晚餐的英文Cour outline
Basic scientific English
Introduction to chemistry
绯闻女孩第6季Inorganic chemistry
Organic chemistry
Physical chemistry
Analytical chemistry
Rearch methods and related equipments Academic communication
Miscellaneous (green chemistry, bio…video)
Atomic Structure
This atom is ELECTRICALLYoldland
NEUTRAL becau there are two
protons, +2, and two electrons, -2, thus
意大利语学校the overall charge is zero [(-2)+2=0].
The number of neutrons in the nucleus
does not matter becau they have a
neutral charge! (+0).
If this atom were to lo or gain an
electron it would then become an ION,
and would then obtain an overall
brightestCHARGE. If the atom lost an electron, it中考真题
would have an overall charge of +1 and
become a positively charged ion, also
known as a CATION. If the atom gained
an electron, it would have an overall
教师节英文怎么写charge of -1 and become a negatively
charged ion,also known as a ANION.
If this atom lost or gained a neutron is
would become an ISOTOPE.