estcA behavioral model for mapping the genetic
园丁集architecture of gut-microbiota networks 期刊名称: Gut Microbes
作者: Libo Jiang,Xinjuan Liu,Xiaoqing He,Yi Jin,Rongling Wu口才训练视频
年份: 2020年
期号: 第11期
关键词: The gut microbiota;competition;cooperation;rule of thumb;network science;qtl
在线英语翻译中文摘要:The gut microbiota may play an important role in affecting human health. To explore the genetic mechanisms underlying microbiota-host relationships, many genome-wide association studies have begun to identify host genes that shape the microbial composition of the gut. It is becoming increasingly clear that the gut microbiota impacts host process not only through the action of individual microbes but also their interaction networks. However, a systematic characterization of microbial interactions that occur in denly packed aggregates of the gut bacteria has proven to be extr
emely difficult. We develop a computational rule of thumb for addressing this issue by integrating ecological behavioral theory and genetic mapping theory. We introduce behavioral ecology theory to derive mathematical descriptors of how each microbe
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