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黑龙江大学工程学报 Journal  of  Engineering  of  Heilongjiang  University
Vol. 12, N%.2+n. , 2021
DOI : 10. 13524/j. 2095-008x. 2021.02. 016
时间状语从句张晓红1,2a ,2b , Anatoly  N. Nikolaev 1,*
* , Alexey  I. Kolmogorov 1,戴长雷2a ,2b ,2c , *收稿日期:2021-04-13 %修订日期:2021-04-19
作者简介:张晓红(1991-),女,博士研究生,研究方向:冻土区生态水文研究。E-maa : z. xiaohong@ s-vfe. ru
*通讯作者:Anatoiy  N. Nikolaea (1968 -),男,教授,博士,博士研究生导师,研究方向:冻土区生态水文环境研究。已-血!: rector@
s-vfe. ru %戴长雷(1978-),男,教授,博士,硕士研究生导师,研究方向:寒区地下水及国际河流。E-maii : daichangeiT  126. cm
引文格式:张晓红,Nikomce  , AlexeL  Kolmovorve  ,等.俄罗斯萨哈(雅库特)共和国中部热喀斯特湖成因及发育规律[J ].黑
龙江大学工程学报,2021, 12(2): 1-6.
(1.东北联邦大学自然科学学院,俄罗斯雅库茨克677000; 2.黑龙江大学a.寒区地下水研究所;b.中俄寒区水文和
摘要:在全球不断变暖的大环境下,中国冻土区受气候影响而产生的各类结构性变化已经对 人类生活产生相应的负面影响,而位于俄罗斯西伯利亚地区的萨哈(雅库特)共和国面临同样的
借鉴俄罗斯对冻土的丰富研究,为我国相关研究提供思路。通过梳理相关资料,总结出雅库特 地区具有强大陆性气候,冬季寒冷漫长,年际温差大等气候特征。该地冻土区主要由于年气温 上升,活跃层厚度增加,导致土壤下陷,最终形成热喀斯特湖地貌(又称阿拉斯)。该地区有发
关键词:热喀斯特湖;阿拉斯;成因;发育规律;萨哈(雅库特)共和国中图分类号:P642. 25 文献标志码:A
文章编号:2095-008X (2021)02-0001-06
Genesis  and  development  law  of  Thermokarst  Lakes  in  the  central  of  the  Republic  of  Sakha (Yakutia) of  Russia
ZHANG  Xiao-Hong 1,2a ,2b , Anatoly  N. Nikolaev 1, * , Alexey  I. Kolmogorov 1 , DAI  Chang-Lei 2a ,2b ,2c , *
(1. Institute  of  Natural  Science ( North-Easter# Federal  University , Yakutsk  677000 Russia  % 2. Heilongjiang University  a. Institute  of  Groundwater  te  Cold  Regiof  % b. China  and  Ruslan  Coll  Region  Hydrology  and  Water Conrvancy  Engir^ering  Jofit  Laboratoro  % c. School  of  Hydraul
ic  and  Electro  Poger, Harbio  150080, China )Abstracl : WitO  the  global  warning, the  various  structural  changes  in  chine  frozen  soil  arevs  dux  to  climaOv  change  have  caud  neeativa  influence  on  human  life. The  Republic  of  Sakha  ( Yakutia) in  Sibeaan  of  Russia  faces  the  same  problem , the  development  of  Theanokarsi  Lakes  has  exe —ed  destaictiva  infuencc  on  teirito — development  reclamation  of  aaacultural  land  and  animal  husband — etc. in  the  study  aree. By  referencc  t  —ch  reerch  of  frozen  soii  aree  in  Russia, thoughts  were  provided  to  relevant  reerches  in  China. Through  combing  relevant  materials , it  was  summarized  that  tUx  climate  i  Yakutia  has  strong  continental  climatx, long  cold  wintee and  significent  interannuaO  temperature  diffm  etc. genesis. ThermokarsS  Lakes  landform ( Alas) is  mainOy  due
to soil subsidence as a result of incread thickness of permafrost active layer caud by temperature ri in frozen soil areas.In Yakuhv,the characteasticc of Theanokarst Lakes are of slow developmeni,chaotic distribution, vulnerability to the influence of geologic strncture and wide distribution etc.
