too to高原高寒地区混凝土冬季施工技术分析与研究
作者:***nancy grace
走遍美国mp3下载 摘; 要:本课题以青海花石峡至久治高速公路10标项目为依托,对高原高寒地区混凝土冬季施工技术进行研究,提出包含配合比确定、外加剂(防冻剂)选用、原材料预热、混凝土运输保温、混凝土浇筑温度控制和保温养护在内的施工技术,旨在为实际施工提供技术参考,保证施工质量。
17作业网英语>catti二级 Abstract: Bad on the 10th Standard Project of Huashixia-Jiuzhi Expressway in Qinghai Province, this paper studies the winter construction technology of concrete in the alpine area of the plateau. This paper puts forward the construction technology including de
debitbrink>ai himenotermination of mix ratio, lection of admixture (antifreeze), preheating of raw materials, concrete transportation and heat prervation, concrete pouring temperature control and heat prervation maintenance, in order to provide technical reference for actual construction and ensure construction quality.