舵令wheel orders
信号旗signal flag
pressing提起锚Heaveaway the anchor
era是什么意思锚向如何how is the chainleadin g now?
操舵装置steering gear
舵角指示器 r udder indicator
舵反映灵敏 the rudder answer s well
磁罗经magnet ic compas s
港速Harb or speed
jackknife全速前进full ahead
微速前进dead slow ahead
左/右满舵hard to port/starbo ard
回舵ea the wheel
正舵Whee l amidsh ips
对准steer on=head on
保持……一致Keep ---in range
出口/进口船vesl outwar d/inward
准备好at Stand-by
雷达设置的测距是什么?What rangeis the radar t to?
12海里和2海里的距标圈Twelve mileswith two-mile division
河口Rive r mouth
防波堤The breakw ater
回声测深仪E cho-sounder
领航船The pilot boat
在右舷水面1米处放置引航梯Rig the pilot ladder on the starbo ard side,one meterabovethe water
救生圈Life buoy
撇缆Heav ing line
释放Let go
放锚walk the anchor back= pay out the cable
保持在刹车H o ld it on the brake
受力中等me diumweight
受力轻、重Sligh t/tightweight
抓底brou ght up
绞紧刹车并合上锚链棒S crewher up and put the bar
升锚球Hoist anchor ball
下班Stan d down
起锚Weig ht/heave/heave in/anchor
抛锚Payout/walk out/walk back/anchor 止住锚链Ch eck the cable
靠码头Get alongside
系浮筒moo r to buoy
急流Swift curren t
挽牢Make fast
系紧拖轮Se curethe tugs
头揽Head lines
尾揽ster n line
首横揽for wardbreast line
尾横揽aft breast line
前倒缆for wardspring
尾倒揽aft spring
码头whar f
突堤式码头p ier/mole/jetty
上风舷weather/windward side
下风舷lee side
逆风against the wind
顺风with the wind
gladys横风beam wind
风逆转win d is backin g
风顺转win d is veerin g
相对风向re lativ e wind direct ion
逆、顺流against/with the curren ts
横流abre ast curren t
潮汐流tid al curren t
移泊t of curren t
swift curren t
poor visibility
shifting berth
routin e inspection
Acuteshorta ge of
One prolon ged blast
Single up fore and aft
Steady on the shorechimne y
Moorin g boat
On bridge
Blow the engine
Fishin g boat
Turnin g point
NightOrder Book
Rush-repair of the main engine
To my reckon ing
PilotAnchor age
down by head
trim by stern
have a list to port/starbo ard
office r reliev ingflowerpot
office r relive
office r on watch/duty
pilot statio n
Change to Channe l12
How do you read me?
Call sign
Phonet ic Alphab et
Flamma ble
Corros ive cargo
Couldyou please arrange for a pilot to meet us there? Pilotladder
mother port
ship’s partic u lars
ship’s nation ality
length over-all
gross/net tonnage
drafts fore and aft
gangway ladder
port of depart ure
home port
Traffic Separa tionScheme
Deep draught lanes
I am at way point/point/report ing point/CIP
Transi tingthe Suez Canalthanks giving
boatman/bargem an/linesm an/signalman Northb oundconvoy
Separa tingdistan ce
Deep draft ships
Hand over….to
Collis ion Avoidance
head-on/over-taking/crossing situat ion
Let’s pass red to red
Wouldyou alter your course to starbo ard? cloquarte r/risk of collis ion/imminent danger s Plainlangua ge
Dereli ct
Zone time
contact point
port statecontro l
navigational aids
nautic al public ation s/charts
Sailin g Direct ions
Tide Table
operat ing instru ction s
lights and shapesphenomenon
Maneuv ering Characteris t ic Table
turnin g circle
bow and sternthrust ers
turnin g rate
smokedetect ors
fire-fighting appara tus
life-saving apparatus
Muster List
dry powerfire exting uishe rs
CO2 fire extingusher s carbon dioxid e the agent
xenosagaperiod ical check
fireme n’s outfit
breath ing appara tus
person al protectiveclothing safety lamp
life line
air bottle
bookletoutfit donnin g training
fire drill
accommodation quarte r s
The Fire Contro l Plan
weathe r-tight
automatic doors
genera l alarm
anti-frozen discharge cock
fire pump
the operat ional valve
poop deck
embark ation statio ns
emerge ncy escape routes
life jacket
thermal protectiveequipm ent line-throwing apparatus
pyrote chnic al signals
parach ute
embark ation deck
clutch test
davits and their foundations
eye plates
tensio n parts
immers ion suits
hydrostatic relea
weak line不寒而栗是什么意思
terror ism
workin g language