Using vertical circulation wells for partitioning tracer tests and remediation of DNAPLs 期刊名称: Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation
白宫风云下载贫煤作者: L. Chen,R. C. Knox亚马逊运营培训
angel年份: 2010年
疯狂英语下载期号: 第3期
关键词: environmental sciences;remedial action;injection wells;chlorinated
ability是什么意思aliphatic hydrocarbons;technology asssment;tracer techniques;ground water
摘要:Two different vertical circulation well (VCW) systems (Type A and Type B) were ud to detect and subquently remove tetrachloro-ethylene (PCE) spilled in a three-dimensional sand tank. The Type A system has one injection interval and one extraction interval. The Type B system has two injection intervals parated by an intermediate extraction interval. PCE was detected through partitioning tracer tests using ethanol and 2,2-dimethyl-3-pentanol as the non-partitioning and partitioni
ng tracers, respectively. The concentration breakthrough curves for the tracers exhibited significant chromatographic paration due to partitioning of the 2,2-dimethyl-3-pentanol into the PCE. Becau of the unique streamline distribution generated by the VCW systems, injected solutions did not sweep through the entire contaminated pore volume,