of the Project terms
AAQO : 运营质量保证推进人
对于ONL专业, ONL质量横向推进由隶属于 DPTA/QMGT/GTN的 AAQO 保证。
AAQO : 大学英语四六级网考Animator Quality Assurance Operational
For the job ONL, the Transver Animation Quality ONL is assured by the AAQO connected with DPTA / QMGT / GTN.
AAS : 泊车辅助系统
AAS : Park assist
AB : AB型座椅骨架
AB : Armature of siege type AB
ABL : 侧安全气囊
ABL : Side airbag
AC : 发现的异常情况
AC : Noticed abnormality
AC : 成本控制专员 – 新的名称是 : 项目成本控制负责人 (RCP)
AC : Agency Costs - New naming is: Project Cost Management ( RCP)jms是什么意思
验收 : 对一个初始样件 (EI)的检验程序,据此确保一个新供应的产品符合订购这种产品所要满足的需求。实际上,验收的要求根据样件制造的不同目的(调试, 预批量,批量ipo是什么意思)而不同。
初始样件(EI )的验收是一个不可分割的整体,主要组成部分有:
Acceptance : Control procedure allowing making sure, about an initial sample ( EI), that a new supply is in compliance with the needs for which it was ordered. Indeed, the requirement is not the same according to the usage which is made (finalized, pre-approval, ries). The acceptance of the EI concerns an inparable t constituted of:
• 一种实物产品,具有一个唯一编号,
• A physical product, characterized by a unique reference,
• 生产这种作为验收对象的产品所使用的工艺,
• The process which generated the product object of the acceptance,outline是什么意思
• 供应商工厂,即生产这种作为验收对象的产品的工厂。
•The supplier site, where the product object of the acceptance was realized.
产品的验收 : 检验供应的产品的质量是否符合订购这些产品所要满足的需求。一种产品的验收是一个持续的过程,从代表性手工样件阶段持续到批量生产开始。
Acceptance of products : Check that the quality of stationery is in compliance with the need for which they were ordered.
The acceptance of a product is a continuous proceeding since the stage reprentative prototype up to the eded player.
ACFA : 生产中心质量单位(DIFA)的制造和商品化许可
ACFA : The acceptance of a product is an Agreement of marketing and manufacturing entity of the Quality of the Production Center ( DIFA)
ACOM : 批量生产商业化许可 (Cascade下的标准Q760100)
ACOM (商业化许可,或绿灯)的目的是:
ACOM : Marketing agreement alive rial (standard Q760100 under the Cascade)The A
COM (Marketing agreement, or Green light approval)
pink visual- 在整个制造工艺流过程中尽可能检查缺陷
- To detect a maximum of defects throughout the flow of manufacturing
- To formalize the level quality of the vehicle at the time of delivering it to the customer in compliance with the level quality planned
ACTAP : 项目前阶段技术和工艺选择辅助系统:
ACTAP : The assistance of the technical and technological Choices in
优化应用组合, abntee它使用与ERICA一样的宏观规则英文购物网站, 但是它能够迅速和自动评估几百个配置。
Optimizer given a complex usage, which us the same macroscopic rules as ERICA, but which is capable of estimating quickly and automatically veral hundreds of configurations.
活动 : 它代表项目(开发中的或批量生产的整车、部件,创新,工业化, 专业trace) 以及专业活动 ( 来自于项目的服务, 支持活动 – 杭州翻译公司培训, 工艺监控, 结构, …).
ACTIVITIES : They reprent the projects (vehicles, organs - in development or life puts into ries, innovations, industrialists, business) and the activities business (performances stemming from projects, activities support - formation, technology watch, structure,...).
ADOS : 批量生产部件启动许可
等同于ADLC 但是针对部件的 (发动机, 变速箱, …).
ADOS : Agreement of the Organ Serial Start-up
Equivalent of ADLC but for organs (engines, gearboxes,...).
ADLC : 商业化投放日期和爬产计划许可
整车项目运行计划的 0点,在这个过程中项目组和制造部 (DIFA) 对品牌部 (DPMx)承诺主
ADLC : Agreement of Date of Commercial Launch and programming of the ri(ascent) in step. Point 0 of the operational schedule of a vehicle project, during which the Project and the Management of Manufacturing ( DIFA) make a commitment with the Mark(DPMx) on the date of the main commercial launch. It is a commitment:
• 可以向品牌提出足够的预先通知,以便其开展商业化投放的计划,
· Allowing an advance notice being enough in the Mark for engaging its program of Commercial Launch,
• 可以保证在预期的日期提供预期数量的整车,且车辆的混合比和质量水平符合预期要求。
· Guaranteeing the provision in the date planned by the number of vehicles waited in the wished mix and at the level of quality planned
ADPG : 一般阶段前期,包含所有创新工作的阶段。在这个时期进行一个开发中项目的新设计的研究。
ADPG : Advance of Generic Pha, pha which includes all the works of innovation. Period during that are studied the new concepts of a project in development.
ADPP : 规划阶段的前期。这个阶段对项目建设进行初始化,为期一年,并可以将创新纳入一个项目中。
ADPP : Advance of Scheduled Pha. This pha initializes the construction of the project, it lasts on 1 year and allows integrating the innovations into a project.
AEL :电子结构工程师 : 隶属于DPTA/DMFV
AEL : Electronic architecture: Connected with DPTA / DMFV
AF : 功能分析是一种方法,它可以在设计开始时完整地表达一个产品符合用户需要和环境
AF : The Functional Analysis is a method allowing expressing in a exhaustive way, from the beginning of the conception, the functions of a product meeting the needs of urs and in the requirements of the environment, to elaborate the specifications.