Electronic device requirements for today’s vehicles are rapidly expanding. The Molex 2.54mm (.100”) pitch header system allows OEMs and device manufacturers greater design fl exibility. The Stac64™ system allows automotive manufacturers the ability to u header asmblies as stand-alone components as well as the option to gang individual headers into a larger header asmbly.
The Stac64 system is bad on USCAR-2 Class II mechanical and electrical requirements for unaled 0.64mm (.025”) blade-width terminal applications. Stac64 pockets mate to existing wire harness connectors designed to this industry footprint.Stac64™ 2.54mm (.100”) Single, Multi-Pockect and Hybrid Header System
■ H igh-temperature thermoplastic housing withstands lead-free processing per Molex ES40000-5013■ V ertical and right-angle 20-circuit headers feature 4 polarization options with each option being color coded per USCAR specifi cations to match harness/connector color-coding scheme for visual aid during asmblyirreplaceable
■ 8, 12 and 16-circuit right angle and vertical, 0.64mm (.025”) headers available in polarization style A providing fl exibility to mix and match circuit sizes for specifi c application requirements ■ M odular housing design supports single and multi-pockets applications
■ P re-asmbled PC tail with mylar alignment plate ensures proper PCB installation
德文翻译器■ U nique power hybrid pocket design supports industry standard 1.50 and 2.80mm (.059 and .110”) blade-width terminals合格证英文
■ U SCAR approved Category 0, tin-plated pins to meet mechanical and electrical requirments of USCAR-2 Class II applications
■ O perating temperature of -40 to 100°C ■ P roduct Specs available: 34691-1000 and 34696-1000
Features and Benefi ts
Single and Multi-Pocket Header System ■ H igh-temperature thermoplastic housing withstands lead-free processing per Molex ES40000-5013■ S ix 1.50mm (.059”) terminals and four 2.80mm (.110”) terminals in one header package meets high-power contact requirements for Category 2 and Category 3 terminal systems ■ M odular housing design allows for packaging with 0.64mm (.025”) headers to build power and signal interface
■ S maller footprint than industry standard 1.50mm and 2.80mm (.059 and .110”) PCB headers for module and PCB space savings
■ 1.50mm (.059”) blades rated for 15.0A and
2.80mm (.110”) rated for 25.0A meeting USCAR-2 blade terminal load requirements
Features and Benefi ts Hybrid Asmblies
Reference Information Packaging: Trays or tubes Mates With: 31408 0.64mm (.025”) receptacle
31372 hybrid receptacle
Designed In: Millimeters
Electrical Voltage: 250V Current: 0.64mm (.025”) terminals -5.0A
1.50mm (.059”) terminals -15.0A
2.80mm (.110”) terminals -25.0A Dielectric Withstanding Voltage: 500V Insulation Resistance: 20 Megohms min.blood sugar
Mate force: 75N per pocket max.
Unmating Mate force: 75N per pocket max.Connector Lock Strength: 110N min.Terminal Retention in Header: 0.64mm (.025”) terminals - 30N 1.50mm (.059”) terminals - 70N 2.80mm (.110”) terminals - 70N
Terminal Pitch: 2.54mm (.100”), horizontal and
vertical for 0.64mm (.025”) pockets
Housing: 30% glass-fi lled SPS Contact: Copper alloy Plating: O verall – 100% pure tin, lead-free
Underplating – Nickel Operating Temperature: U SCAR Class II
-40 to +100°C
Stac64™ 2.54mm (.100”) Single, Multi-Pockect and Hybrid Header System
- Radios and amplifi ers - Interior lighting - Instrument clusters - Power at modules - Door zone modules - Navigation - DVD players
- Instrument clustersguarantee是什么意思
独立音乐Order No.
Circuit Size
Polarization Style
34690-020020Stac64 vertical header asmbly A Black 34690-020120Stac64 vertical header asm
bly B Gray 34690-020220Stac64 vertical header asmbly C Brown 34690-020320Stac64 vertical header asmbly D Green 34691-020020Stac64 right angle header asmbly A Black 34691-020120Stac64 right angle header asmbly B Gray 34691-020220Stac64 right angle header asmbly C Brown 34691-020320Stac64 right angle header asmbly D Green 34690-016016Stac64 vertical header asmbly A Black 34691-016016Stac64 right angle header asmbly A Black 34690-012012Stac64 vertical header asmbly A Black 34691-012012Stac64 right angle header asmbly A Black 34690-00808Stac64 vertical header asmbly A Black 34691-00808Stac64 right angle header asmbly A Black 34695-010010Power Stac vertical header asmbly A Black 34696-0100
Power Stac right angle header asmbly
Standard Headers
Ordering information
34707Vertical Asmblies Contact Molex 34708
Right Angle Asmblies
Contact Molex
Ganged Asmblies
Americas Headquarters Lisle, Illinois 60532 U.S.A.1-800-78MOLEX
Asia Pacifi c North Headquarters Yamato, Kanagawa, Japan Asia Pacifi c South Headquarters Jurong, Singapore
European Headquarters Munich, Germany Corporate Headquarters 2222 Wellington Ct.Lisle, IL 60532 U.S.A.
P: 630-969-4550 F: 630-969-1352
Order No.987650-1372
Printed in USA/2K/KP/KP/2008.07
©2008, Molex
■ T ransportation - Interior electronics - Body electronics