1. durability:耐久力
2. flammability:可燃性
3. conductive liquid:导电液体
4. electrical measuring instruments:电气测量设备
5. safety instructions:安全事项ranknow
6. power outlets on the equipment:设备强电输出部分
7. isolation of multiple power sources:多个电源之间的隔离
8. removable parts:可移去的部件
9. replaceable parts:可更换部件
10. energized parts:带电部件
11. primary circuit:原边电路
12. voltages under normal conditions:正常情况下的电压
13. voltages under fault conditions:故障情况下的电压etc
14. double or reinforced insulation:双重或加强绝缘
15. protective earthing:保护接地
16. functional earthing:功能接地
17. size of protective earthing conductors:保护接地导体尺寸
18. protective earthing terminal:保护接地端子
19. electric strength test:电应力测试
20. properties of insulating materials:绝缘材料特性
21. creepage distance:爬电距离
22. condary circuits:副边电路
23. thermal cycling:热循环
24. aled parts:密封部件
25. beads and ceramic insulators:玻璃珠和陶瓷绝缘体
26. non-metallic materials:非金属材料
27. protection against mechanical damage:机械损伤保护
28. clearance:电气间隙
29. distance through insulation:绝缘穿透距离
30. detachable parts:可拆卸部件
捷克语翻译31. permanently connected equipment:永久连接设备欧盟的英文缩写
32. wall or ceiling mounted equipment:安装在墙壁或天花板上的设备
33. drop test:自由落体实验
34. telephone ringing signal:电话振铃信号
35. routine test:常规测试
36. sampling test:抽样测试
37. V-shaped groove:V型槽
38. floating circuit:浮地电路
39. conduit:走线管道
40. temperature ri limit:温升极限
41. permitted temperature limit:允许温度极限
42. electric shock:电击
43. hazard voltage:危险电压
44. Continuous Voltage:连续电压
45. leakage current:漏电流
46. isolation:隔离
47. impul test:脉冲实验
48. test finger:实验指
49. multimeter:万用表
50. probe:探头
51. clamp meter:钳形表
52. Mega-Ohm-Meter:兆欧表
53. oscilloscope:示波器
54. Compliance criteria:合格性判据
四六级作弊55. electric strength:抗电强度
56. Flammability test:text是什么意思可燃性实验
57. foamed material:泡沫材料
58. High current arcing ignition test:大电流电弧燃烧实验
59. abnormal condition:异常情况
美国枪支管理60. motor test:电动机实验
61. skidproof:防滑的
62. Ionizing radiation:电离辐射
63. focus voltage:聚焦电压
64. double insulation:双绝缘
65. mobility:可移动性
66. wiring:布线
67. Stability and mechanical hazards:稳定性与机械危险
68. hand-held equipment:手持式设备
69. power outlet:电源输出插座
70. test pin:实验针
71. knob:旋纽
72. handle:把手
73. stored charge:存储电荷
74. time constant:时间常数
75. Safety extra-low voltage (SELV):安全超低电压
76. Continuity of earth connections:接地连接的连续性
77. Corrosion:腐蚀
78. disconnect device:断接装置
79. adequate breaking capacity:足够的分断能力
80. Safety interlock:安全连锁
81. inadvertent reactivation:意外再动作
82. Contact gap:接点间隙
83. overstress:过应力
84. aled component:密封器件
85. cross ction:截面积
86. electrical contact pressure:电气接触压力
87. spaced thread screws:宽螺距螺钉
88. thread-cutting screws:切削螺钉
89. gap requirement for the insulation:绝缘间隙要求
90. coupling:连轴器
91. 驱动皮带:driving belt
92. enclosure:外壳
93. Warning label:警告标签
94. thermoplastic parts:热塑性部件
95. ball-pressure test:球压实验
96. Continuous Voltage:连续电压
97. earthing test:接地实验
98. protective earthing:保护接地
99. markings:标识
100. integrity of protective earthing:保护接地的完整性
you give good love
101. functional insulation:功能绝缘
102. basic insulation:基本绝缘
103. reinforced insulation:加强绝缘
104. pollution degree:污染等级
105. type test:型式实验
106. 浪涌发生器:Surge generator
107. Conducted Emission Test:传导干扰测试
108. Surge Immunity Test:冲击抗干扰实验
109. Immunity Test:英文论文网抗干扰实验
110. EMD(electromagnetic disturbance):电磁骚扰
111. EMC level:电磁兼容水平
112. immunity (to a disturbance):抗扰性
113. electromagnetic susceptibility:电磁敏感性
114. verity level:严酷等级
115. transient:暂态
116. voltage surge:电压冲击
117. common mode voltage, asymmetrical voltage:共模电压, 不对称电压:
118. differential mode voltage, symmetrical voltage:差模电压, 对称电压
119. EUT:被测设备
120. EFT:快速脉冲群
121. 性能劣化:degradation of performance
122. ground reference plane(GRP):接地参考平面
123. coupling plane:耦合面:
124. holding time:保持时间
125. contact discharge method:接触放电方法
126. air discharge method:空气放电方法
127. direct application:直接放电
128. indirect application:间接放电
129. anechoic chamber:无回声室
130. fully anechoic chamber:全无回声室
131. mi-anechoic chamber:半无回声室
132. far field:远场
133. field strength:场强
134. induction field:感应场
135. sweep:扫描
136. spurious radiation:寄生辐射
137. EFT/B(electrical fast transient/burst):快速瞬变脉冲/群
eeepc138. decoupling network:去耦网络
139. DC component:直流分量
140. free-wheeling diode:续流二极管
141. ri time:瞬态
142. burst:脉冲群
143. balanced lines:平衡线路
144. coupling network :耦合网络
145. primary protection:第一级保护
146. condary protection:第二级保护
147. time to half-value:半峰值时间:
148. electromotive force:电动势
149. measurement result:测量结果
150. voltage standing wave ratio:电压驻波比