怎样学韩语(1)采用化学热力学平衡分析方法,借助于HSC chemistry 5.1软件,计算分析了473~2000K温度范围内,0.1MPa压力条件下,不同系统在不同烟气氛围中,不同氯浓度时汞的形态分布,并重点讨论了在多种痕量金属或者碱金属同时存在的情况下对汞氧化的影响,结果显示金属之间存在对Cl 的竞争反应,多种金属混合物共存时HgCl2只有在高氧环境下才有少量的生成
(2)在多功能管式炉台架上进行实际燃煤烟气中汞氧化的实验研究,通过改变原煤中Cl含量以及添加金属等不同实验条件,测试烟气中的HCl和SO2成分以及汞氧化的比例。结果显示金属碳酸物的加入后汞的氧化率从86%降低到22%左右,这个过程中HCl的释放量有较大的减少。脱Cl燃烧后烟气中汞的氧化比例也降低到只有7%和10%,因此认为Cl 对汞的氧化起主导作用,而金属的加入使汞氧化受到了很大的抑制。
The wide u of coal has led to rious air pollution in China. In addition to common pollutants such as SO x, NO x and CO2, mercury has received increasing concern around the world in recent years. The oxidization of Hg0to Hg2+ during or after coal combustion is believed to be an effective way for controlling mercury emissions. However, the underlying mechanisms of mercury transformation during combustion are not very clear up to now. The prent thesis investigates the effects of alkali and alkaline metals, such as Na, K, and Ca, and Cl on Hg oxidation through experiments and thermodynamic simulations. The results are very helpful to both prediction of Hg transformation and control of Hg emissions from coal combustion. The work involved in this thesis is as follows:
(1)Various models of chemical and thermal equilibrium are ud to predict chemical species of Hg in the coal combustion flue gas. The software ud is HSC chemistry 5.1, the temperature range is from 473K to 2000K, and the pressure is 0.1MPa. Calculation models are bad on different flue gas compositions, and different Cl concentrations. Possible reactions in different models are predicted. The emphasis is the combined effects of trace and alkali metals on Hg oxidation. The results show that only a small amount of HgCl2 is generated in the oxygen-rich environment.
(2)The experimental study of oxidation of mercury in real flue gas has been carried out. By changing the contents of Cl and metals in the coal before combustion, the concentrations of HCl and SO2 in the flue gasare measured. The results show that after the addition of metal-carbonates, the proportion of oxidized Hg decreas from 86% to about 22%. At the same time, the detected HCl has a significant decrea in concentration. The oxidized Hg in the flue gas from combustion of the washed coal samples undergoes a reduction to only 7% and 10%, respectively. Therefore, Cl is considered to play a dominant role in the oxidation of mercury, while the addition of metals could greatly suppress the oxidation of mercury.
Keywords: Coal combustion; Oxidation of Mercury; Chemical and thermal calculation; Metal; chlorine
摘要 .................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。Abstract ............................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
1 绪论 (1)
1.1 燃煤中汞污染与防治研究的背景与意义 (1)
1.2 燃煤过程中汞释放的研究现状 (2)centrifuge
1.3 本课题的主要内容 (8)
2 燃煤烟气中汞的氧化及其影响因素 (11)
2.1 汞的形态转化的研究意义与研究进展 (11)
2.2 电站锅炉汞排放特性的测量方法 (14)vcd是什么意思
personal statement 范文
可笑的英文2.3 氯元素以及烟气对汞氧化的影响 (18)
2.4 金属化合物对汞氧化的影响 (20)
2.5 本章小结 (22)
3 汞氧化的热力学模型预报 (23)
3.1 热力学平衡分析原理 (23)
3.2 研究方法 (27)
3.3 结果分析与讨论 (28)
3.4 本章小结 (33)
attentionplea4 管式炉实验研究与分析 (35)
4.1 实验装置以及实验简介 (35)
4.2 结果与分析 (39)
4.3 本章小结 (51)
5 总结与建议 (52)
5.1 全文总结 (52)
动漫 培训5.2 下一步工作建议 (53)
致谢 (55)
参考文献 (56)
fish1 绪论
1.1 燃煤中汞污染与防治研究的背景与意义
1.1.1 燃煤中汞污染概述
1.1.2 燃煤汞释放对环境和人体的影响
大气中汞的本底含量为1~10ng/m3。我国规定居民区大气汞的最高允许含量为300ng/m3。Chu P[5]等人研究,目前全球人为源的汞散发量约4000t/a,1995 年中国燃煤大气排汞量为213.8t ,约占总量的5%。自1978 年至1995年,燃煤大气汞排放量的年平均增长