Product Series
Cleansing ries
1. 洁面膏Skin milk cream 2.洗面奶Facial cleanr 3. 洁盐粉salt cleansing powder 4. 黄色书籍洁面啫喱/凝胶Cleansing Gel 5. 卸妆油/液makeup remover oil/liquid 6.洁面泡沫玄孙>英文翻译网 cleansing foam
Water Series
1. 柔肤水eventuallySmooth toner(中干肌肤) 2. 爽肤水Toner 3.营养水Nutritive water(中性肌肤)4.花卉水Floral Water 5.化妆水Toning Lotion
Peeling Series
1.去角质霜peeling Cream 2.去角质粉peeling Powder 3.去角质水peeling water 4. 去角质啫喱/凝胶peeling Gel
Massage Series
1. 按摩膏Massage Cream 2.按摩啫喱/凝胶Massage Gel 3.按摩乳Massage Lotion
Esnce Series
1、淡斑精华素Dilute spot esnce;2、美白精华素whitening esnce;3、平皱精华素Wrinkle filler esnce;4、舒敏精华素Ea Allergy Esnce;5、防敏精华素Prevent Allergy Esnce;6、补水精华素water replenishing esnce
Cream ries
1.淡斑膏dilute spot scream 2.嫩白霜Whitening cream 3.平皱霜Wrinkle filler cream 4.抗冻疗肤霜Antifreeze treatment skin cream 5.防敏霜Prevent Allergy cream 6.补水霜Moisturizing cream 7.出水霜water cream 8.高效保湿霜efficient moisturizing cream 9.滋润膏moisturizing cream 10.抗螨特效膏anti-mite effects cream 11. 润肤霜Moisture Cream
Sunscreen Series
1.防晒霜Sunscreen Cream 2.防晒乳Sunscreen Lotion 3.防晒喷雾Sunscreen Spray 4.晒后修复乳/啫喱After sun repair milk/gel
Eye Series
1.眼部卸妆液Eye makeup remove liquid 2.眼部按摩膏 Eye Massage Cream 3.眼部按摩油英语翻译软件Eye Massage oil 4.眼部抗皱精华素Eye Anti-Wrinkle Esnce 5.眼部去黑眼圈精华素Esnce to remove black rim of eye 6.眼部去眼袋精华素 Esnce to remove pouch of eye 7.眼部提升精华Esnce to upgrade eye 8.全效眼霜 All Effects eye mask9.去皱眼霜Anti-wrinkle Esnce for eye 10.去眼袋霜 cream to remove pouch of eye 11.紧致眼霜Firming Eye Cream 12.去黑眼圈眼霜cream to remove black rim of eyeaqf
Mask Series
1.面膜膏Mask Cream 2.镇静冰晶膜poi gel mask 3.软膜粉Soft mask powder4.精华素面
膜贴Esnce Mask Paste 5.海藻膜Seaweed Mask 6.花瓣面膜Petal Mask 7.矿物泥膜Mineral mud mask 8.热膜粉Heating mask powder 9.冰膜粉refrigerant mask powder 10.中药软磨粉Chine Medicine Soft Membrane Powder 11.唇膜Lip Mask 12.睡眠面膜Sleep Mask 13.果冻啫喱膜粉Jelly gel membrane powder
Washing care Series
1.modu多效洗发水/啫喱multi-effect shampoo/gel 2.去屑洗发水anti-dandruff shampoo 3.沐浴露body lotion 4.洗手液hand washing 5.沐浴油Bath Oil 6. 沐浴盐Bath Salt 6.沐浴啫喱 Bath Gel
Hand and foot Series
1.泡足粉food soak powder 2.足部按摩油Foot Massage Oil 3.手部按摩Hand Massage Oil4.清爽按摩油Refreshing massage oil 5.足膜 Foot Mask 6. 手膜(手霜)Hand mask(hand cream)
Make-up Series
1.卸载油Make-up remove oil 2.化妆水makeup water 3.粉底液liquid foundation 4.散粉 Loo powder5.遮瑕膏Concealer 6.腮红Blusher 7.眉笔eyebrow pencil 8.眼线膏eye liner cream 9.唇彩Lip brilliant 10.唇膏 Lip cream 11.眼影 eye shadow
Esntial Oil
A 单方精油Unilateral Esntial Oil
1.玫瑰Ro 2.茉莉Jasmine 3.薰衣草Lavender 4.洋甘菊Chamomile 5.茶树Tea 6.依兰Ylang 7.檀香sandalwood
B 复方精油compound esntial oil
1.内分泌调节精油Endocrine regulate esntial oil 2.卵巢保养精油Ovarian Prerved esntial oil 3.丰胸精油Breast Enhancement esntial oil 4.纤体精油slimming esntial oil 5.肾部保养精油Kidney maintenance esntial oil 6.去黑眼圈精油Esntial oil to remove black rim of eye 7.敏感修复精油Sensitive restoration esntial oil 8.美白淡斑精油Whitening dilute spot esntial oil9.健胸精油等Breast healthful esntial oil
C.基础油Ba Oil
1.荷荷巴油Jojoba oil 2.橄榄油Olive oil 3.小麦胚芽油Wheat germ oil 4.芦荟油booth是什么意思Aloe oil 5.甜杏仁油等Sweet almond oil, etc.