hangzhou West Lake Carnival 2001
金秋硕果in this golden ason of autumn
在美丽的西子湖畔by the lovely West Lake
Fork art is the crystallization of human wisdom and experience which reflect the distinctive tastes and ntiments, social customs and mental outlook of the working people around the world.
各国民族文化的瑰宝 a treasure of national cultures
感受中国的蓬勃生机、巨大变化和美丽风光to get a first-hand experience of the great vitality, tremendous changes and beautiful landscape of China.
’99巴黎中国文化周China Culture Week Paris ’99
迈向21世纪的中国China marching toward the 21st century
文化古迹和艺术珍品cultural relics and masterpieces
jonathan kite代表中国文化精髓to reprent the esnce of China’s culture
北大方正电子排版系统the Founder’s electronic publishing system
当代中国陶艺modern Chine pottery
京剧服饰costumes of Peking Opera
中国编钟Chine chimes
all round
莫高窟复制品replica of the Mogao Grottoes
秦始皇陵出土的铜马车bronze chariots unearthed in the Qinshihuang mausoleum [.mɔ:sə'liəm]
中国历代服饰costumes of different dynasties in China’s history十二月英文缩写
青铜专家expert on bronzeware
建筑及城市规划专家expert on architecture and urban planning
编钟是中国古代使用的一种成套乐器Chimes are a ries of musical instruments ud by the ancient Chine
礼仪用乐器ritual musical instrument
青铜浇铸而成molded from bronze
共有5.5个8度音to have a wide range of 5.5 octaves ['ɔkteiv, -tiv]
发出两种不同的音调to produce two tones of pitches
古乐器advanced instrument – manufacturing technique
瑟the (a 25-stringed horizontal harp)
已有的英文笙the sheng (a 13-14 stringed Chine zither)
箫the (a Chine vertical bamboo flute)broadcaster
采用夸张、象征的手法并结合亮丽的色彩to adopt exaggeration and symbolic means coupled
with bright colors
步料考究,做工更是别具一格the materials are unique, so are the tailoring arts
八国联军the allied forces of the eight imperialist powers
裹脚to bind one’s feet
追求时尚to pursue fashion
穿三寸绣花鞋to wear small embroidered shoes
男人穿长袍马褂,留长辫子,女人是三寸金莲men wearing long gowns, mandarin jackets and long pigtails, and women walking with small bound feet
霓虹灯闪烁着“China”字样neon ads glimmering with “China”
香榭丽舍大道the Champs-Elyes A venue
2. Related Expressions
define实现中华民族的伟大复兴,不仅需要发达的物质文明,而且需要更先进的精神文明The revival of the Chine nation requires not only material advancement but also cultural progress.
实现这两个文明的协调发展,是我国社会全面进步的必由之路Coordinated material advancement and cultural development is the only way for the Chine society to make balanced progress.
我们的文学艺术工作者,在推进两个文明特别是精神文明的建设中肩负着重大的职责China’s writers and artists shoulder greater responsibility in the drive to achieve the material and cultural advancement, particularly the latter.
