一. New development 最新规定
The care symbolsare prented in the following puence 符号如下
washing bleaching drying ironing drycleaning
水洗 漂白 烘干 熨烫 干洗
1. washing(by hand or machine) 韩国汉阳大学水洗(手洗或机洗)
1)machine wash 2)machine wash
normal cycle permanent press cycle
正常机洗 恒压机洗
3)machine wash 4)hand wash
delicate/gentle cycle 手洗
***maximum water temperature
(in Celsius or in dots or in both)
5)do not wash
2. bleaching 漂白
1)any bleach when needed 2)only non-chlorine bleach when needed
可任意漂白 只能无氯漂白
3)do not bleach
3. drying 干燥
***tumble dry 滚筒烘干:
1)tumble dry 2)tumble dry
normal cycle permanent press cycle
正常滚筒烘干 恒压滚筒烘干
3)trmble dry 4)do not trmble dry2013英语四级
delicate/gentle cycle 不可滚筒烘干
***tumble dry temperature 加热烘干:
any heat hight medium low no heat air
任意温度 高温 中温 低温 不加热吹干
hand dry 人工晾干:
line dry drip dry dry flat do not dry dry in shade/hang to dry (u with do not wash) (add to hand dry)
挂干 滴干 平铺晾干 不可干燥(用于不可水洗) 阴干
4. ironing 熨烫 ℉
***dry or steam iron 热烫或蒸汽熨烫:
1)low 110℃(250℉) 2)medium 150℃(300℉) 3)high 200℃(390℉)
低温熨烫 中温熨烫 高温熨烫
***dry iron 热烫:
1)no steam (may be ud with 2)do not iron不可熨烫
呵责的意思low,medium or high tting)
5. drycleaning 干洗
encore是什么意思1)any solvent 2)petroleum solvent only
任意溶剂干洗 只能用石油溶剂干洗
3)any solvent 4)short cycle(may be ud
except trichloroethylene with A,P or F solvnet)
任意溶剂干洗(除了 ) 弱转干洗(可用于A/P/F溶剂)
5)reduce moisture(may be ud 6)low heat(may be ud
with A,P or F solvent) with A,P or F solvnet)
减湿干洗(可用于A/P/F溶剂) 低热干洗(可用于A/P/F溶剂)
7)no steam finish(may be ud 8)do not dryclean
with A,P or F solvent) 不可干洗
6. wringing拧干
do not wring不可拧干
二. European care labeling 欧洲用洗水唛
1.washing(by hand or machine) 水洗(手洗或机洗)
1)machine wash 2)machine wash
normal mechanical action reduced mechanical action
正常机洗 弱机洗
3)machine wash 4)hand wash
much reduced mechanical action 手洗
2.chlorine-bad bleaching 氯漂白
1)chlorine bleach may be ud 2)do not u chlorine bleach
可以氯漂白 不可氯漂白
3.ironing 熨烫
1)cool iron 2)warm iron 3)hot iron 4)do not iron
maxium 110℃ maximum 150℃ maximum 200℃ 不可熨烫
低温熨烫pile 中温熨烫 热烫
4.drycleaning 干洗
just a friendA-reprenting all solvents 现有的所有溶剂
P-reprenting tetrachlorethylene, monofluorotrichloromethane or the solvents listed for the symbol F
F-reprenting trifluorotrichloroethane or white spririt
1)Suitable for dry cleaning
2)Suitable for dry cleaning with special treatment and advice should be sought from a professional dry cleaner 适合用专业人员建议的特殊处理方法干洗
3)Do not dry clean
5.tumble drying after wash 水洗后滚筒烘干气球英语
1)tumble drying possible
2)trmble drying possible(at lower trmperature tting)
3)do not tumble dry
三. Japane industrial standard(jis) care labeling 日本用洗水唛
1.washing(with water)水洗
1)machine washable- 2)machine washable-
p.95℃ p.60美国无人机空袭℃
机洗,水温低于95℃ 机洗,水温低于60℃
3)machine washable- 4)machine washable with slow
p.40℃ water current or gently by
机洗,水温低于40℃ p.40℃
轻度机洗或手洗, 水温低于40达特茅斯大学℃
5) machine washable with slow 6)gently hand wash only-
water current or gently by p.30℃
p.30℃ 轻度手洗, 水温低于30℃