when i e you againasia pacific journal of marketing and logistics emerald article: do offline factors trigger customers appetite for online continual usage?: a study of online rervation in the airline industry 期刊名称: Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics
作者: Mohammad Ahmad Al-Hawari, Samar Mouakketendeavor>范晓虹
优路教育网年份: 2012年
期号: 第4期
关键词: Offline factors;Quality;Image;Trust;Online booking rvices;Customer
mvp是什么意思rvices quality;Consumer behaviour;Online access;Internet;United Arab Emirates
摘要:Purpo –Although many studies have analyd the impact of online factors on the online behaviour of customers', there is also a need to consider the influence of offline factors on customers' propensity for online rvices u. The purpo of this paper is to highlight how offline factors trigger online continual usage by customers' of airline e‐ticket booking
rvices.Design/methodology/approach –The paper propos a conceptual model
of the relationship between offline factors and customers' online continual usage behaviour. A convenient sample consisting mainly of undergraduate students was lected. The primary data were collected through a pencil‐and‐paper survey, and AMOS 18 was ud to test for the hypothesid relationships.Findings –The results revealed that employee‐