A Study of the Major Dramatic Devices of Macbeth
For more than four centuries, Shakespeare and his works have been the focus of attraction of the world's literature. They have exerted a profound influence on the culture of the western countries. Beyond a doubt, they are worthy of study and rearch by the Chine who are interested in the western literature and culture.
Macbeth, written in 1606, is one of Shakespeare's four major famous tragedies. It is a story about an ambitious man. No other Shakespearean tragedies can compare with it in the play’s intensity, swift movement, strong emotion and centralized plot. It is a play with special characteristic features. In most of the traditional European tragedies, from ancient Creeks tragedies, Roman tragedies to renaissance tragedies, the protagonists are positive characters. Different from the, insaneMacbeth's protagonist is a man who changes from positive negative in his character. How can such a special person arou the reader's pity and sympathy? How can it be a tragedy? The tragedy lies in that there are violent struggles
between ambition and humanity, good and evil when Macbeth is plunged into sin and his inner remor caus the reader's pity and sympathy. In order to sketch the characters successfully and gain the tragic effects, Shakespeare us a lot of special dramatic devices to reflect the inevitable conflicts of various lf-contradictory values in human society. The paper aims to explore the dramatic devices and their effects in the play, and examine howruu competentShakespeare, in aiming at its tragic effect, prents the vivid and life-like characters and their state of mind by means of the dramatic devices, such as supernatural, symbols, soliloquies, contrasts, and so on. It is hoped that the exploration of the play will facilitate a better appreciation of the characteristic features of "Macbeth" and a further understanding of the social value of this masterpiece of Shakespearean tragedy.
Keywords: Shakespeare, Macbeth ,tragedy ,special characteristic features ,dramatic devices, social value
A Brief Account of the Story:
Some understanding of the relationship between the play and its sources and its historical basis will give us an interesting insight into the poet's methods of creation. Macbeth is the only play of Shakespeare that ems to be related to the contemporary historical situation. Shakespeare took the skeletal outline of Macbeth from Polisher’s Chronicles and the historical annals do record that Scotland was ruled by a King Macbeth between 1034 and 1037 AD and that he succeeded to the throne after the assassination of King Duncan. Most of the important incidents in the play are derived from Polisher’s account of the career of Macbeth. But Shakespeare's Scottish tragedy is substantially different from the account given in Holinshed. There are changes in the chief characters. First, in Polisher’s history, Basque is a co-conspirator who connived with Mac
beth to murder the king. Second, according to the historical account, Duncan was not a mature, strong king who is unjustly slain; he is, instead, a weak-willed young man unequal to the task of governing his A Study of the Major Dramatic Devices and Their effects in Macbeth spot of the hero's soul is probed.
Macbeth's story has the above characteristic features; it is obviously a tragedy in the form: the ri and fall of a great man. It portrays a tragic hero who suffers inner moral conflict over the murders he plans. Arthur Sewell (1951) writes in chapter IV: 2010安徽高考英语答案Macbeth is a villain; but when Duncan lies dead in the next room we think not of the murder but of the horror of Macbeth's realization that he shall sleep no more. He is for the moment like a soul in hell and this is held not is he out of it, and we know a little more about hell becau Macbeth has had a glimp of it realm. Third, although Polisher’s Macbeth was married, Lady Macbeth was only once mentioned as the ambitious wife who instigates her husband to murder in order that she may herlf become the queen. There is no mention of her subquent fate and of the development of her character. The character of Lady Macbeth as an active participant in the evil deeds committed by Macbeth is entirely
Shakespeare's creation. In the play of Macbeth, both in its treatment of the events of the story and in its details, was devid by Shakespeare a very clear consciousness of the mood of his own times. The purpo of Shakespeare's creation of the characters is to castigate the ambitious man, who no longer bears the nature of the villain as Richard 111. The relationship between man's evil and the justice of his fate is of Shakespeare's tragic interests. What he wants 英文人名to prent is how evil turns a good man into a villain. He is indignant at the opposition of good and evil. Thus the eternal battle between good and evil features strongly in the play of Macbeth.
In Macbeth, Shakespeare prents the ri to power of Macbeth as King of Scotland. This he achieves by murdering King Duncan. At the beginning of the play, we are given the sign that the great general, Macbeth, is a national hero who has won respect and admiration from the people. But his overwhelming ambition drives him to violate all the most fundamental tie of his society, murdering his guest, his kinsman, and his king. His murder of Duncan throws everything into chaos. He then eks to cure his position by further killings, including that of Basque, for Macbeth has been told by three witches that,
although he will be the King, Basque’s children will also be kings. Much of the play focus on Macbeth and his wife, Lady Macbeth, as they murder their way to power, but t against them is the English court of Edward. Malcolm, Duncan's son, flees there and returns with an army to overthrow Macbeth, who is killed by the noble Mac duff. Malcolm succeeds to the throne
The Application of Aristotle's Theory in Macbeth:
In general, Tragedy demands some sympathy with the fortunes of its hero. But Macbeth was a murder for his own private profit. How did Macbeth come to be a tragedy? Where is there room for sympathy in the fortune of a disloyal, lf-eking murderer? It may be enlightening to analys it in the light of the theory of tragedy.
Aristotle, one of the most famous philosophers of Ancient Greece, with his theory of tragedy, has great influence on the traditional European literature. In his Poetics, he gives a detailed explanation of tragedy in the sixth chapter:
A tragedy is the imitation of an action that is rious and also, as having magnitude. Complete in itlf---in language with pleasurable accessories, each kind brought in parately in the parts of the worn in a dramatic, not in a narrative form; with incidents arousing pity and fear, wherewith to accomplish its Catharsis of such emotions.