为发展经济、发展先进的生产力指引正确的方向,提供强大的智力支持to provide correct guidance and strong intelligent support for the economic development and help boost an advanced productive force
坚持追求真理、反对谬误,歌颂美善、反对丑恶,崇尚科学、反对愚昧to adhere to the truth, oppo falhood, eulogize the beautiful and the good, fight the evil, advocate science and oppo foolishness
尊重知识,尊重人才,真诚团结,充分信任和热情关心广大文艺工作者,积极营造良好的创作环境to r
espect knowledge and talent, sincerely unite and fully trust writers and artists, and create better working conditions for them
支持文艺工作者发挥个人的创造精神,施展聪明才智to encourage the creativity of literary and art workers so as to enable them to give fool play to their skills and knowledge
把握时代精神和人民的要求,认真严肃地考虑自己作品的社会效果to grasp the spirit of the era and the demands of the general public and give rious thought to the influence of their literary works on the society
激励人们团结奋进to inspire the people to unite and work hard
实现跨世纪宏伟蓝图to accomplish the grand cross-century blueprint
建设社会主义精神文明to promote socialist ethical and cultural progress
有中国特色的社会主义文化socialist culture with Chine characteristics
文化遗产cultural heritage
“二为”(为人民服务,为社会主义服务)to rve the people and the cau of socialism
决定着中国文艺和的性质和方向to determine / constitute the nature and orientation of China’s
A Practical Cour in Interpretation
art and literature
“双百”(百花齐放,百家争鸣)方针the principle of letting a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend
“古为今用,洋为中用”to make the past rve the prent and foreign things rve China
去粗取精to discard the gross and assimilate the esntial
推陈出新to weed through the old and bring forth the new
互相借鉴对方的经验to draw on / share each other’s experience
批判地吸收to assimilate sth. critically
我们已经不再使用文艺服从于政治的口号We have relinquished the slogan of subordinating art and literature to politics.
文艺不可能离开政治It is impossible to parate art and literature from politics.
抵御西方意识形态和国外腐朽文化的渗透to resist the infiltration of western ideology and decadent culture from abroad
抵御敌对势力对我“西化”、“分化”的图谋to resist the conspiracy by hostile forces to Westernize and split our country
旗帜鲜明地反对资本主义和一切剥削阶级的腐朽思想文化的侵蚀to take a clear-cut stand against the decadent ideological and cultural influences of capitalism and all exploiting class
树立精品意识to foster the awareness of creating excellent works
正确的舆论导向the correct orientation / guiding of public opinion
弘扬主旋律to promote the main / dominant theme of our times
以科学的理论武装人,以正确的舆论引导人,以高尚的精神塑造人,以优秀的作品鼓舞人to arm the people with scientific theories, guide them with correct public opinions, shape their outlook with noble / lofty ideas, and inspire them with excellent cultural works
广泛开展爱国注意、集体注意和社会主义教育to carry out extensive education in patriotism, collectivism and socialism.
在全社会发扬自尊、自信、自强的民族精神to enhance in the whole society the national spirit of lf-respect, lf-confidence and lf-reliance
两手抓,两手都要硬to promote socialist material and ethical progress simultaneously
两个文明一起抓to place equal emphasis on material advancement and ethical progress
大力加强社会公德、职业道德、家庭美德建设to vigorously advance progress in social mortality, professional ethics and family virtues
树立正确的世界观、人生观和价值观to foster the correct outlooks on the world, life and values 经受住权力、金钱、美色的考验to withstand the tests of power, money and xual temptations 社会主义、共产主义思想道德socialist and communist ideology and ethics
树立艰苦创业精神to foster a hard-working and pioneering spirit
社会效益和经济效益social effect and economic results
verify什么意思无私奉献精神(the spirit of) lfless dedication / devotion
挺身而出to step forward at the critical moment
中华见义勇为奖励基金the China Foundation for Heroism A ward
弘扬正气to encourage healthy trends
助人为乐to take pride / joy in helping others
尊重知识的良好风气 a healthy trend to respect knowledge
反对见利忘义、惟利是图to oppo the practice of forgetting what is right at the sight of profit, and being intent solely on profit
损公肥私、损人利己to ek private gains at public expens and harm others to benefit onelf 鄙薄革命艺术传统to despi / look down upon revolutionary art tradition
