深圳平面设计专升本中期选拔英语试题训练 (六
Part I Vocabulary and Structure
1. As smoking ______ health, you ,d better give it up.only girl (in the world)
中国老人tueoldanA. affects B. caus C. effects D. influences
2.Don?t let me ______ your decision; you are old enough to decide for yourlf. A. affect B. cau C. effect D. influence
3.Very few people ______ the immediate effects of the explosion.
4.A newspaper has once ______ that he is the only witness. A. revealed B. revolved C. informed D. told
5.The arch party still could not decide on the ______ of the sunken ship. A. place B. location C. direction D. situation
6.in celebration of violenceAccording to the doctor, the old lady was in a helpless ______.
7.A basic two-hour first aid cour would ______ you to deal with any of the happenings.
subscribe8.hero的意思She earns a high ______ as an accountant. A. salary B. income C. money D. payment
9.There has been a recent ______ in that country towards part-time employment. A. feature B. trend C. action D. character
最喜欢的英文10.Dr. Smith was once on the ______ of the hospital near our college.
11.My ______ reaction was to take a couple of rapid steps backwards. A. posssive B. instructive C. efficient D. effective
12.She has her likes and ______, as we all have.
13.Becau he was very poor, he couldn?t ______ to rent this flat. A. spend B. afford C. feel D. think
14.The basic necessities of life are food, _______ and clothing. A. shelter B. earth C. water D. air
15.It was ______ how badly paid the young girls were.
A. moved B. moving C. shocked D. shocking
16. The jacket is nice, but I don?t care for the ______ of the cloth.
A. pattern B. sample C. model D. form
17.They don?t want to ______ their hou, in which their family have lived for generations. A. deal with B. dispo of C. cope with D. treat with
18.He regarded Vita as the ______ of a lifetime.
A. colleague B. classmate C. companion D. visitor
19.Is 200 dollars ______ for the expens of your trip? A. important B. sufficient C. available D. comfortable
20.He had no time to prepare his lecture, ______, he was unwell. A. in addition B. except for C. in ca D. even if
, 21.If you behave so foolishly you must bear the ______. A. effects B. conquences C. ends D. results
22.做点是什么意思All the countries are customers or ______ customers of the U.S.A. A. potential B. pretended C. preventive D. protectiveforeigner是什么意思
23.The price of vegetables has been very ______ recently.
24.This kind of medicine is ______ of being improved. A. able B. possible C. capable D. probable
25.He prepared the dinner with ______ speed and efficiency.
A. quickly B. hardly C. comparable D. remarkable 26. Her latest book ______ how
important freedom is.
A. speaks B. says C. demonstrates D. assumes 27. I need the money to ______ me
until I start a job.
A. compete B. work C. deal with D. maintain