Key words:Thermokarst Lakes;Alas;genesis;development law;the Republic of Sakha(Yakuho)
Biosphere evolution and dynamic climate changes have resulted in wiOespread perpetudy permafrost on the h1U whost total area is more tUan35X107km2. In the northern hemisphere,perpetudy permafrost is about2.1X10*km2,accounting for about22%of the land ard of the northern hemisphere^1*.In Russio, perpetudy permafrost accounts for65%of the turitory.It is wiOely distributed O Eastern Siberio and the Transbaikal reeion^2*.Sincc perpetudy permafrost is formed due to long-term cold climate conditions,the tmp4eatue4or p4ep4tua y p4emareott yay4e ayto gradudy ris with ccnstant globaO warming,as a resuOt of which the temperature ri wiO ldd to continuous deterioration of perpetudy permafrost.The dected perpetudy permafrost is characterized by high temperature of premafrost active layee,increed thickness of active layee,thinning of permafrost thickness,and reduction of overall aree)3*.
super modeCurrently,the temperature in north Russio has rising by  1.5〜2.0°C,in neerly80a,which wil l result in reduction of the aree of perpetutly permafrost.ItU estimated that the boundaro of perpetut l y permafrost in the south wil l shrink northward by ovee150〜200km2in the middle of21st century.Global climate change is al obrved within Yakuho.In recent100a,the monthly average temperature is Osing steadily.Furthermore,the overall rainfall al incresd insignificonUy⑷.
In thecoueteoroeeea&eeo&utson orpeemareott, thedynamscchangetorthawsngdepth ortosygeadua
y yead tothedeeeyopmentorTheemokaettLaket(whsch are referred to as&A"c”(pronounced&Alas')in the Republic of Sakha(Yakutio)).On the plains in ccumpoyae noeth eegson,Theemaykaett Laket (hereinaftee referred to as&Alas')is wiOely developed,accounting foe about20%〜30%)5t*.In Western SibSo,Alas phenomenon is ud as an indicatoe of climate warming.According to existing ttudyand data,theAyatphenomenon cauted bythe thawsng or peemareott sn the Repubysc or Sakha (Yakutio)wil l be more common with continuous climate warming^7*.
Ayatstchangsng notonyy th4t opogeaphy and
yandroem but ayto th4und4egeound and tuerac4 hydeoyogscaycondstsontsn p4ep4tua y p4emareott.Thst yadttoconttantchang4tor4coyogscay4neonm4ntor p4ep4tua y reoe4n tosy aeat,thut a r ctsng th4 construction and operation of projects in frozen soil ares8-10*.In recent yesrs,the emeraenco of Alas,the paetscuyaestyo0thedeeeyopment,the po t sbsysty o0 ute,and the ds r scuytt cauted to te e stoesay deeeyopmenthaeegeadua y becomeahottpotsn the ttudyorpeepetua y peemareott.
1Alts in ths Republic of Sakhs (Yakutio)
The Republic of Sakha(Yakutio)(hereinaftee referred to as&Yakutio')is the laraest administrative agio
n of the Russian Federation with a total ares of 3.1X105km2.The Yakutio is located in the northesst of SiOro,natural l y bordeang Laptee Ses and the East Sibeaan Ses in the north11*,as shown in Fio.1.The total length of coastline is more than4500km.Ovee 40%of the Ufitore of Yakutio is outside the Arctic C oec ye.W oth on the adm on ott eat oee eegoon,mountaont and platesus accounted for the maority of tOTitore,of which lower-lying aress account foe about30%.Most aress of Yakutio are covered by permafrost foe some hundred of yesrs,with only some scattered permafrost in the most southwestern aress)12*.The permafrost is as thick as300〜400m on average.In the mountainous ares of East Yakutio,there are485glaciere with a total ares of413km2.The particulae natural conditions and geoaI■aphical locetion bangs diversified natural conditions and resources to Yakutio.
