q1 low
工况流量低于已设定的低流量限值. The uncorrected flow rate is below the value of Lo qN.
qN low
pres1.1 High
压力值高于压力警告上限. The pressure ud is above the values of PressureN High.
presN High
pres1.1 Low
压力值低于压力警告下限. The pressure ud is below the values of PressureN Low.
presN Low
temp1.1 High
温度值高于温度警告上限. The temperature ud is above the values of TemperatureN High.
tempN High
temp1.1 Low
温度值低于温度警告下限. The temperature ud is below the values of TemperatureN Low.
tempN Low
turb1 lf
叶轮故障(针对涡轮表-低频). An lf turbine meter alarm (blade failure) has occurred.
turbN lf
us1 eff.1%
第1声道效率因数低于预设值. Meter path 1 efficiency is below pre-t % limit.
usN eff.1%
us1 eff.2%
第2声道效率因数低于预设值. Meter path 2 efficiency is below pre-t % limit.
usN eff.2%
us1 eff.3%
第3声道效率因数低于预设值. Meter path 3 efficiency is below pre-t % limit.
usN eff.3%
us1 eff.4%
第4声道效率因数低于预设值. Meter path 4 efficiency is below pre-t % limit.
usN eff.4%
us1 eff.5%
第5声道效率因数低于预设值. Meter path 5 efficiency is below pre-t % limit.
usN eff.5%
presN max pres1.1 max
压力值高于压力报警上限. Pressure nsor 1 is above the values of pressureN max.
presN min pres1.1 min
压力值低于压力报警下限. Pressure of nsor 1 is below the values of pressureN min.
pr1.N unit pr1.1 unit
正在使用的压力变送器单位错误. The lected pressure units do not match the units indicated by pressure nsor 1.
presN hart pres1.1 hart
A communications failure has occurred between the Model 2000 and pressure nsor 1.
tempN max temp1.1 max
温度值高于温度报警上限. Temperature nsor 1 is above the values of temp.N max.
tempN min temp1.1 min
温度值低于温度报警下限. Temperature nsor 1 is below the values of temp N min.
te1.N unit te1.1 unit 正在使用的温度变送器单位错误. The lected temperature units do not match the units indicated by temperature nsor 1.
tempN hart temp1.1 hart
A communications failure has occurred between the Model 2000 and temperature nsor 1.
qN high q1 high 工况流量高于已设定的高流量限值.(1 min) The uncorrected flow rate is above the value of Hi qN. For more than 1 minute.
znN high zn1 high
Ba compressibility outside tolerance znN high.
znN low zn1 low
基准压缩因子低于低限. Ba compressibility outside tolerance znN low.
znN calc zn1 calc
chapter11基准压缩因子目前无法计算. Ba Compressibility cannot be calculated.
zN calc z1 calc
相对压缩因子目前无法计算. Compressibility cannot be calculated.
Calibrate Calibrate 系统目前工作在标定模式下.
Unit is in the calibrate mode.
turbN hf turb1 hf 叶轮故障(针对涡轮表-高频).
An hf turbine meter alarm (blade failure) has occurred.
usN paths us1 paths 声道号定义错误.(多为流量计中有个别声道停止工作)
Wrong number of acoustic paths specified.
usN cur us1 cur 流量计安全报警位打开.(流量计处于可编辑状态)
Meter curity alarm bit t.
usN level1 us1 level1 精度降低报警.
Reduced accuracy alarm.
usN comms
us1 comms
流量计与计算机间通讯故障.(停止通信5s 以上)
No valid communications from the meter for last 5 conds.
tempN alrm temp1 alrm
温度低于t-alarm 值,且工况流量超过1小时. Temperature below t-alarm and qb above Lo.q for more than a pret time interval.
Warn ipX
Warn ip1
插槽 X 上丢失输入信号.
Missing Input board in ur position X.
Warn opX
Warn op1
插槽 X 上丢失输出信号.
Missing Output board in ur position X.
Warn comX
Warn com1
插槽 X 上丢失通讯信号.
Missing Comms. board in ur position X.
Warn brdX
Warn brd1
错误的插件安装在插槽X 上.
new city
Wrong board type in ur position X.
Unit is currently using Default Calibration data.
op1 brdX
op1 brd1
插槽X 上的脉冲输出1超出预设范围.
Pul Output 1 on Output Board in position X is Overrange.
op2 brdX
op2 brd1
插槽X 上的脉冲输出2超出预设范围.
Pul Output 2 on Output Board in position X is
op3 brdX
op3 brd1
插槽X 上的脉冲输出3超出预设范围.
Pul Output 3 on Output Board in position X is Overrange.
op4 brdX
op4 brd1
插槽X 上的脉冲输出4超出预设范围.
Pul Output 4 on Output Board in position X is Overrange.
op5 brdX
op5 brd1
插槽X 上的脉冲输出5超出预设范围.
Pul Output 5 on Output Board in position X is Overrange.
op6 brdX
op6 brd1
插槽X 上的脉冲输出6超出预设范围.
Pul Output 6 on Output Board in position X is Overrange.
op7 brdX
op7 brd1
插槽X 上的脉冲输出7超出预设范围.
Pul Output 7 on Output Board in position X is Overrange.
op8 brdX
op8 brd1
插槽X 上的脉冲输出8超出预设范围.
Pul Output 8 on Output Board in position X is Overrange.
op9 brdX
op9 brd1英语经典语句
插槽X 上的脉冲输出9超出预设范围.
Pul Output 9 on Output Board in position X is Overrange.
op10 brdX
op10 brd1
插槽X 上的脉冲输出10超出预设范围.
Pul Output 10 on Output Board in position X is Overrange.
op11 brdX
op11 brd1
插槽X 上的脉冲输出11超出预设范围.
Pul Output 11 on Output Board in position X is Overrange.
op12 brdX
op12 brd1
插槽X 上的脉冲输出12超出预设范围.
Pul Output 12 on Output Board in position X is Overrange.
Fault ipX
Fault ip1
插槽X 故障或丢失输入板.
Faulty or missing Input board in ur position X.
Fault opX Fault op1 插槽 X 故障或丢失输出板.
Faulty or missing Output board in ur position X.
Fault comX
Fault com1
插槽X 故障或丢失通讯板.
Faulty or missing Communication board in ur position X.
Fault brdX Fault brd1 插槽 正在使用错误的功能板.
Wrong board type in ur position X.
Fault dat
Fault dat
No or incomplete data for operation.
另附: FC2000面板LED 状态灯 Indicator LED’s on the Front panel