英语对话下载The paradox of eudemonia
the sun>pool什么意思 It is a stuff of adventure to take eudemonia as a rearch subject. There is unduly ambiguity in its meaning, as almost everyone refers eudemonia to the state which he expects but miss, and yet which profoundly varies to distinct individuals. It can be guaranteed that none sort of eudemonism ever propod by philosophers has been universally adopted. As for miscellaneous so-called‘tricks’of eudemonia, it is nothing but more than obsolete cliché, if not quack charlatan.
Eudemonia is something indefinite. To achieve its dreams is regarded by the ordinaries as eudemonia, but would one truly acquire felicity once his expectations are realized? One may well say Jean-Paul Sartre had been crowded with success throughout his life, as he almost with perfection obtained the satisfaction both in love and career, which common people desire most。 yet in the advanced years he obrved that,“life has offered me what I intend, meanwhile it also reminds me that isn’t up to much. But what can you do about it?”
Therefore, I defy whatever metaphysical argumentation upon eudemonia, while but simply sniff at tho informative formulas to commit it.
Lately I have been reading Andre Maurois of its Five Major Problems in Life, the last of which is likewi Upon Eudemonia。 while the first four are about the problems cloly related, including love and marriage, family, friendship, and social life, to which Maurois appealingly tagged his exquisite and incisive explications. The discussions upon eudemonia have always covered two aspects。 one is social-oriented, which involves the objective condition of eudemonia。 the other is mentality-prone, which concerns its subjective experience. Maurois, as an illustrious biographer and essayist, excels at the latter。 and his view on the former is generally to confirm what is traditional, which is by no means lost in arbitrary, but on the contrary leaves us room for meditation and option in that he experienced and obrved the human mental states. bother
That love and marriage have always been definitively looked upon as the lifeblood
of eudemonia, whether in literary performances or actual lives, can be memorially obrved。 from which numerous plaint with regard to it all originates. In accordance with what Auguste Comte pointed out, women are emotional animals, that the significance of love and marriage to them is needless to mention。 while for a man of motional congener, though who has achieved brilliant success in career, he would still find himlf quite mirable if he fails in love and marriage. gnp是什么
Nevertheless, few have been capable enough to claim to be genuinely happy even in this domain where people mostly desire to acquire felicity. It is obvious that the lovers indulged in affection all consider themlves favorites of the goddess of eudemonia, whereas not all are able to gain the opportunity to get passionately in love, and many could not even taste it in all their lifetime. In addition, to be head over heels in love does not necessarily produce consummate marriage. Disappointment, quarrel, weariness, depression, innsibility are nearly common practices after marriage, and tho who would engage lifelong affection to each other like lovers are but couples of blesd exceptionals.
Theoretically speaking, everyone should have the best partner in the sphere of his opposite x, the one allegedly called‘the only one’,‘the unique one’or ‘one man in a thousand’chanted in Kipling’s poem. However, the probability for the two to couple is practically impossible as our life is transient and the world is vast. It almost can never be attainable if eudemonia is entrusted to such encounter. But, in fact, Love is not so demanding that there should always be destined matrimony in the unen world. Just like what Maurois had obrved:“if, by varieties of casual accidents (certainties actually>, the unique one has never befallen the swain, then the same similar feeling would also come upon the opposite side.”‘The only one’in expectation would disgui itlf as various incarnations to approach to one who aspire for love. Perhaps love is forever a mystery, as no one can tell how exactly ‘the only one’in his mind looks like. Only when he falls in love and revels in the felicity, will he surpridly gasp out to his lover:“you are the one that I have ever expected, and that the only one.”
Whether it ever is or not?
Presumably it is. But this is not to say, that there is some predestination ’twixt them, so that they are bound to each other. Actually, if they do not meet, they may still come upon ‘the only one’ in somebody el. The strong nsibilities, however, have changed their mental structures, so as to change their relationships with the promising partners。 as if they have been through a combination reaction, hence the similar reaction with every other elements is unaccommodated and forbidden, becau they already bears not their original properties anymore. In this n, everyone can take but one chance of mind-blowing affection all his life, which but few are lucky enough to engage.
商务英语口语王It may also be not。 for‘the only one’is but delirious illusion, which will no longer be existence once the delirium wanes. Maurois quoted Santayana, the philosopher, as saying that,“love is determined nine tenth by the lover himlf, while the partner opposite just bears the remaining ten percent.假腿”Whoever has been enamoured should inform well of the idealized power of love, where fantasy has always been the indispensable element. Tho that appear much too rational and realistic shoul
d not be taken as love. The most fervent love invariably happens in tho two of the most tender-minded, and yet what is identically exact is they are also more liable to feel disillusioned. If we say the ordinaries cannot encounter their beloved ones owing to their misfortune, correspondingly, the artists to be frustrated with love would be due to their over-anticipation. The idealism in love tends to result in Byronic ntimentalism, which then brings about carnalism。 Don Juan had had three-and-one-thousand amours, and he was destined not to encounter‘the only one’whom he constantly kept looking for.