美国文化博览 选修课 复习题
I. Explain the following in English .
1.New Englang
2.New York City
goon 3.The Declaration of Independence 2011年江苏高考英语试卷
4. The Bill Rights
5.institutionalized discrimination
6.the American Dream
7.the pioneering spirit
8.the origin of Thanksgiving Day drank
aula 9. the melting pot
10.westword movement
II.Answer question 看牙医英文
1.What is the diversity of the physical conditions and the people in the United States .
2. Why did many Europeans want to leave home and go to ttle down in the New World after Columbus discovered America ?
3. What was the root cau of the Civil War ?
4. What was the New Deal program ? Why it was regarded as the most profound revolution in the history of American ecomomic policy ?
雅虎英文网站5.What made the United States a powerful country by the end of the World War II?
6. Are American s materialistic or idealistic ?Why ?
7. How do Americans celebrate Christmas ? What are some of the customs associated with Christmas ?
8. How were the Indians treated in American history and what is the situation now ?
9.Wha t is the common predicament shared by all the Hispanic population ?托业考试时间
称呼英文10. What is the relation between culture and language by listing examples to illustrate ?
11. How does an American university ch
oose its applicants ?
12.What are the ideals that guide American educational system ?
III . List the booksyou have read concerning with the subject .
List the books concerning with American culture you have read (List the main idea in your own words and the influence on your English learning ).