安装高程 tting elevation
安全阀 safe valve
安装图 wiring layout Installation diagram
按合同 in accordance with contract
布置图 arrangement plan
比转速extreme specific speed
比例增益 proportional gain
补气 air admission air supply
补气装置 air supply device
电压器 transformer
bbc 纪录片本图只供电站设计时参考 this drawing is for design reference
备用16件 spare parts 16 pieces
标准件 standard components
不可调式水力机械 non-regulated hydraulic machinery
冲击式水轮机 impuls turbine
操作架 crosshead
初生空化系数 incipient cavitation factor
初始压力 initial pressure
尺寸图 dimensional drawing
××尺寸暂定 the measurements of ×× is tentative
出厂 workshop
初步设计 preliminary design
侧视 Side-view
测速装置 speed nr
测压管 pipe of measuring pressure
测频单元 frequency nr
厂房地平 ground
导水机构 distributor
垫圈 washer
顶盖 headcover top cover
底环 bottom ring
导水机构 distributor
导叶 guide vane
导叶臂 guide vane lever rocker arm
导叶连杆 ~ link
导叶过载保护器 ~ overload protection device
导叶止推轴承 ~ thrust bearing
导叶轴承 ~ bearing
导叶轴 guide vane shaftbitblt
导叶销 guide vane pin
导叶轴套 guide vane bushings
导叶轴密封 ~ stem al
导叶端面密封 ~ end al
导叶立面密封 ~ al
导叶限位块 ~ stop block
导叶接力器 individual ~cur什么意思
导轴承 guide bearing
导叶轴压盖 the gland of guide Vane shaft
导流盖 diversion cover
导流部分 diversion part
大气压 atmospheric pressure
电机 motor
低压力 under pressure
调查报告 report of investigation
电液调速器 electro-hydraulic governor
电液转换器/电液伺服electro-hydraulic transducer/rvovalve
低压机组 LV units
电源 electricity supply
电压 voltage
电流 current
(主)断路器 (main)circuit breaker
地脚孔 anchor bolt hole
地钩 fixation hook
地脚螺栓 foundation bolt
吊环螺钉 lifting eye screw
吊环 rings
吊钩 lift hook
镀锌管 galvanized pipe
电站预埋 embedded by power station
电站配割焊 welding and cutting
电站自行设计 designed by power station在职mba班
电站自备 power station lf-provided
丁氰橡胶 thiakol rubber
单耳止动弹圈 one ear stop spring coil
灯泡式水轮机 bulb turbinehalf on a baby
蝶阀 butterfly valve
额定 rated
峨眉山市驰骋机械Emeishan Chicheng Machinery Co.,Ltd
二期混泥土 Second Concrete
反击式水轮机 reaction turbine
分半键 split key
飞逸 runaway speed
飞逸特性曲线 runaway speed curve
分段关闭装置 step closing device
辅助接力器 auxiliary rvomotor
辅助设备 auxiliary equipment
封面 surface plot
负载 on load
辅助常闭 auxiliary normally clo
封水座 al block (pedestal of al water)
封水装置 al water devi
发电机出风道 generator vents
方向自定 direction customid
方头短圆柱锥端紧定螺钉 square t screws with short dog point and cone end
放水阀 drain valve
放水旋塞 drain cock
放水管盖 offlet cover
发电机 generator
孤立运行 isolated operation
工作油压 operating oil pressure
工作油压上限/下限 upper /lower limit of operating oil pressure
功率(表) power(meter)
工况 operating condition
固定导叶 stay vane
固定盘 fixed plate
贯流式水轮机 tubular turbine
工程竣工图 completion drawing
规范 Specification
盖形螺母 cap nut
钢 steel
钢垫 steel liners
钢背复合自润滑材料 steel backing composite lf-lubricating material
管路部分 pipe ction
混流式水轮机 Francis turbine
蝴蝶阀 butterfly valve
缓冲装置 damping device
缓冲器 dashpot
缓冲装置时间常数 time constant of damping device
电气缓冲 electrical damper
焊接 welding
后盖板法拉第常数 back cover
回油箱 oil sump tank
接力器 rvomotor
接力器行程 rvomotorst roke
接力器最短关闭时间 minimum rvomoter closing time
机坑里衬 pit liner
接管 connecting pipe
径向力 radial force
机械效率 mechanical efficiency
绝对压力 absolute pressure
加权平均水头 weighted average head
净水头 net head
进水管 water inlet
进人门 mandoor
检修密封 stand still al
剪断销 shear pin
基础环 foundation ring
机组 unit
技术设计 technical design
机械液压调速器 mechanical hydraulic governor
截止阀 globe valve
减压板 decompression plate
接地栓 grounding spigot
我想你日语静态特性 static characteristic
加速时间常数 derivative time constant
可调式水力机械 regulated hydraulic machinery
美国英语语言学院可调油轴承 adjustable oil bearing
控制环 regulating ring
抗磨板 facing plates
抗磨滑块 wear slider block
空化 cavitation
空蚀 cavitation erosion
空化系数 cavitation factor
开关保险丝 switch-fu
空气开关 air-operated switch
扩大初步设计 enlarging preliminary design
开度限制机构 opening limit mechanism
空载 no-load
可控硅 SCR
开槽圆柱头螺钉 slotted pan head screw
abandon什么意思漏油箱 leak oil tank
流量 discharge
力特性 force character
临界空化系数 critical cavitation factor