迎合低级趣味to pander to low tastes
远离群众实践to alienate onelf from the life of the general public
资产阶级自由化bourgeois liberalization / liberalism
危害青少年身心健康to damage the physical and mental health of youngsters
防止文化垃圾的传播to prevent the spread of cultural garbage
禁止格调低下、内容不健康的节目播出to prohibit programs with vulgar tastes and unhealthy contents
消除荧屏污染to eliminate screen pollution
扫黄打非to crack down on pornographic and illegal cultural products / to eliminate the sale and production of pornographic and illegal publications
非法CD生产线illegal CD production lines
通过仲裁的方法解决专利纠纷to ttle patent disputes through arbitrations
寻求法律手段解决问题to ek legal means to solve problems
知识产权审判庭IPR (intellectual property rights) tribunal
缺乏版权意识to lack copyright awareness
维护著作权拥有人的合法权益to protect the lawful rights and interests of copyright owners
纠正行业不正之风to rectify unhealthy tendencies in all professions
窗口行业trades and occupations rving as “windows”
人人为我,我为人人one for all and all for one
“希望工程”、“青年志愿者”和“手拉手”等活动activities like the “Hope Project”, “Y oung V olunteers” and “Hand in Hand”
三八红旗手woman pacemaker
开展“双学双比”活动to launch a learning and competing campaigncold是什么意思中文翻译
“五个一工程”(一本好书、一台好戏、一部优秀影片、一部优秀电视剧、一篇或几篇有创见的、有说服力的文章)the Five-One Program / Project (one good book, one good play, one good film, one good TV drama, and one or veral creative and persuasive / convincing articles)
千里边疆文化长廊工程the 5000-Kilometer Cultural Long Corridor along the Border
京九铁路文化列车计划the Program of Beijing-Kowloon Railway Cultural Train (['kaʊ'lu:n])
吸引更多的观众to attract greater audiences
产生轰动效应to produce nsational effects
丰富文化生活to enrich one’s cultural life
文化娱乐活动cultural and recreational activities
文化模式/素质cultural pattern / quality外语专业
主文化dominant culture
A Practical Cour in Interpretation
亚文化subculture / counterculture
社区文化、乡镇文化、广场文化、企业文化、校园文化等各类群众文化community culture, village and township culture, public square culture, enterpri culture, school culture and other mass cultures
文化基础设施cultural establishments / infrastructure
文化事业单位cultural undertaking / business
崇拜流行歌手to idolize pop singers
姐姐妹妹的梦想庙会temple fair
表演/ 舞台艺术performing art / stage art
义演charity performance
(歌手)假唱(of singers) lip-synch songs [move the lips in synchronization (with recorded speech or song)]
票房收入/记录box-office returns / income / record
宣布获奖者的名单to announce the recipients of … award
这里,我想就中国发展这个题目谈一些我的看法,希望有助于诸位对中国的了解Here, I wish to share with you some of my thoughts on the topic of China’s development, in the hope that it will give you a better understanding of my country.
尊重和保护文化多样性to respect and protect cultural diversity
平等应该是发展世界文化的根本宗旨Equality should be the fundamental of the development of world culture
促进人类文化的繁荣to contribute to the flourishing of culture of mankind
促进中国人民与世界人民的理解和友谊to enhance the understanding and friendship between the Chine people and the people around the world
促进社会进步,维护世界和平to promote social progress and maintain world peace
了解中国的今昔to learn about the past and prent of China
“东方巨龙”中国的神奇魅力the magical power of China, the Oriental Dragon
踏上中国的美丽大地to t foot on the beautiful land of China
中国是一个正在崛起的大国China is a rising power
中国疆域广阔、人口众多、历史悠久China is a country with vast territory, a big population and
a long history
中国人民的一些基本价值观念some basic values of the Chine people
逝者如斯夫!不分昼夜。The passage of time is just like the flow of water, which goes on day and night.
道虽迩,不行不至;事虽小,不为不成。No destination can be reached without taking a journey however short it is. Nothing can be accomplished without an effort however trivial it is.
博弈之交不终日,饮食之交不终月,势利之交不终年。惟道义之交,可以终身。Friendship made at chess playing cannot outlast the day; friendship struck up during wining and dining cannot outlast the month; friendship built on power and influence cannot outlast the year. Only friendship bad on morality and justice can last a lifetime.
儒家思想和道家学说的丰富内容the wealth of Confucianism and Taoism
孔子的《论语》The Analects of Confucius