
更新时间:2023-05-30 07:46:43 阅读:20 评论:0

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岸墙 land wall
齿墙 cut-off trench
刺墙 key-wall
防浪墙 wave wall
混凝土防渗墙 concrete cut-off wall
胸墙 breast wall
导墙 lead wall
隔墙 partition wall
挡墙 retaining wall
翼墙 wing wall
胸墙 breast wall
parapet  栏杆, 低墙, 扶手, 胸墙
坝顶 dam crest,dam top
坝踵 dam heel
坝趾 dam toe
板桩 sheet pile
边墩 side pier,land pier
变形模量 deformation modulus
鼻坎 bucket lip
毕肖普法 Bishop method
剥离 desquamation
侧槽式溢洪道 side channel  Spillway
断层 fault
沉降 ttlement
冲沙闸(排沙闸) silt-releasing Sluice
纯拱法 independent arch method
单宽流量 discharge per unit width
挡潮闸 tidal sluice
导流隧洞 river diversion tunnel
倒悬度 Overhang degree
底流消能 energy dissipation by underflow
地震作用 earthquake action
垫座 cushion abutment
动水压力 hydrodynamic pressure
静水压力 hydrostatic pressure
浪压力 wave force
冰压力 ice pressure
泥沙压力 silt pressure
扬压力 uplift
大头坝 massive-head buttress dam *buttress 是扶壁的意思
支墩坝 buttress dam
堆石坝 rock-fill dam
平板坝 flat slab buttress dam
橡胶坝rubber dam
均质坝 homogeneous earth dam
拱坝 arch dam
连拱坝 multiple-arch dam
单曲拱坝 single-curvature arch damtry的歌词
双曲拱坝 double-curvature arch dam
重力坝 gravity dam
宽缝重力坝 slotted gravity dam
空腹重力坝 hollow gravity dam
土石坝 earth-rock dam
土质斜墙坝 earth dam with inclined soil wall
土质斜心墙坝 earth dam with inclined soil core
土质心墙坝 earth dam with soil core
软基重力坝 gravity dam on soft foundation
人工材料面板坝 artificial material faced dam
人工材料心墙坝 artificial material-core dam
碾压混凝土坝 Roller Compacted Concrete Dam
混凝土面板堆石坝 concrete faced rock-fill dam
浆砌石拱坝 stone masonry arch dam
浆砌石重力坝 stone masonry gravity dam
溢流坝 overflow dam、
整体式重力坝 monolithic gravity dam
多拱梁法 multi-arch beam method
拱冠梁 crown cantilever
拱冠粱法 crown cantilever method
阀门 valve gate
防渗铺盖 impervious blanket
非常溢洪道 emergency spillway
分洪闸 flood diversion sluice
副坝 auxiliary dam
刚体极限平衡法 limit equilibrium method for rigid block
工作桥 rvice bridge
管涌 piping
化学管涌 chemical piping
海漫 apron extension
横缝 transver joint
虹吸式溢洪道 siphon spillway
蝴蝶阀 butterfly valve
护坡 slope protection
护坦 apron
弧形闸门 radial gate
滑雪道式溢洪道 ski-jump spillway
基本断面 primary ction
简化毕肖普法 simplified Bishop method
交通桥 traffic bridge
接触冲刷 contact scouring
接触灌浆 contact grouting
接缝灌浆 joint grouting
帷幕灌浆 curtain grouting
Grout - 浆液\灌浆
Packer Test -压水试验 Lugeon值是帷幕灌浆的主要参数
固结灌浆 consolidation grouting
灌溉隧洞 irrigation tunnel
灌浆帷幕 grout curtain
截水槽 cut-off trench
节制闸 check sluice
进水口 water inlet
进水闸 inlet sluice
井式溢洪道 shaft spillway
抗滑稳定分析 analysis of stability against sliding英文信件结尾
抗滑稳定性 stability against sliding
空化 cavitation
空蚀 cavitation erosion
空注阀 hollow jet valve
宽尾墩 flaring pier
建迅教育廊道 gallery
理论计算 theoretical computation
拦河闸 river sluice
沥青混凝土 asphalt concreteotc什么意思啊
流土soil flow
流网法 flow net method
锚杆 anchor rod
面板 face slab
面流消能 energy dissipation by surface flow
模型试验 model experiment
牛腿 Corbel
排沙隧洞 silt-releasing tunnel
排水 drainage
排水闸 outlet sluice
喷混凝土 sprayed concrete
平面闸门 plane gate
破碎带 crushed zone [地质]
破碎带shuttered zone
铺盖 blanket
砌石护坡 stone pitching
溶洞 solution cavern
软弱夹层 soft intercalated layer
实用断面 practical ction
试载法 trial-load method
水工建筑物 hydraulic structure
水工隧洞 hydraulic tunnel,waterway tunnel
水力发电隧洞 hydropower tunnel
水利枢纽 hydro-complex
水力学方法 hydraulics method
水平施工缝horizontal joint
水闸 sluice
弹性模量 elastic modulus
挑流消能 energy dissipation by trajectory jet
土工膜 geomembrane
温度荷载 temperature load
温度控制 temperature control
温度应力 temperature stress
温度作用 temperature action
无压隧洞 free level tunnel
消力池 stilling pool
消力戽 roller bucket
消能工 energy dissipater
泄洪隧洞 spillway tunnel
泄水建筑物 discharge structure
泄水孔 outlet hole
新奥法 NATM(New Austrian Tunneling Method)
水垫塘 plunge pool
应力分析 stress analysis
优化设计 optimization design
有限单元法 finite element method
有压隧洞 pressure tunnel
闸墩 pier
闸门 gate
闸门槽 gate slot
正槽式溢洪道 normal channel spillway
趾板 toe slab
重力墩 gravity abutment
周边缝 peripheral joint
驻波 standing wave
锥形阀 cone valve
自由跌流 free drop
自重 dead weight
纵缝 longitudinal joint
键槽 key trench
伸缩缝 contraction joint
施工缝 construction joint
反弧段 flip bucket
拦污栅 trash rack
渐变段 transition
泄槽 chute
发电进水口 power intake
通气管 air vent
检修门 bulkhead gate
事故门 emergency gate
工作门 rvice gate
堰 weir
通气管 air vent
梁 beam
柱 column
回填混凝土 backfill concrete
接地 earth
一期混凝土 primary concrete
二期混凝土 condary concrete
叠梁门 stoplog
门机gantry crane
止水 waterstop
钢筋 reinforcement
模板 formwork
围堰 cofferdam
马道 bench;berm
蜗壳 volute
水轮机 turbine

本文发布于:2023-05-30 07:46:43,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:隧洞   灌浆   混凝土   溢洪道   消能   拱坝
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