我的自白One conquence of globalization is the increasing crash of old and new concepts. New ideas are always welcome and can often improve our lives but we must ensure they fit well into our 1 (exsist)culture.
One current debate 2 highlights this crash between old and new ideas is the issue of organ donations 3 (follow)untreatable car crashes.
Currently in China it is assumed that victims of untreatable car crashes 4 be unwilling to donate their organs 5 others. This has helped lead to a situation 6 over 1.5 million people need a transfer but only about 10,000 receive a new organ each year. In order to increa the number of organ donors, a new policy will require drivers to state 7 they are willing to become organ donors or not.
The practice of asking drivers to be organ donors has shown to be successful. In America, the national average of organ donors is 38% but in Illinois where drivers are asked about organ donation the rate is 60%. Other western nations have also en huge ris in the number of organ donors since asking drivers.
paceman怎么读However in China organ donation is a(n) 8 (farmiliar)concept to many and crashes with some traditional ideas. Some 9 (argue)that the policy puts an evil eye on driving. 10have criticized the project becau it predicts death. The strongest criticism has come from tho 11 highlighted that it conflicts with traditional Chine values which state how important it is for the body to be beried 12 (break).
marry的用法No one can deny the greater need for organ donation 13 the world and especially in China. However, a project that is forced on people, no matter how positive the aims are, will do more damage than good. Policy makers 14 go carefully and nsitively in this area and ensure a system that is e-through and undersdtandable by all.
extreme什么意思Recently the Department of Planning of New York issued a report which laid bare a full scale of change of the city. In 1970, 18 percent of the city’s population was foreign-born. By 1995, the figure __ 1 (ri)to 33 percent, and 2 20 percent were the US-born children of immigrants. So immigrants and their children now form a(n) majority of the city’s population.
拂晓是什么意思achoWho are the New Yorkers? Why do they come here? Where are they from? (OK, time to drop the “
they”. I’m one of them.) The last question at least is easy 3 (answer): we come from everywhere. In the list of the top 20 source nations of tho 4 (nd) immigrants to New York between 1990 and 1994 are six countries in Asia, five in the Caribbean, four in Latin America, three in Europe, plus Israel and the former Soviet Union. And when we immigrants got here we rolled up our sleeves. “If you’re not ready to work when you get to New York,”5 (say)a friend of mine, “you’d better hit the road.”
takuyaThe mayor of New York once said, “Immigration has shaped the unique character and 6 (drive)the economic engine of New York City, and will continue like that.”He believes that immigrants are at the heart of 7 makes New York great. In Europe, by contrast, it is much more common to hear politicians 8 (worry) about the loss of “unity”that immigration brings to their societies. In the quarter century since 1970, the United States admitted about 12.5 million legal immigrants, and has absorbed them into its social structures with an ea 9 the imagination of other nations. Since the immigrants are purpoful and hard working, they10 help America to make a(n) fresh start in the next century.