but now 刚刚
but that 若⾮
but then 但另⼀⽅⾯
but 但是
butadiene 丁⼆烯
butane 丁烷
butch haircut 平头
butch 男性化的
butcher knife 屠⼑
butcher 屠夫
butcherbird 伯劳鸟
butcherly 如屠夫地
butchery 屠场
butler 仆役长
butler's pantry 餐具室
butt and butt ⼀头接⼀头
butt in 插⼿
butt into 插⼿于
butt 粗⼤
butte 孤丘
butter bean 棉⾖
butter biscuit 奶酥
Butter to butter is no relish 千篇⼀律的东西使⼈厌烦butter 黄油
butter-and-eggs 蛋黄草
butter-tonsiled 能说会道的
butterball ⼩鸭的⼀种
butterboat 船形酱油碟
butterbur 蜂⽃菜
buttercup ⽑茛科
buttered toast 奶油⼟司
butterfat ⽜奶脂肪
butterfingered 易滑掉的
butterfingers 容易掉球的⼈
butterfish 溜滑的鱼
butterflies in the stomach 神经质的发抖
butterfly stroke 蝶泳
butterfly table 桌⾯可放的桌⼦
butterfly 蝴蝶
butterine ⼈造奶油
buttermilk 酪乳
butterscotch 奶油糖果
butterwort 捕⾍堇
buttery hatch ⼩窗⼝
buttery ⾷品室
buttock *
buttocks 臀部
button down 弄清楚
button face 按钮字体
button highlight 按钮突出
button man ⽖⽛
button mold 包钮
button shadow 按钮阴影
button text 按钮⽂字
button up one's lip 保守秘密
有志者事竟成 英语button up one's mouth 保持沉默
button up 扣住
button 按钮
button-down 领尖有钮扣的
button-on ⽤钮扣扣上去的buttonholder 强留⼈谈话者buttonhole stitch 镶边的针脚buttony 钮扣状的
buttress up ⽀持
buttress 扶壁
butty 伙伴
butyl 丁基
butylene 丁烯
butyrate 丁酸盐
butyric acid 丁酸
butyric 奶油的
buy a pig in a poke 瞎买东西buy back 产品返销
buy in 买进
buy into 买进
buy it 放弃
buy off 收买
buy on tally 赊购
buy out 出钱放弃
buy over 收买
buy time 争取时间
buy up 全买
buy 买
buy-back 产品返销buyable 可买的
buyer 买主
buyer's market 买⽅市场buyers' market 买⽅市场buyers' strike 罢买
buzz about 跑来跑去
buzz off 匆忙离去
buzz saw 电动⼩圆锯
buzz ssion ⾮正式讨论会Buzz Words ⽆意义的字buzz 嗡嗡声
buzzard 秃鹰
buzzer 蜂⾳器
buzzwig 厚假发
BVDs 内⾐
by a finger's breadth 差⼀点by a long way ⼤⼤地
by a neck 以微弱差距
by accident 偶然
by air 通过航空
by airplane 搭飞机
by all accounts 据⼤家所说by all appearances 显然
by all means 尽⼀切办法
by analogy ⽤类推的⽅法by and by 不久以后
by and large ⼤体上
by any chance 万⼀
by any means ⽆论如何
by any possibility 可能
by appointment 按照约定by bicycle 骑脚踏车英语自我介绍 考研面试
by birth ⽣来
by bus 坐公车
by car 坐汽车
by chance 偶然
by choice 出于选择
by comparison ⽐较起来
预测by compulsion 强迫地
by contraries 相反地
by correspondence ⽤写信的办法by cour of 照常规
sing along songby courtesy of 好意
by courtesy 礼貌起见
by date 按⽇期
by day 在⽩天
by daylight 在⽩天
by degrees 逐渐地
by design 故意地
by dint of 借助
by easy stages 从容不迫地
by error 错误地
by estimate 估计
by fair means or foul 不择⼿段地by far 迄今
by file attributes 按⽂件属性
by file type 按⽂件类型
by fits and starts 间歇地
by fits 间歇地
by force of 由于
by force 强迫地
by free gift 作为免费赠品
decide的名词fromthenonby good luck 侥幸地
by guess and by god 瞎猜
by guess 推测
by halves 不完全地
by hand ⽤⼿
by head and shoulders 蛮横地by heart 熟记
by hook or crook 不择⼿段
by hook ⽤尽⽅法
by inch of candle 通过拍卖
by inches 缓慢地
by leap and bounds 飞跃地
by leaps and bounds 飞跃地
by lea 以租借⽅式
by letter 以书信⽅式
by main strength 全靠⼒⽓
by means of 依靠
by motorcycle 骑摩托车
by my faith 我担保
by my troth 我保证
by name 按名称
by nature ⽣来
by night 在夜⾥
by no means of 决不
by no means 决不
by now 到如今
by ones and twos 零零落落地
by onelf 单独
by path 按路径
by plane 搭飞机
by reason of 由于
by reason that 因为
by right of 由于
by rights 正当地
by road 由公路
by rote 死记硬背
by rule and line 准确地
by rule 按照规则地
by a 由海路
by size 按⼤⼩
by some means or other ⽤某种办法
by spells 断断续续地
by stages 分阶段地
by stealth 偷偷地
by taxi 坐计程车
by the agency of 经介绍
by the book 按常规
by the day 按⽇
by the finger of God 靠神⼒
by the holy poker ⼀定
by the hour 按钟点
by the job 计件
by the left hand 私⽣
by the light of nature 本能地
by the name of 名叫
by the numbers 系统地
by the piece 论件
by the river 在河边
by the same token 出于同样原因
by the a 在海边
by the side of 在附近
by the square 恰好地
by the stern 船尾吃⽔深地
by the strong arm 强制地
by the strong hand 强制地
by the sweat of one's brow 靠⾃⼰⾟勤劳动by the way 顺便
by then 到那时为⽌
by this time 到现在