Red Riding Hood, you probably know the story.
But there's more to every tale than meets the eye.
正像他们经常说 你可不能光看封面来判断一本书
It's just like they always say, you can't judge a book by its cover.
如果想知道真♥相♥ 你就得一页页读下去
If you want to know the truth, you've gotta flip through the pages.
是我 小红帽
It's me, Red!
一切都还好吗 并重
Is everything OK?
嗯 是啊 当然了 快进来吧
Oh, yeah, sure thing. Come on in.
-你是谁 -我是外婆呀
-Who are you? -I'm your grandma.
Your face looks really weird, Granny.
我不舒服 我
I've been sick. I...
Your mouth doesn't move when you talk.
Plastic surgery. Grandma's had a little work done.
快过来吧 让我好好瞧瞧你
Now, come on over here. Let's have a look at you.
那么 你在忙什么 外婆
So, what's going on, Grandma?
这个还有那个 正忙着缝被子
This and that, doing a lot of quilting.
So you got the loot?
哇 你的手好大啊
Whoa. What big hands you have.
噢 这样好方便我挠背
Oh, all the better to scratch my back with.
And what big ears you have!
All the better to
...many criticisms!
人们都长大耳朵 亲爱的
Old people just have big ears, dear.
可是外婆 你的眼睛也那么大
And Granny, what big eyes you have!
我们是不是就打算杵在这里 讨论我哪里变得有多大
Are we just gonna sit around here and talk about how big I'm getting?
你来这儿一定有原因 告诉外婆篮子里装的是什么呢
You came here for a reason. So tell old Granny what you got in the basket.
哦 外婆 你有口臭
Ah, Granny! What bad breath you have!
-好吧 -啊
-All right! -Ah!
怎么又是你 要我怎么做 申请驱逐令
You again? What do I have to do, get a restraining order?
冷静点 小姑娘 我可要过来了
Settle down, little girl. I'm on to you.
-哈呀 -省省吧 小红帽笨笨
-Hai-ya! -Save it, Red Fu.
就算你一整天都能躲开我 可现在最好还是投降吧
You been dodging me all day, but now you might as well give up.
你这只疯狼 对我外婆做了什么
You crazy wolf! What have you done with Granny?
我把她给搞定了 下一个就该你了
I'm taking Granny down, and you're next!
-外婆 -是你 但是你
-Granny! -It's you!
灰熊警长 嫌疑犯是不是
Chief Grizzly, are the suspects
-跟点心盗窃团有关 -是的 呃
-connected with the Goody Bandit? -Yeah, uh...
不 别把这句给报道出来 玛克辛
No. Don't print that, Maxine.
We don't know anything yet.
Is the hou made of gingerbread?
-我不觉得 -熊吃姜饼吗
-Don't think so. -Do bears eat gingerbread?
好啦好啦 提问时间到此结束
That's enough with the questions.
杰瑞 过来 让这些人后退
Jerry, come on! Get the people back!
好的 往后退 让警长工作
All right, back it up! Let the chief do his job!
来 你和那些长毛的家伙 一起退到那条蛇的后面去
Come on, you, with the feathers, back behind the snake.
I just want to go home and hibernate.
-比尔 -警长
-Bill! -Chief!
-好 什么情况 -是场民事纠纷
-All right, what do we got? -It's a domestic disturbance.
私闯民宅 无照持斧 蓄意吃人
Breaking and entering, wielding an ax without a licen, intent to eat.
预告犯如何招人清楚了 有没有跟抢劫秘方有关的
I get it. Any connection with the recipe robberies?
你说点心盗窃团 有可能 这房♥子归帕吉特外婆所有
You mean the Goody Bandit? Could be. The hou belongs to Granny Puckett.
-那位写食谱的太太 -对 就是她
-The cookbook lady? -Yeah, that's the one.
保罗·班扬 当时正在挥斧头而狼正要吃掉小不点
OK, Paul Bunyan was swinging the ax, and Wolfie was trying to eat Lil' Bit.
-好的 给那家伙戴上口套 -我能解释这一切
-All right, get a muzzle on that guy. -I can explain everything.
You can explain it to the judge.
-你现在不应该在学校里吗 -我不应该有个律师吗
-Shouldn't you be in school? -Shouldn't I have a lawyer?
厄 你们在做什么
Uh... What are you doing?
-嘿 我们只不过在 -我只是闻闻而已
-Hey. We -I was just smelling it.
-别吃那个 那可是证据 -好吧苯胺点
-Don't eat that. That's evidence. -Right.
很好 现在看来已经很清楚了
All right, so this looks pretty open-and-shut.
Little Miss Rosy Cakes making covert deliveries to the goody tycoon,
Wolfie tries to eat 'em both,
then Crazy Flannel Pants with
the ax here busts in swinging vigilante-style.
伙计们 把他们都带回市里
Take 'em downtown, boys.
这里是树林 长官 我们没有市区
It's the woods, chief. We don't have a downtown.
你懂我的意思 把他们关起来就行
You know what I mean. Just book 'em!
别那么着急 灰熊警长
Not so fast, Grizzly.
你们这些熊总犯同样的问题 虚张声势却老搞错对象
That's the problem with you bears, always growling up the wrong tree.
-嘿 尼克 -你负责这个案子吗 尼克
lighters-Hey, Nicky! -You on the ca, Nick?
不 只是想摘棵撒尔莎[一种植物] 才路过这儿
No, just stopping by to have a sarsaparilla.