1.electronic communication 电子通讯
2. all-purpo processors 通用的/多用途的处理器
3. brain-activity monitors 大脑活动监视器
4. text messages 短信,文字信息,文本信息
5. digital signals 数字信号
6. the low-resolution display 低分辨率显示器
7. the subtle vibration 细微的振动
the pacific8. brain-computer interfaces 脑机接口,脑机界面
1. (para. 1) Yet the impact on its wearers was profound—foretelling, perhaps, a future when we depend on our electronic devices to experience life as much as we rely on our eyes, ear
s, and skin.
bcg然而,它对穿戴者的影响却是深远的 – 也许预示了未来我们会像用眼睛、耳朵和皮肤一样依赖电子设备来体验生活
2. (para. 2) Donning them, he forecasts, will allow us to “n and capture many more things about the world” and to communicate tho nsations in new ways.
3. (para. 4) Electronic communication has long been limited not by computing power but by the ability of machines to understand us.
4. (para. 6) In the coming era of wearable computing, as Harrison forees it, we will manipulate digital bits the same way we do real objects—with our hands.
5. (para. 6) “Touch is a really powerful, wonderfully intuitive thing,” he says, adding that although the touch screens on today’s smartphones, tablets, and watches are a step in the right direction, “they’re pretty lame.”
6. (para. 9) Google’s digital personal assistant, Now, has the smarts to figure out the locations of your home and workplace just by tracking your movements during the day.
7. (para. 10) For many rearchers who work in wearable computing, the ultimate goal is to design machines that u data from the brain and body to understand the world in human terms.
8. (para. 11) In the future, people will wear BCIs constantly while also sporting cameras, microphones, and other nsors that will simultaneously record everything they e, hear, and feel.
9. (para. 11) Over time, the machines will learn to anticipate your actions and emotions and will automatically tailor your environment to suit your needs—muting your alerts when you’re in an important meeting, dimming the lights when you drift off to sleep.
随着时间的过去,这些机器就学会去预测你的动作和情绪,并且会自动调节周围环境来适应你的需求 – 你在开重要会议时把各种提示音调到静音,你昏昏欲睡时把灯光调暗。
10. (para. 11) They may even recognize subtle cues you don’t notice or can’t n, such
as early signs of depression or the ont of a migraine.
1.nsing capabilities 传感能力
2.navigation motion control 航海运动控制
3. houhold appliances 圣诞节快乐英语怎么写 家用电器vere比较级
4. Tele-operated mobile systems 遥控系统
5.bomb disposal 国庆节英语手抄报图片 拆弹排除
6.mining and mineral extraction 采矿和矿物提取
7.cross-disciplinary education 跨学科教育
1. (para. 1) Robots are known to save costs, to improve quality and work conditions, and to minimize waste of resources.
2. (para. 2) Without the u of robotic technologies, cost-effective production, a pillar of European wealth, would not be possible in Europe becau of relatively high labor costs.
3. (para. 3) Significant application opportunities exist in the emerging rvice robotics ctors, who products will impact on our everyday lives by contributing high-value-added rvices and providing safer working conditions.
4. (para. 3) The aging population will drive the application of robotic technologies that improve the quality of life and assist people to live longer and more comfortably in their own homes.
workhard5. (para. 5) Both unmanned and manned missions, be it in Earth orbit or interplanetary, will be preceded or augmented by robots.
6. (para. 6) Building an early awareness of the resulting ethical, legal, and societal (ELS) issues will allow timely legislative action and societal interaction, which will in turn support the development of new markets.
7. (para. 7) European society and many others in the world are currently facing a number of challenges including demographic and economic changes.