Intermediate Questions — Mixed
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1) Compared to white win es, what temperature are red wines gen erally ferme nted at? 萄酒相比,红葡萄酒的发酵温度通常 正确!
a)Either higher or lower temperatures 较高或者较低
b)The same temperature 一样
c)Higher temperatures 较高
d)Lower temperatures 较低
2) Which stateme nt is true for high humidity? 下面哪一个关于高湿度的表述正确? 正确!
fopena)It helps vines grow becau of the moisture 因为湿润而有助于葡萄树生长
howhaveyoubeenb)It is necessary for cultivat ing high quality grapes 生产优质葡萄的必要条件
c)It can be the cau of vine dia 可能是葡萄树疾病的原因
d)It makes the grapes riper 让葡萄更成熟
3) Wlat is Cr e me de Cacao 什么是 Cr e me de Cacao 旺确!
a)A VDN天然甜葡萄酒
b)A Spirit 烈酒
c)A Liqueur 利口甜烈酒
d)A still light wine 静止轻酒体葡萄酒
4) Which of the followi ng pairs is CORRECTLYYatched? 下列哪个组合是正确的? 正确!
a)Graves and Gre nache. 格拉夫和歌海娜
b)Pomerol and Chardo nn ay. 波美侯和霞多丽
c)Rioja and San giove. 里奥哈和桑娇维塞
d)San cerre and Sauvig non Bla nc. 桑塞尔和长相思
5) Which one of the following is always a white wine?
a)Chi non 希农
b)Frascati 弗拉斯卡蒂
c)Primitivo 普米蒂沃
d)Vi nho Verde 绿酒
肯定句变否定句6) Which one of the following is a red wine? a)Chablis 夏布利 b)Soave. 嫂阿维 c)Albari?o 阿尔瓦里尼奥 | 下面哪一个是红葡萄酒? 正确 |
d) C?te- R?tie 罗第 | |
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7) A US state that produces lots of in expe nsive bulk wine is? 州是?正确!
a)Washi ngto n 华盛顿
b)Califor nia 加利福尼亚
c)Oreg on 俄勒冈
d)New York 纽约
8) To rve a bottle of sparkling wine safely, you will need to: 确!
1. Chill the wine 冰镇葡萄酒
服务起泡酒时,需要: 正
2.Twist the cork with your ha nd 用手转动软木塞
Cover the cork with your hand whilst removing it a)1 and 3 on ly
b)1,2 and 3
c)1 on ly
d)3 only
9)Which maturati on vesl has the greatest impact on the final flavour of the wine? 哪酥申
a)Stai nl ess steel tan ks 不锈钢罐
b)New French Oak 新法国橡木
c)Glass demijoh ns 短细颈的玻璃瓶
d)New America n Oak 新美国橡木
10)Which one of the following grape varieties would NOTripen properly if grown in a
cool-climate wine regio n? 下面哪一个品种在凉爽产区不能很好地成熟? 正确!
a)Sauvig non Bla nc 长相思
b) Gren ache | 歌海娜 |
c) Pin ot Noir | 黑比诺 |
| |
d) Chardo nn ay 霞多丽
11)Which one of the following is a white wine? 下面哪一个是白葡萄酒? 正确!
a)C?te - R?tie 罗第
b)Barolo 巴罗洛
c)Pouilly- Fume 普伊芙美
d)Chia nti Classico 奇昂第古典
12)Which one of the following grape varieties is prone to noble rot? 下面哪个葡萄品种容易
a)Chardo nn ay 霞多丽
b)Che nin Bla nc 白诗南
c)Gre nache 歌海娜
d)Touriga Nacio nal 国家杜丽佳
13)Which wine is not naturally sweet? 下面哪个葡萄酒不是天然甜的? 正确!
a)Beere nausle 逐粒精选葡萄酒
b)LBV Port 晚装瓶年份波特酒
d)Amo ntillado 阿蒙提拉多
14)Which of the following pairs is CORRECTLYYatched? 下面哪个组合正确? 正确!
a)Valpolicella and Pi not Noir 瓦波利切拉和黑比诺
b)Brouilly and Gamay 布鲁伊和嘉美
c)Puglia and Cabernet Fra nc 普利亚和品丽珠
d)Puligny-Montrachet and Sauvignon Blanc 皮里尼-蒙哈榭和长相思
15)The following three questions all relate to a mature Pommard. bra什么意思下面三个问题有关陈年的波
Which of the follow ing best describes the appeara nee?a)Medium garnet 中等石榴红色
b)Medium ruby 中等宝石红色
c)Pale tawny 淡红茶色
d)enough什么意思Deep purple 深紫色
16)On the no, the aromas would in elude: 闻起来,香气包括: 正确!民愤
a)Blackberries 黑莓
b)Bananas 香蕉
c)Mushroom 蘑菇
d)Lemon 柠檬
Which of the following best describes the body and tannin levels? 述酒体和单宁水平? 正确! BOD 丫酒体 TANNIN单宁
a)bookingMedium 中 High 高
b)Light 轻 Medium 中
c)Full 饱满 Low低
d)Medium 中 Medium 中
18)Which of the following pairs is CORRECTLYiatched? 下面那个组合正确?
a)Graves and Gre nache 格拉夫和歌海娜
b)Pomerol and Chardo nnay 波美侯和霞多丽
c)Rioja and San giove 里奥哈和桑娇维塞
d)San cerre and Sauvig non Bla nc ppc桑塞尔和长相思
19)Which one of the follow ing wines would ben efit from being slightly chilled? 萄酒适合轻微冰镇后饮用?
a)Haut- Me doc上梅多克
b)Valpolicella 瓦波利切拉
c)C?te - R?tie 罗第
d)承担的英文Chateaun euf-du-Pape 教皇新堡
21) Which grape is native to Argentina? 哪个是阿根廷本地品种? 正确!
a)Torro ntes 妥伦特斯
b)Che nin Bla nc 白诗南
c)Malbec 马贝克
d)Chardo nn ay 霞多丽
24)Which of the following grapes goes into Barbaresco? 哪个葡萄品种酿制巴尔巴莱斯克? 正
a)Mo ntepulcia no 蒙帕塞诺
b)Nebbiolo 内比奥洛
c)Caber net Sauvig non 赤霞珠
d)Pi not Noir 黑比诺