Prefixes in English
Antipathy - a strong XXX dislike
Anti- - against
Antitank - designed to destroy XXX
n - the u of machines to do work
prayer是什么意思Auto- - lf。personally
Autocriticism - the act of criticizing onelf
Co- - XXX
n - the act of working together
Dislike - a XXX not liking somethingjustus
Disorder - a state of XXX
Dis- - not。opposite of
Dishonest - not honest。XXX
Disremember - to et
anize - to cau to fall apart
英语口语成绩查询Disrobe - to take off one's clothes
Disburden - to relieve of a XXX
Disprai - XXX
fort - a XXX
Disroot - to remove completely
Disarm - to remove weapons from
Discolor - to cau to lo color傀儡是什么意思
n - the automatic n of an object
Cooperate - to work XXX
Disagree - to have a different n
Disbelieve - to not XXX
Antiaging - XXX
suffixAutograph - XXX
Antifreeze - XXX
Dis- - added to words that XXX。intensifying their meaning
Dispart - XXX divide
Disct - to cut apart
Dispen - to distribute
Dispirit - XXX
Entrain - to board a train
En- - added to verbs to indicate placement。ascent。or n
Enplane - to board a XXX
Enthrone - XXX XXX
En- - to make or cau to be。to bring about a certain state
Enlarge - to make something bigger
En- - ud to indicate using something or adding something for XXX
Enchain - to bind with chains
Dispel - to drive away or make disappear
Divorce - to legally end a marriage
Encage - to put in a cage
Encave - to hide in a cave
XXX - to place in a XXX
Endanger - to put in danger
Enrich - to make rich or XXX
Enlace - to tie or bind with a XXX cord
Disver - XXX divide
Dissolve - XXX
En- - added before verbs to XXX inside something
Enclo - XXX
Enkindle - to start a fire
Illegal - XXXries
Il- - added before words that XXX abnce
Illimitable - without limits
Il- - added before words to XXX
Illustrate - XXX explain something
Immigrate - to move to a new country to live permanently
Import means XXX.
XXX means to light up or XXX.
Impossible means something that cannot be done or XXX desire to do something.
XXX means something that is very old and cannot be XXX.
In- means not。without or opposite of。parable means something that cannot be compared to XXX justice.
XXX inner part of something。Inbreak means to XXX to the amount of something that is XXX.
Inter- means een or among。XXX means to write or inrt something een lines。XXX means to exchange or swap something。XXX.
不用谢的英文XXX XXX means to make a mistake or error in XXX to the human species。Nonage refers to a d of being underage。Nonaligned means not aligned with any particular group or party。XXX means the failure to pay for something.