专利名称:Integrated birefringent-biad pressure and temperature nsor systemminglang
新年快乐英语怎么写发明人:William R. Rapoport,Janpu Hou
cay anthony
摘要:An integrated optical temperature and pressure nsor system that is birefringently biad. A broad band light source is transmitted via a fiber optic cable having a splitter, a collimator and a polarizer to a first birefringent bias element. The first birefringent element has a partially reflective coating to reflect back a portion of the light signal to the first polarizer to yield a first reflective modulated light that consists of temperature information irrespective of external forces. The non-reflected light continues to a cond birefringent bias element. The cond birefringent crystal provides additional birefringent bias to the light wave before the light wave enters an isotropic pressure nsor media. An external pressure applied to the nsor caus the light to experience stress-induced birefringence. The nsor compris a highly reflective surface which redirects the light back through the nsor, both bias crystals and the polarizer to yield a cond reflective modulated light spectrum. The splitter which directs a combined light spectrum comprising a portion of each reflected light spectrum to an opto-electronic interface where the intensity vs. wavelength signal is extracted by a CPU. The CPU performs a Fourier transform on the signal to reveal a first pha term at a lected frequency that relates to the temperature of the system and a cond pha term at a
different lected frequency that relates to the temperature of the system and the externally applied pressure on the nsor. Subtracting out the temperature term from the temperature and pressure term provides the pressure value.长沙英语培训
代理人:Verne E. Kreger, Jr.