The driver of the car was badly damaged.
【解析】damage的直接宾语一般是无生命的事物,但在本句中,作者却用有生命的driver 作damage的逻辑宾语,意图是要拿车祸本身开玩笑,制造幽默的效果。
根据The Collins Cobuild Students’Dictionary Online对welcome一词用法的解释及本句所需表达的意思,我们使用welcome一词时,可以选择以下用法作为句子框架:①If you tell someone that they are welcome to do something,you are encouraging them to do it.
②If you welcome something new,you approve of it and support it.
软件培训学校③If something that happens or occurs is welcome,you are plead about it or approve of it.
【译文1】Private foreign investors are welcome to invest in China’s infrastructure
and basic industries.
“基础设施”的英语是infrastructure,基础产业是basic industries。
英语教学案例范文【译文2】The Chine government welcomes private foreign investments in China’s infrastucture and basic industries.
【译文3】Private foreign investments are welcome in the development of China’s infrastructure and basic industries.
(2)A welcomes B to do something句型探讨
①用Google搜索“welcomes***to”(一个*号代表任意一个单词,以此控制welcome与to之间的单词数目),发现大多数场合是to welcome someone to some place,以及to welcome something。也有个别例子用句型to welcome someone to do something。
②用英语国家的语料库,如Collins Cobuild Concordance Sampler进一步搜索welcome 的用法。检索结果与Google搜索结果类似。
从调查中发现,welcome someone to do something的用法是存在的,尽管不常用。Collins COBUILD on CD-ROM也收录了这一句型的例句。
【译文4】The Chine government welcomes private foreign investors to invest in China’s infrastructure and basic industries.
在The Collins Cobuild Student's Dictionary Online对welcome用法的解释中可以看到“If you tell someone that they are welcome to do something,you are
encouraging them to do it.”
根据The Collins Cobuild Student's Dictionary对encourage的解释,encourage 所要求的句子框架为:
①If you encourage someone to do something,you tell them that you think that they should do it,or that they should continue doing it.
②If you encourage a particular activity,you support it actively.dieout
【译文5】The Chine government encourages private foreign investors to invest in China’s infrastructure and basic industries.
【译文6】The Chine govemment encourages private foreign investment in China’s infrastructure and basic industries.
【原译】First opinion,now that Criminal Law in China does not exclude husband and wife,if a husband forces his wife to participate in unwanted xual activity,he has committed rape.
gfg查汉英词典和同义词词典,“观点”可能译为view,viewpoint,point of view,opinion;
“一种观点”可能翻译为one view,one opinion,one point of view。接下来看这些说法如何与句子其他部分搭配。
在Simple Search of BNC-World上搜索one view,总结出one view所使用的句套子:0ne view is that…,one view has it that…,one view es something as something el,on one view+句子。
根据本句的特点,我们可以选用简单的one view is that…
think或believe的主语必须是人,所以,“一种观点认为”,就应变为“有人认为”:some believe…,some think…
“既然”在字典上有两个译法,一是now that,二是since。
①Cobuild对now that的解释是:
You also u now or now that when you are talking about the effect of an event or change.
可见,Now that表示“既然结果是……”
You u since to introduce a reason.
的句型是exclude something或exclude someone/something from…
而且,查Microsoft Bookshelf中的钱伯斯电子词典,发现exclude的一条解释中有:to exempt(from a law,regulation,etc)The Chambers Dictionary.Copyright?1994 by Chambers Harrap Publishers,Ltd.All rights rerved.。所以表示法律上的“不适用于”可以用exclude或exempt。
是criminal law in China还是criminal law of China?
经BNC-World查证,不仅可以说the criminal law of China,还可以说the Chine criminal law。至于the criminal law in China,经仔细分析发现介词in组成的短语并不修饰law,所以不能用介词in。
【原译】…if a husband forces his wife to participate in unwanted xual activity,he has committed rape.
②to participate in unwanted xual activity这个词汇搭配根据Google验证也行得通。
③“强奸罪”字典上可能无法直接查出来,但“强奸”可查证为rape。据Google或其他电子手段查证“强奸罪”可以说成crime of rape。
用Cobuild Concordance Sampler查VBN+5crime of rape(表示要搜索一个过去分词+crime of rape,两者之间的单词数不超过5个),结果有两个符合我们需要的意思,可以从中抽出两个搭配:someone is adjudged guilty of a crime.以及someone is convicted of
a crime。
【译文1】One view is that since husband and wife are not excluded from the criminal law of China:if a husband forces his wife to participate in unwanted xual activity,he should be convicted of the crime of rape.
【译文2】One view is that the husband should be convicted of the crime of rape if he forces his wife to participate in unwanted xual activity,since husband and wife are not excluded from the criminal law of China.
【译文3】Coercive x within marriage should be a criminal offen since husband and wife are not exempted from the Chine criminal law.
《婚姻法》英译本把“子女应当尊重父母的婚姻权利”翻译为“Children shall have respect for their parents matrimonial rights”。
波茨坦公告全文是否存在matrimonial right这一搭配?
用Webcorp搜索matrimonial right*(*为通配符),从例句中发现right用复数是不正确的;matrimonial right的意思是“因婚姻而获得的权利”,不是“结婚的权利”。