shirley templeSociology Study, March 2018, Vol. 8, No. 3, 103‐111
doi: 10.17265/2159‐5526/2018.03.001
Inspired by Thomas and Znaniecki. Do We Obrve the Formation of a New
PolishNorwegian Society
Katarzyna Gmaj a
The paper aims to prent that concepts introduced in The Polish Peasant in Europe and America have not lost their validity. They are still inspiring for analysis of contemporary migratory movements. Especially, the premi that “assimilation” of Polish migrants is not an individual but a group phenomenon can shape a scope of analysis of massive post‐EU‐accession emigration from Poland. The author tests adequacy of classical tools for investigation on Polish migrants in Norway. What is interesting about them is the fast increa in their number after 2004. As a conquence, they are the biggest immigrant group in this country. They have been spreading all over Norway; however, more than half of them reside in four counties (Oslo, Akershus, Rogeland, and Hordaland). Referring to the a
committeepproach introduced by Thomas and Znaniecki, formation of a new Polish‐Norwegian society is a process constituted by certain stages, which will be discusd in the paper below.now什么意思
Thomas and Znaniecki, Norway, Polish migrants
The paper aims to prent that concepts introduced by William I. Thomas and Florian Znaniecki (1920) in The Polish Peasant in Europe and America Vol. V Organization and Disorganization in America have not lost their validity. They are still inspiring for analysis of contemporary migratory movements. Especially, the premi that “assimilation” of Polish migrants should be analyzed as not an individual but a group phenomenon can shape a scope of analysis of massive post-EU-accession emigration from Poland.
An approach brought by Thomas and Znaniecki in The Polish Peasant meant a turn in the object of investigation from assimilation or integration of immigrants to the formation of a group that “constitutes the social milieu into which the immigrant who comes from Poland becomes incorporated and to who standards and institutions he must adapt himlf” (Thomas and Znaniecki 1920: 11-12). The distinguished scholars “constructed a general sociological scheme of the develo职场
pment of a Polish-American community applicable with some variations to all such communities”(Thomas and Znaniecki 1920: 29). The author would like to employ this pattern for investigation on Polish migrants in Norway.
basalsuccessfulA ed of Polish community in Norway was formed by pioneering migration of a few thousand of Polish political refugees yet in the 1980s and asonal workers arriving in the 1990s on the basis of bilateral爸爸去哪儿英文版主题曲
a Lazarski University, Poland
Correspondent Author:
Katarzyna Gmaj, Uczelnia Łazarskiego, ul Świeradowska 43,
02‐662 Warszawa, Poland