单铜纸:C1S art paper or C1S art board
wipe手机什么意思双灰板:Grey board
铜版纸:Coated Art Paper(or Board)/glossy coated paper/SBS(Solid Bleached Sulphate): C1S(coated one side单铜纸)和C2S(coated two sides双铜纸)。根据表面涂布效果分为Matte(哑光纸)和Glossy(光面纸)。
哑粉纸: Matt Artpaper
双胶纸:woodfree paper
双白纸:CCWB:clay coated white back
灰底白板纸:Greyback board(GB)
可移性贴纸:removeable sticker
encouragement银锑咭纸:金/银:Foil paper:gold / silver
单坑(B-坑/E坑):Single Corrugated
双坑:Double Corrugated
灰底白板纸板:CCNB(Clay Coated News Back)
牛底白板纸板:CCKB(Clay Coated Kraft Back)
白底灰芯纸板:CCWB(Clay Coated W te Back)
平板瓦楞纸:corrugated board
西卡纸:Bristol board
原生牛卡(virgin kraft liner board)region是什么意思
涂布的白面牛卡(coated white-top KLB)
no matter
涂布的白面牛卡(coated white-top KLB)
纯牛卡:Kraft liner(KL)
五十步笑百步翻译仿牛卡/挂面仿牛卡:Test liner(TL)
面纸:outer liner
芯纸:inside liner
表面蜡质瓦楞纸箱:WCC(Waxed Corrugated Containers)
楞型:flute type
表面处理:coating/ surface fishing
UV油:UV Varnishing
局部UV油:Spot UV Varnishing
光胶:Opp Lamination
哑胶:Matt Lamination
亮光膜: glossy film
upgrade esntial
亚光膜: matte film
吸塑油:Blister Varnish
光油:Gloss Varnish
磨光:Calendaring Varnish
哑油:Matt Varnish
局部印油:Spot Varnish
环保磨光: ENV calendering
环保吸塑: ENV heat-al
烫金: foil stamping
彩盒:color box
贴纸:sticker:removable stiker 可移动性贴纸
贴体包装:skin packaging
天地盒:top and ba or box with top and bottom lid
翻盖盒: lid hinged ba with extend flap
精品盒 : ca box or plush box
平版印刷:offt printing
书刊印刷 bookand periodical printing 分手的文章
套印不准 out of register
透印 print through
印刷 printing
染纸:dyed paper
印刷材料 printing material
印刷技术 printing technique
怎么样学做生意印刷品 printed matter
印刷压力 printingpressure
印刷油墨 printig ink
原稿 original
制版 plate making
包衬 cylinder-packing
彩盒纸用纸别以单粉咭 ClS-Coated One Side Board 为主导线, 概括可分为:
1、粉灰咭 Duplex Board
a.CCNB -Clay Coated News Back 灰芯黄底
b.CCWB -Clay Coated White Back 灰芯白底
SBS-Solid Bleached Sulphate 漂白化学木桨
BCTMP-Bleached Chemical Thermal-Mechanical Pulp 漂白化学木桨和热解化学机械漂白木桨
白色底层可分为三种以供印刷效果不同之需, 作为底部加印之用, 分别有白斑底、白底和白底加轻粉
b.粉面黄底咭纸 CTMP-Bleached Thermal-Mechanical Pulp 纯热解化学机械木桨
其他的咭纸类则按个别所需情况而作出恰当的选购, 有:
1、双粉咭 C 2 S-Two Side Coated Board
2、粉面牛皮咭 Coated Kraft Board
3、PE 板纸 PE Board
4、双灰板纸 Grey Chip Board