Directions:There are2passages in this ction.Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A),B),C)and D).You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet2with a single line through the centre.brake是什么意思
Passage One
Question46to50are bad on the following passage.
Three children in every classroom have a diagnosable mental health condition.Half of the are behavioural disorders, while one third are emotional disorders such as stress,anxiety and depression,which often become outwardly apparent through lf-harm.There was an astonishing52per cent jump in hospital admissions for children and young people who had harmed themlves between2009and2015.
Schools and teachers have consistently reported the scale of the problem since2009.Last year,over half of teachers reported that more of their pupils experience mental health problems than in the past.But teachers also consistently report how ill-equipped they feel to meet pupils’mental health needs,and often cite a lack of training,experti and support from the National Health Service(英国国家医疗服务体系).
Part of the reason for the incread pressure on schools is that there are now fewer’early intervention(干预)’and low-level mental health rvices bad in the community.Cuts to local authority budgets since2010have resulted in a significant decline of the rvices,despite strong evidence of their effectiveness in preventing cris further down the line.
剑桥商务英语官网The only way to break the pressures on both mental health rvices and schools is to reinvest in early intervention rvices inside schools.
There are strong arguments for why schools are best placed to provide mental health rvices.Schools e young people more than any other rvice,which gives them a unique ability to get to hard-to-reach children and young people and
build meaningful relationships with them over time.Recent studies have shown that children and you
ng people largely prefer to e a counllor in school rather than in an outside environment.Young people have reported that for low-level conditions such as stress and anxiety,a clinical tting can sometimes be daunting(令人却步的).
There are already examples of innovative schools which combine mental health and wellbeing provision with a strong academic curriculum.This will,though,require a huge cultural shift.Politicians,policymakers,commissioners and school leaders must be brave enough to make the leap towards reimagining schools as providers of health as well as education rvices.
46.What are teachers complaining about?
A)There are too many students requiring special attention.
B)They are under too much stress counlling needy students.
C)Schools are inadequately equipped to implement any intervention.
D)They lack the necessary resources to address pupils’mental problems.
47.What do we learn from the passage about community health rvices in Britain?
A)They have deteriorated due to budget cuts.
B)They facilitate local residents’everyday lives.
C)They prove ineffective in helping mental patients.
D)They cover preventative care for the local residents.
prefer to
48.Where does the author suggest mental health rvices be placed?
A)At home.
B)At school.
C)In hospitals.
D)In communities.
49.What do we learn from the recent studies?
A)Students prefer to rely on peers to relieve stress and anxiety.
B)Young people are keen on building meaningful relationships.
C)Students are more comfortable eking counlling in school.
D)Young people benefit from various kinds of outdoor activities.
50.What does the author mean by a cultural shift(Line2,Para.6)?
A)Simplification of schools’academic curriculums.
B)Parents’involvement in schools’policy-making.
C)A change in teachers’attitudes to mental health.
D)A change in the conception of what schools are.
Passage Two
Questions51to55are bad on the following passage.
Picture this:You’re at a movie theater food stand loading up on snacks.You have a choice of a small,
兰金medium or large soda.The small is$3.50and the large is$5.50.It’s a tough decision:The small size may not last you through the whole movie,but$5.50for some sugary drink ems ridiculous.But there’s a third option,a medium soda for$5.25.Medium may be the perfect amount of soda for you,but the large is only a quarter more.If you’re like most people,you end up buying the large(and taking a bathroom break midshow).
If you’re wondering who would buy the medium soda,the answer is almost no one.In fact,there’s a good chance the marketing department purpoly priced the medium soda as a decoy(诱饵),making you more likely to buy the large soda rather than the small.
I have written about this peculiarity in human nature before with my friend Dan Ariely,who studied this phenomenon extensively after noticing pricing for subscriptions(订阅)to The Economist.The digital subscription was$59,the print subscription was$125,and the print plus digital subscription was also$125.No one in their right mind would buy the print subscription when you could get digital as well for the same price,so why was it even an option?Ariely ran an experiment and found that when only the two“real”choices were offered,more people cho the less-expensive digital subscription.But the addition of the bad option made people much more likely to choo the more expensive print plus digital option.
Brain scientists call this effect“asymmetric dominance”and it means that people gravitate toward the choice nearest a clearly inferior option.Marketing professors call it the decoy effect,which is certainly easier to remember.Lucky for consumers,almost no one in the business community understands it.
The decoy effect works becau of the way our brains assign value when making choices.Value is almost never absolute;rather,we decide an object’s value relative to our other choices.If more options are introduced,the value equation changes.
51.Why does the author ask us to imagine buying food in the movie theater?
A)To illustrate people’s peculiar shopping behavior.
B)To illustrate the increasing variety of snacks there.
C)To show how hard it can be to choo a drink there.
D)To show how popular snacks are among movie fans.
part of me52.Why is the medium soda priced the way it is?
A)To attract more customers to buy it.
南加州大学排名B)To show the price matches the amount.
C)To ensure customers drink the right amount of soda.
D)To make customers believe they are getting a bargain.
53.What do we learn from Dan Ariely’s experiment?
A)Lower-priced goods attract more customers.
B)The Economist’s promotional strategy works.
C)The Economist’s print edition turns out to ll the best.
D)More readers choo the digital over the print edition.
