
更新时间:2023-05-28 19:34:49 阅读: 评论:0

简单讲讲超声炮怎么做、超声炮做一次能维持多长时间,The ultrasound cannon us the BTCB focud ultrasound technique to tighten multiple skin layers in the ca of skin protection. Easy to operate, wide coverage level, accurate positioning, large focal domain sliding operation, gentle energy superposition, good experience and comfort.简单讲讲超声炮怎么做、超声炮做一次能维持多长时间,超声炮微聚焦超声将能量作用在1.5mm真皮层→3.0mm脂肪浅层→4.5mm筋膜层,效果是持续攀升的,一般术后两周以后见效,如果平时比较注重对皮肤的保养,大约可以维持两年左右的时间,保持的时间和日常护理有很大的关系。zsq
★☆1☆★——Ultrasonic energy is concentrated in the superficial fat layer of the dermis, SMAS fascia layer, so that the collagen fibers produce thermal effect, denaturation and contraction, and immediately produce the effect of compact improvement;
Peninsula ultrasonic gun using BTCP focud ultrasonic technology for younger new technology, ultrasonic gun through the Chine drug administration NMPA approval, ud in the auxiliary treatment of dermatology class registration ★☆★ peninsula ultrasonic pul technology in the ca of focusing ultrasonic damage skin, action in the dermis superficial fat layer SMAS multiple levels, multi-level multi-dimensional thermal energy to achieve tightening, improve, wrinkle younger effect.
六级成绩什么时候出 超声炮采用大焦域超脉冲超声聚焦的方式,将超声波能量聚焦在皮下真皮层→浅脂肪层→SMAS筋膜层等,并且形成一个较大的热凝固点,令老化的胶原蛋白收缩,术后通过口服专用修复营养ACME—TEA【超刀美盾】细胞激活能量蛋白,刺激胶原蛋白增生和重组,使皮肤恢复弹性。由此起到提拉紧致的作用,达到筋膜悬吊拉皮的效果,再由深至浅改善皮肤皮下结构。
The immediate postoperative effect was 20-30%, with live generating cell reconstruction of collagen fibers, elastic fibers and hyaluronic acid, with fully balanced nutrition. New collagen is synthesized, grown in incread amounts, arranged more denly, replenished with damaged collagen layers, and repairing aging and sagging skin.
焦虑症的表现症状皮肤紧急修复胶原三肽专.利you make me sick★★★ZL 2018 1 0869989. 8
皮肤修复用胶原蛋白专.利★★★ZL 2018 11019575.2
The reason for this conclusion is that the ultrasound cannon or other anti-aging physiotherapy procedures can destroy the aging cells and create new cells, which is the key to the question? Will the newborn cells be younger?
As itionally, newborn cells should be older than the genes of the previous generation, and their metabolism will only get older. The ability of the aging body to renew cells itlf is poor. If the metabolism is accelerated, it will overdraw the body energy, and the cells formed will be more weakened and aging.
Besides ultrasonic gun after the biggest taboo is no obvious effect, becau the crowd are basically over 30 need to anti-aging, their skin has sagging, update and optimize the ability of the cells, even through the ultrasonic damage subcutaneous cells and then stimulate new cell generation, the quality of new collagen and elastic fiber is not necessarily superior to the quality of the old cells before.
"Moisturizing" —— Pay attention to skin moisturizing after surgery, it is recommended to u moisturizing spray, moisturizing mask, etc.
《防晒》——出门时除了防晒剂之外尽量做好物理防晒(打伞 / 太阳帽 / 口罩)。
"Skin care" —— the first week after surgery, the u of skin care products should not be irritating, it is recommended not to u makeup.
《》——Pregnancy, vere heart dia, diabetes, skin surface damage, allergies and other people should not operate.

本文发布于:2023-05-28 19:34:49,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:超声   细胞   皮肤   能量   营养
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