1.1Climate characteristics and permafrost in
Yakutio has continental climate,with mill climate and relatively low annual rainH^13*.The wintee is cold and the average temperature in Januare is about -40C,or even below-60C in extreme wethee The wintee lasts from Noember to next yesr March but spang and autumn ae shot and summer is quite hot. The fluctuation of annual temperature con reach80C, making the ares one of the places with the highest
Fig.1Location map of the Republic of Sakha(Yakutia) annuol temperature diffeTeiicc on earth.Furthermore, the fuctuation of annuot temperatue in“cold pole”revions of Oymyakon and Verkhoyansk is more than 100e.
Th4e asp4ep4tua e yp4emaeeostb4n4ath th4aea. The summee heot thaws onty1〜2m of uppee soii.The maximum thawing depth occuts from late summee to Septembee.Basicelly,X1organisms are concena•ated on the thawed soii layer,or namely,the activa soii layer.Even if the surfacc temperature is high,the temperatuc of perpetuny permafrost w CI not exceed 0e.The perpetuny permafrost near the Yakutsk, the cepitat of the Republic of Sakha(Yakutia)is as thick a910〜15m with a9tabaetempeeatueeoebeaow -5e%the perpetualy permafrost in the central of the Republic is as deep as500m;in the north,the thicknes s cm be1000m or more,with a temperature that is much lower than-50°C.
Howewc,due to the vaCety of topooraphy in Yakutia,the characteristics of permalost arc X s。dCferent.The inter-alas train type with icc-rich deposits(with volumetric icc content of0.4〜0.6and up to0.8)is widely encountered in the continuous of permafrost zone.The tundra avecge gcund temperat
女生英文名大全带翻译势力是什么意思ures arc from-10to-12°C in the arctic tundra,from-8to-10°C in a typical,and from 一7to-8e in shrub tundra.The actiw layer thickness is0.2〜0.4,0.3〜0.5,and0.4〜0.6, respectively.Northern woodlands gcund temperatures vaiy from-6to一7°C in pre-tundra to from-4to -6e in typidl larch sparss woodlands.The active layer thicknrs varies from0.5〜0.7to0.6〜0.8m, respectively.Middle taiva gcund temperatures 7.06X0sivnificontly—[昭:昭from-2to-4°C in aaech and fem-1t-3e in pine-aaech feests, with active layer thicknrs of1-1.3m and1.4〜1.8 m,respectively.In frayments of the inter-alas type of te e ain in mountain tundea,the tempeeatuee ofthe geound ifeom-8to-11e,actieeaaeeethickne9 m0.5〜0.8m,and in mountain spar woodland, the9eeaaue9aeefeom-4to-8e and0.7〜1.2m, respectively14*.
1.2Genesis of Alas in central of Yakuha
Alas is a06010-10x1proces s and phenomenon due to thawing of undeegeound ice,chaeacteeieed be subsidence and ttlement oZ the terrain)15*.There are changing factoes in th4foemation and development oZ Alas,namely,heat balance and water balance16*.The influencing factors oZ formation and deeeaopmentaeemainaenatueaaactoesand man-made actoes,asdetaiaed in Tabae1.Theeeaeeanumbeeo0 dieeesiied Aaas,making itthe main phesicaaand geoaogicaapeoce s o0eoeen eock oemationsin mane areas oZ Yakutia.On the other hand,due to smal t wateeaeea%ft考公务员需要什么条件
hawed peemafe%st,thetheemaasteage capacite%fAaasdepee s in ishigh becau%faw refectivity17-8*.Therefore,solar radiation wilt accelerate the temprature ri in water tea and peemafeostbeneath it,and aasoacceaeeatethefoemation ofTheemokaestaakes.Thetheemaaconeection ofaake wateewi a cauthecontinuousthawingofpeemafeost beneath it and eventul l y form a thawing met19*.