54.For what purpo is“the bad option”(Line7,Para.3)added?
artshowA)To cater to the peculiar needs of some customers.
B)To help customers to make more rational choices.
C)To trap customers into buying the more pricey item.
D)To provide customers with a greater variety of goods.
55.How do we asss the value of a commodity,according to the passage?
A)By considering its ufulness.
C)By taking its quality into account.
B)By comparing it with other choices.
D)By examining its value equation
Passage One
Question46to50are bad on the following passage.
Boredom has,paradoxically,become quite interesting to academics lately.In early May,London’s Borin
g Conference celebrated ven years of delighting in dullness.At this event,people flocked to talks about weather,traffic jams,and vending-machine sounds,among other sleep-inducing topics.
What,exactly,is everybody studying?One widely accepted psychological definition of boredom is“the distasteful experience of wanting,but being unable,to engage in satisfying activities.”But how can you quantify a person’s boredom level and compare it with someone el’s?In1986,psychologists introduced the Boredom Proneness Scale,designed to measure an individual’s overall tendency to feel bored.By contrast,the Multidimensional State Boredom scale,developed in2008,measures a person’s feelings of boredom in a given situation.
Boredom has been linked to behavior issues including inattentive driving,mindless snacking,excessive drinking,and addictive gambling.In fact,many of us would choo pain over boredom.One team of psychologists discovered that two-thirds of men and a quarter of women would rather lf-administer electric shocks than sit alone with their thoughts for 15minutes.Rearching this phenomenon,another team asked volunteers to watch boring,sad,or neutral films,during which they could lf-administer electric shocks.The bored volunteers shocked themlves more and harder than the sad or neutral ones did.
But boredom isn’t all bad.By encouraging lf-reflection and daydreaming,it can spur creativity.An early study gave participants abundant time to complete problem-solving and word-association exercis.Once all the obvious answers were exhausted,participants gave more and more inventive answers to combat boredom.A British study took the findings one step further,asking subjects to complete a creative challenge(coming up with a list of alternative us for a houhold item). One group of subjects did a boring activity first,while the others went straight to the creative task.Tho who boredom pumps had been primed were more productive.
In our always-connected world,boredom may be a hard-to-define state,but it is a fertile one.Watch paint dry or water boil,or at least put away your smartphone for a while,and you might unlock your next big idea.
46.When are people likely to experience boredom,according to an accepted psychological definition?
A)When they don’t have the chance to do what they want
B)When they don’t enjoy the materials they are studying
C)When they experience something unpleasant
D)When they engage in some routine activities
47.What does the author say boredom can lead to?
A)Determination B)Mental deterioration C)Concentration D)Harmful conduct
48.What is the findings of one team of psychologists in their experiment?
A)Volunteers prefer watching a boring movie to sitting alone deliberating.
B)Many volunteers choo to hurt themlves rather than endure boredom.
C)Male volunteers are more immune to the effects of boredom than females.
D)Many volunteers are unable to resist boredom longer than fifteen minutes.
49.Why does the author say boredom isn’t all bad?
A)It stimulates memorization.
B)It allows time for relaxation.
C)It may promote creative thinking.
D)It may facilitate independent learning.
50.What does the author suggest one do when faced with a challenging problem?
A)Stop idling and think big.
B)Unlock one’s smartphone.
C)Look around onelf for stimulation.
D)Allow onelf some time to be bored.
Passage Two
Questions51to55are bad on the following passage.
Forests in countries like Brazil and the Congo get a lot of attention from environmentalists,and it is easy to e why. South America and sub-Saharan Africa are experiencing deforestation on an enormous scale:every year almost5million hectares are lost.But forests are also changing in rich We
stern countries.They are growing larger,both in the n that they occupy more land and that the trees in them are bigger.What is going on?
Forests are spreading in almost all Western countries,with fastest growth in places that historically had rather few trees. In199028%of Spain was forested;now the proportion is37%.In both Greece and Italy,the growth was from26%to32% over the same period.Forests are gradually taking more land in America and Australia.Perhaps most astonishing is the trend in Ireland.Roughly1%of that country was forested when it became independent in1922.Now forests cover11%of the land,and the government wants to push the proportion to18%by the2040s.
Two things are fertilising this growth.The first is the abandonment of farmland,especially in high,dry places where nothing grows terribly well.When farmers give up trying to earn a living from farming or herding,trees simply move in. The cond is government policy and subsidy.Throughout history,governments have protected and promoted forests for diver reasons,ranging from the need for wooden warships to a desire to promote suburban hou-building.Nowadays forests are increasingly welcome becau they suck in carbon pollution from the air.The justification change;desire for more trees remains constant.
The greening of the West does not delight everyone.Farmers complain that land is being taken out of u by generously subsidized tree plantations.Parts of Spain and Portugal suffer from terrible forest fires.Others simply dislike the appearance of forests planted in neat rows.They will have to get ud to the trees,however.The growth of Western forests ems almost as unstoppable as deforestation elwhere.
51.What is catching environmentalist’s attention nowadays?
A)Rich countries are striping poor ones of their resources.
B)Forests are fast shrinking in many developing countries.
C)Forests are eating away the fertile farmland worldwide.
D)Rich countries are doing little to address deforestation.
52.Which countries have the fastest forest growth?