超声波、MC U、LED、测距、传感器
51 car collision avoidance system bad on 【Abstract】Ultrasonic ranging car anti-collision system bad on 51, introduces
goldbergthe principle and system frame of ultrasonic distance measurement, the ultrasonic transmitter and receiver circuit, the blind area elimination, to improve the measurementaccuracy. The relation between ultrasonic transmission distance and time, using 51 single-chip microcomputer control and data processing, design the ultrasonic liquid level detection system for accurate measurement of distance between two points. The system is mainly compod of the ultrasonic transmitter circuit,ultrasonic receiver circuit, single-chip microcomputer control circuit, keyboard circuit and display circuit. The u of ultrasonic ranging automotive anti-collision system are designed, the running distance between vehicles were tested,two carcollection was too clo to the system will nd out sound and light alarm to warn the driver respon action. This system has the advantages of easy control,reliable operation, high measuring precision, real-time vehicle distance detecting.
【Key Words】Ultrasonic, MCU, LED, location, nsor
1 绪论 (4)
1.1研究的背景 (4)
1.2研究的主要内容 (5)
indeed1.3应解决的关键问题 (5)
2 电路方案论证 (6)
americano2.1方案比较 (6)
2.1.1 激光测距 (6)
2.1.2 超声波测距 (6)
2.2电路总体方案 (6)
3单片机概述 (8)nrc
3.1 STC89C51主要性能 (8)
3.2 STC89C51外部结构及特性 (8)
3.3 STC89C51内部组成 (10)
英语高分突破4 超声波测距模块 (11)
4.1 超声波传感器介绍 (11)
4.2 HC-SR04超声波测距模块的性能特点 (12)
4.3 HC-SR04的管脚排列和电气参数 (13)
4.3.1 管脚简介 (13)
4.3.2 HC-SR04的电气参数 (13)
essay是什么意思4.4超声波时序图 (14)
5系统硬件电路设计 (15)
5.1单片机最小系统 (15)
5.1.1 STC89C51芯片 (15)
5.1.2 复位电路 (15)
5.1.3 晶振电路 (16)
5.2 驱动显示电路及报警电路 (17)
5.2.1 LED数码管显示电路 (17)
5.2.2 蜂鸣器和LED报警 (17)
5.3 HC-RS04超声波测距原理 (18)
5.4 按键设置电路 (19)
6系统程序的设计 (21)
6.1主程序 (21)
6.2显示数据子程序 (21)
6.3报警子程序 (22)诱惑的奏鸣曲
6.4按键子程序 (22)
结论 (24)
参考文献 (25)
accost附录(A) (26)
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