白卡纸--SBS, 小学生报纸铜版纸,coated free sheet paper, 新闻纸--newsprint, 双胶纸--offt paper, 书写纸--printing & writing paper, 牛卡纸--Kraft Linerboard(KLB), 仿牛卡--Kraft Test Liner(KTL), 瓦楞芯纸--medium paper, 白面牛卡纸--white top liner, 品 名:无碳复写纸 拼音:wutanfuxiezhi 英文名称:carbonless copy paper 说明诚实守信演讲稿:又称NCR纸。一种用于复写多份副本的纸张。外表面上与普通纸基本相似,与蓝色复写纸完全不同。这种纸有特殊的结构,包括上页纸(CB纸)、中页纸(CFB纸)和下页纸(CF纸)。如需复制,在此三层纸上的CB纸写字(或打字),下边的CFB纸和CF纸,会出现相同的字迹。复制的份数越多,CFB纸用的越多,一次最高可写15份副本。无碳复写纸的优点是可简化复写手续,省时省工,不会弄脏手和复写副本,敏感性高,每次所写的副本,字迹清晰,没有变淡(普通复制的份数多,下边的字变浅)缺点,复制效果好,保存10年不褪色。目前,无碳复写纸多用于民航机票、商业传票、银行单据、企业报表、电传打印、医疗处方等。 这种纸张是很难涂改的,必须用无碳复印纸(自动复写纸)cherokee专用的特种消字灵才能修改。 双铜纸both sides coated art paper Dual copper paper 铜版纸是一种进口较多的印刷纸张,全称为铜版印刷纸,又称涂布印刷纸。它的英文名称有多种叫法:Coated Art Paper(or Board)或称Coated Woodfree;Art paper;Art printing pape;Copper printing paper等。 铜版纸属于涂布印刷纸类中的重要品种,是供铜版印刷用的一种涂料加工纸。它是以铜版原纸为纸基,将白土(高岭土、碳酸钙等)等涂料涂布加工而制成的高级美术印刷纸,属于加工纸的范围。在商品名称上还有按照铜版纸英文的直译叫做美术纸、艺术纸的。 铜版纸纸面洁白匀整、平滑度高、光泽度好,纸质好,用途广泛。主要用作印刷彩色画报、画册、书刊插图、美术画片;精美商业广告、样本、商品包装装潢图案space是什么意思;以及彩色报纸、风景人物摄影图集等。 defiance 铜版纸的品种类型主要有双面铜版纸、单面铜版纸、光面铜版纸、亚光铜版纸、铜板卡等。按照行业习惯通常说的铜版纸系指双面铜版纸(有时简称双铜纸)。 我想知道用青涂(图)intensive care纸印出来的彩色页的效果如何?大概比铜版纸便宜多少钱? 轻涂纸是指定量较低的涂布粗加工纸张,也称它为低定量涂布纸,其英文名是LWC纸(即Light Weight Coated Paper)。它是在原纸的正反两面加上一层薄薄的涂料,涂层的涂布较均匀一致,具有优良的流变性和保水性,再经过超级压光,以利改善其物理性能和印刷适性。原纸的定量较低,约为30~60g/㎡,涂布量通常是每面5~10g/㎡,所以轻涂纸的定量在40~80g/㎡,是原纸定量与两面涂布量之和。广泛应用于书刊、杂志、商品目录、广告、商标等普通大众类产品的彩色印刷,印制效果在一定程度上可媲美涂料铜版纸,但材料成本相对较低,现国内的知名造纸厂商也能批量生产并投入市场,轻涂纸的一些特性渐为人们所了解和掌握。 一吨便宜500元以上 低光泽度的铜版纸叫做 2 sides coated art paper in matt(gloss是高光泽度) 几种常用纸张的英文介绍 CUK Paperboard (Coated Unbleached Kraft) 涂布原色牛皮纸板 CUK paperboard is not bleached, which gives the sheet a draft/brown appearance all the way through the sheet. The sheet may be clay coated or uncoated. CUK is compod of "virgin" fiber, making it the strongest of the paperboards, but not the smoothest printing surface. CUK paperboard is two or three ply and can be treated with a moisture barrier to render it uful for beverage carriers. SBS Paperboard (Solid Bleached Sulfate) 白板纸 SBS paperboard is bleached, which gives the sheet a clean, white appearance all the way through. The bleaching process degrades and weakens the "virgin" fibers, which, in turn, has some effect on the strength of the sheet. The clay coating on the SBS sheet provides a smoother printer surface than CUK or recycled fibers, becau bleached fibers are smooth, clean and pliable. SBS paperboard is usually one ply. Recycled Paperboards 回收纸板 Recycled paperboards are made from pre- and post-consumer waste. Pre consumer waste is mill conversion waste - in other words, paper products that haven't made it to market. Post consumer waste consists of paper products that have been ud and discarded. Recycled paperboard is six to nine ply, and has a less desirable printing surface than SBS. There are four basic grades of recycled papers: uptCCNB幼师培训班 (Clay Coated News Back) 七年级上册英语听力- Brown or gray (depending on the fiber ud) - Clay coated (one side) CCLB泰戈尔简介及作品 (Clay Coated Light Back) - Light gray - Clay coated (one side) CCKB (Clay Coated Kraft Back) - Brown - Clay coated (one side) |
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