ManeRu s ian scientistshaee been engaged in rearch oZ Alas in dCferent periods20*.The causa oZ formation oZ Alas con be explained as follows:Alas is foemed when peeenniaagaaciaa9oiathaw9foeceetain reasons21*.Since the thickness oZ permafrost in central Yakutia varies from100to450m)22*,Alas occuesin /ee/s with peeennia feeeeing/nd uneeen soia ttlement23*.Scnilar landforms oZ Alas also spread widely in North America.Alas in central Yakutia is a denamicstem caoaeeeaated tocaimatechange.The centeeofAaasisusua a ecoeeeed beaakes,su e ounded besteipsofswamps,meadows,gea s aand eegetation and coccsponding soils〔24-25*.AccoCing to the thickne s%fundeege%und ice,deeeapmentdepth%f Aaasis2〜30
• 4 -黑龙江大学工程学报第12卷
in  centrcl  Yakutio ^26*. F ot  example , it  accounts  foe  20% 〜30% in  ths  Lenc-Amec  basin 〔27*.
1. 3. 2 Stags  2 : Formation  of  lakes
Asacaod  oemotcaod  Aaasdepee s oon , the  developmenl  of  Ales  is  almosl  completely  dependenl  on  theundeegeound  oce  aa;e  e. The  matu  ee  stage  comes  when  the  icc  layer  is  completely  thawed. Thel  is , in  the  abnce  of  rund , the  thawed  icc  which  runs  through  subsided  depcssions  will  form  lakes  in  coniferous  forests  in  Yakutio. This  is  the  stags  2 of  formation  of  Ales , es  shown  in  Fio, 3. In  winUr , however , the  asonl l y  thawed  soil  layer  docs  nol
Influencing  factors
Reduced  thermcl  resistance
Incread  difference  betueen  . ..
西班牙语在线Incread  hecl  .
... Changed  drainage  conditions
of  soil  surface
rainfall  and  evaporation  capacity
Table  1 Changing  factors  and  in/uencing  elements  during  formation  of  Alas
Changing  factors
Change  of  water  balance
Climate  warming  %
Change  of  vegetation  coverage  %Incread  rainfall  %
Natual  factors Stronger  continental
alongMineralization  of  oryanic  layer  of  soil  %
Reduced  evaporation  %Diastrophism
Reduced  thickness  of  surface  layer Incread  snow  coverage
Mineralization  of  oryanic  layer  of  soil  %
Mand-made  factors Artificial  heat  source Damage  of  soil  cover Artificial  watering Surface  runot  water  storage
Removable  of  par- of  soil-soil  layer
1.3 Development  stages  of  Alas  in  centra)
1. 3. 1 Stags  1 : Sstlemenl  occurs
When  01x 030 turns  warmss , ths  perpetully  permafrost  starts  to  thaw  from  top. With  incread  asonable  thawing , an  inclination  is  formed  el  pieces  where  permafrost  contains  y  laree  amount  of  icc. Ths  stays  1 of  ths  formation  of  Ales-ths  ttlemenl  of  soil  is  showed  in  Fio. 2. Then , water  beeins  to  eccumulatc  in  ths  depression. Ths  dead  tress  still  exists  in  ths  originel  frozen  soil  layer , bul  will  disappeer  with  ths  increa  of  depth  of  ttlemenl. Ths  depression  will  expand  with  temperature  C s V 28*.
