Importing Geometry
from an IGES file
s Import geometry from an IGES file.
s Create a solid from curves and surfaces.
s Tet mesh the solid.
WORKSHOP 2Importing Geometry from an IGES file
Model Description:
In this exerci you will first create a new databa and then import好外教
CAD geometry. The CAD geometry, which is in an IGES format,
consists of veral trimmed and simple surfaces. Note that the file you
import is actually a one-quarter model of the object. By taking
advantage of the symmetry of the model, the analysis is simplified.
Once this IGES file is imported, you will create veral new surfaces
to complete the model. Then you will create a b-rep solid and tet mesh
Shown below is a drawing of the model you will be building and
suggested steps for its construction.
Surface 19
Surface 20
Surface 21Curve 1
Surface 18
Suggested Exerci Steps:
Create a new databa and name it gadget.db .s Set new model preference tolerance to Bad on
Model with an Approximate Maximum Model Dimension of 70. Set the analysis code to MSC/NASTRAN.
s Import the IGES file Gadget.igs .postproduction
s Using the Viewing/Named View Option and Viewing/Transformations, change the orientation of the model to better visualize it in 3D space.
s Set MSC.Patran Display Lines to zero.
s Turn off all of the ID labels.
s Verify the boundaries using Geometry/Verify/Surface/Boundaries.s Create Surfaces 18, 19, 20 and 21 using Create/Surface/Curve. See previous figure for the locations of the surface edges to u as the curves.
s Create Curve 1, using Autochain. See the previous figure.s Create Surface 21 using Create/Surface/Trimmed.
s Show surface normals using Show/Surface/Attributes and edit them using Edit/Surface/Rever so that all are pointing out from the volume.
s Create Solid 1 using Create/Solid/B-rep.
Mesh the solid with a tet mesh, using Finite Elements/Create/Mesh/Solid . U a Global Edge Length of 10 and the TetMesh mesher.Exerci Procedure:
1.Create a new databa and call it gadget . Set the geometric tolerance to Bad on Model . The Approximate Maximum Model Dimension is 70. Choo MSC/NASTRAN as the Analysis Code and Structural as the Analysis Type .
New Databa Name:
OK Open a New
WORKSHOP 2Importing Geometry from an IGES file
In the New Model Preference
form t the following:
2.Import the IGES file Gadget.igs .
Click OK on the IGES Import Summary form when you are finished reviewing it.If the model is not visible, click on Fit View icon. The model should
appear in your viewscreen.3.U the Viewing/Named View Options command to change the display to the front view.Or click on the Front_View icon in the toolbar
Tolerance:Bad on Model
Approximate Maximum Model Dimension:
Analysis Code:MSC/NASTRAN2012年6月英语六级听力
Analysis Type:Structural
Import File:Gadget.igs
Select Named View:Default_View
Import an IGES file
Now rotate the model -150 degrees about the x-axis and -60 degrees about the y-axis. After activating the
Transformation form, click the icons corresponding to the desired transformation. Unless the options are changed, each click rotates the model 30 degrees.
Hit the Fit View icon.
This view provides a clear view of the surfaces you will be working with. Save this view using Viewing/Named View Options .
Create View:
Clo Rotation about global Y axis.Rotation about global X axis.Click twice .
Click five times.