
更新时间:2023-05-31 07:53:54 阅读: 评论:0

abrasion-Proof component of burner 燃烧器耐磨件arm-brace 撑脚
ash conditoner 调灰器
basket removal panel 元件盒检修护板
网络游戏开发培训BDV blow down valve 疏水阀,排污阀
blind 堵板
blind flange 法兰堵板/盲板法兰(盖calling 催交
campell diagram 叶片埃贝尔曲线
dado 墙裙
daily rvice fuel tank level switch 日用油缸液位掣
damage 损毁
learningenglishdamper 挡板
damper linkage 风闸联动装置
damper motor 风闸马达
damping mat 阻尼垫
dangerous earth potential 危险性对地电势dashpot 减震器
data transmission 数据传输
DC/AC converter 直流电/交流电转换器dead 不带电
dead weight 自重
decanter 沉淀分取器
declaration of conformity 符合标准声明decommissioning 解除运作;停止运作decompression chamber 减压室
decorative lighting 装饰照明;灯饰
deep bore well pump 深钻井泵
defect liability period 故障修理责任期;保用期
e businessdefectograph 钢缆探伤仪;故障检查仪defence in depth 纵深防御
definite quence 固定次序
deflection 偏转;挠度
deflector sheave 折向轮;导向轮
defrost timer 防霜时间掣defrost unit 溶雪组合
dehumidifier 抽湿机
deleterious substance 有害物质
delivery and return air temperature 送风及回风温度
delivery connection 出油接头
delivery pressure 输出压力
demand side management 用电需求管理demand side management agreement 用电需求管理协议
demand side management programme 用电需求管理计划
dent 凹痕
dental instrument 牙科仪器
dental scaler 洗牙具
Departmental Administration Division [Electrical and Mechanical Services Department] 行政部〔机电工程署〕Departmental Safety Unit [Electrical and Mechanical Services Department] 部门安全组〔机电工程署〕
deposition 沉积物
depth measuring facility 深度测量装置derating factor 额定值降低因子
derust 除锈
descale 清除氧化皮
design current 设计电流
design parameter 设计参数
designated employee 指定雇员
detachable grip 可拆除的夹扣
Details of Branch Offices of Registered Electrical Contractors 注册电业承办商分行详情申报
deterioration 变质;变坏
Deutsche Industrie Normen [DIN] 德国工业标准
device 器件;装置
dewatering 脱水;排水
diaphragm 膜片;隔板
dielectric strength test 电介质强度测试diel fuel tank 柴油燃料缸
diel oil 柴油
differential gasket 差速器衬垫differential lock 差速器锁
differential oil 差速器机油
diffur 透光罩;扩散器
dilute 稀释
dim sum trolley 点心手推车
dim transformer 光暗变压器
diminution of value 减值
dimmer 调光器;光暗掣;光暗器
dip tube 液位探测管
Diploma in Electrical Engineering 电机工程学文凭
深圳的翻译公司dipstick 量油尺
direct current [DC] 直流电
direct current control 直流控制
direct current electric drive 直流电电力驱动
direct current reactor 直流电抗器
direct drive 直接驱动
direct purging 直接驱气
direct-acting lift 直接驱动升降机
direct-fired vaporizer 明火直热式汽化器direction arrow 方向箭头
direction arrow plate 方向指示板direction indicator 方向指示器
Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services 机电工程署署长
Directory of Accredited Laboratories 认可实验所名册
Directory of Quality System Registration Bodies 品质系统注册团体指南
disasmble 拆散
discharge 放电;卸载
discharge lamp 放电灯;放电管
discharge lighting 放电照明设施discharge of electricity 释电;放电discharge valve 排水阀
disciplinary board 纪律审裁委员会disciplinary board panel 纪律审裁委员团disciplinary tribunal 纪律审裁小组disciplinary tribunal panel 纪律审裁委员团;纪律审裁委员会
discolouring 变色
disconnection 截断;截离
steam hamerring analysis 汽锤分析
steam packing unloading valve 汽封卸载阀steam purity 蒸汽纯度
steam al diverting valve 汽封分流阀steam al feed valve 汽封给水阀
steam water mixture 汽水混合物
steel bar 扁钢
steel supporting 钢支架
steel wire brush 钢丝轮
steel works 钢结构
step load change 负荷阶跃
still air 蒸馏气体
stirrup 镫形夹
stoikiometric ratio 化学当量比
t back是什么意思stopper 制动器、塞子
storage vesll 贮水箱
stppage alarm 停转报警
stranded copper cable 铜绞线电缆strength 强度
strong backs 支撑
stud bolt 柱头螺栓、双头螺栓
sub cooling line 欠热管
submerged arc welding 埋弧焊
substation 配电装置
substation island 电气岛
superficial corrosion 表面腐蚀superheat 过热度
supersaturation 过饱和
supervisory instrument 监测装置
supply transformer 供电变压器
support trunnion 支撑端轴

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