Fig. 2 Stage  1 of  development  of  Alas
integrate  with  perpetully  permafrost. With  pssayc  of  01110 and  constant  climate  changes , the  expansion  of  depression  boundary  slows  down. A  par- of  water  in  the  later-formed  lakes  evaporates  into  the  air  in  atmospheric  circulation , with  another  par- absorbed  by  the  thawed  soil  beneath  the  lake. At  this  sOtgc, depression  graduSly  forms  a  basin  and  a  laryc  amount  of  vegetation  began  to  grow  along  the  edgV 28 *.1. 3. 3 Stags  3 : Vegetation  covaragc
Duo  to  the  dominant  continental  0:11110, the  evaporation  is  greater  than  precipitation  in  Yakutio , resulting  in  gradual  thawing  and  stagnated  development  of  icc  layer  beneath  Alas. With  constanUy  incread  dmerencc  betueen  rainfall  and  evaporation , lakes  gradully  dry  up. At  this  time , Alas  deteriorates  into  perpetutly  frozen  soil  area  again  and  is  rc-covered  by  vegetation 〔28 * , as  shown  in  Fio. 4.
1. 4 Development  law  of  Alas  in  ceetrai  Yakutia
In  central  Yakutio , Alas  mainly  forms  in  a  zone  where  there  is  icc-cnd-snow  complea  on  land  surface , while  icc-cnd-snow  complex  is  the  geomorphic  foundation  of  the  central  Yakutio. This  landform  mostly  develops  in  periods  of  humid  01x 031:0 with  abundant  rainfal l  29 *. Under  cur re nt  conditions , duo  to  the  increasingly  arid  climate  in  central  Yakutio , the  development  of  Alas  has  slowed  down  significonUy ^30*.
The  number  of  alascs  in  Central  Yakutio  reaches  16 000 woth  /n  /ee/o f  4 400 km 1 2. The  depth  of  ondoeoduaaAaaaeoes  eom  2 to30 m.In  centeaa  Yakutio , Alas  is  distributed  disorderly , with  special  soil , meadow  vegetation , microclimate  and  fauna. Mo9tdeeeaoped  Aaa9o  acao9ed  e a optocaaoecoecuaae  basin , with  a  slops  angle  of  45° 〜70° and  a  slops  height  of  15 〜60 m  vt  higher  in  general.
Fo-etampaetheChu  apchaaeaoschaacteoeed  by  an  almost  flat  surface  at  about  180 〜200 m  above
Fig.3Stage2of developmenl of Alas
Fig.4Stage3of developmenl of Alas
level with Thermokarst depressions(alas,with a eeatieedepth ofabout7〜8m)peemafeostdepth of12〜14m,which ieatadepth of2.2〜2.3m beowthe sueface.Fie&d measu eements the width ofthe uppee paets of peemafeost eaeies feom  1.5to  3.0m. Subsidence eate ofthis aeea was estimated a
In addition,theintensiteofchangeofwateeaeeea change in Aaas is ineeeae peopoetionaa to the ampaitudeoftempeeatueein summee.In deoughteeaes,eeapoeation ofAaasaakesis2〜10timesthatofthe eainfa a.ThesieeofAaasdependson thethickne s of theundeegeound iceaaeeeand eock composition etc.Its aength and width aaso eaee with disteibution ofthe undeegeound peemafeostaaeeewhich maeaetend foe veral kilometers.In Yakutia,most Alas is dCtributed in Myuryu,Tyungyulyu,Mayy,Syrdakh, Chuea,Cheaaand otheepaace9.
The perpetuity permafrost area in Yakutia is /f ected by the caim/te.With constntay incee/d thickne s ofthe/ctieeayeeofpeem/feost,thesoia continues to sink.Afer two development stayes,the Alas(lake)is ycduX l y formed.Furthermore,varied thickne9ofpeemafeo9taayeeaaoconteibute9towide chaotic dCtribution oZ Alas in Yakutia.The size oZ the aandfoem isgeeatayinfauenced bygeoaogicaasteuctuee.
The Yakutia is located on the worldf laryest peemafeo9taeea,with dominantcontinentaacaimate. SincethedeeeaopmentofAaa9i becomingmatuee, 9teengthened ee9eaech on theAaa9in thi eegion i
not only helpful to scientific and theoretical study ot Chine aeid eegions which aee aaso aocated in peepetua a ypeemafeostaeeawith significantcontinentaa caimate,but aaso peoeides eefeeences foe the deeeaopmentand utiaieation ofsuch aandfoem in China.
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