TherMoelecTric ProPerTies of MeTals anD MiconDucTors
l. i. Berger
There are three thermoelectric phenomena that result from correlation between propagation of heat through a conductor and displacement of the current carriers in the conductor . The Seebeck effect (Ref . 1) consists of formation of an electric current in an electrical circuit formed by two dissimilar conductors if the contacts between the conductors are held at different tempera-tures . A rever phenomenon, the Peltier effect (Ref . 2), consists of formation of a temperature difference between the contacts in a circuit of this type if an electric current is created in the circuit by an external current source to which the circuit is connected . W . Thomson (Lord Kelvin), who explained both effects (Refs . 3,4), predicted and experimentally confirmed the existence of another thermoelectric phenomenon, named the Thomson effect, which consists of absorption or relea of heat in a uniform conductor with a current passing through it when a temperature gradient (positive or negative) is prent along the current direction . The electromotive force, ΔU, which creates the Seebeck current in the circuit, is the algebraic sum of the emf’s created in each of the conductors, and is proportional to the temperature difference, ΔT, between the electrical contact points: ΔU = ΔU1 + ΔU2 = α1ΔT + α2ΔT . The coefficient of proportionality, α, called the Seebeck coefficient or thermoelectric power or thermal electromotive for
ce (thermal emf), of each of the two materials depends on the electri-cal properties and temperature of the material . The Peltier effect is measured by the amount of heat, ΔQ, relead or absorbed in a unit of time (in addition to the Joule heat) at a contact of two dissimilar conductors with electric current ΔI passing through the contact: ΔQ = Π∙ΔI . Thomson showed that Π = αT . The Thomson effect’s heat, d Q, relead or absorbed in a unit of time along a part of a conductor of length d x is proportional to the current magnitude I, the temperature gradient along the conductor ∂T/∂x, and the incre-ment d x: d Q = τI(∂T/∂x)d x . Thomson showed that the magnitude of the coefficient of proportionality, τ, later named the Thomson coefficient, depends on only the properties of the conductor and the ambient temperature and correlates with the other thermoelec-tric parameters of a material through the equation τ = T(∂α/∂T) . Another thermoelectric phenomenon, called the Bridgman effect or the internal Peltier effect (Ref . 5), occurs when an electric current pass through an anisotropic crystal, resulting in absorption or lib-eration of heat becau of non-uniformity in current distribution . In view of the correlations between α, Π, and τ, we need only to prent data for one of the parameters, namely, thermal emf αand its dependence on temperature . The values are prented below, first for metals and then for miconductors . In accordance with modern theory of solids, thermal emf in miconductors is up to three or even four orders of magnitude higher than that in metals (Ref . 9) .
1 . Seebeck, T . J ., Abhand. Deut. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 265–373, 182高中辅导班
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5 . Bridgman, P . W ., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 13(2), 46–50, 1927; Phys.
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Thermoelectric Properties of elemental Metals
Thermal emf α(T) in μV/K at Temperature T
100 K300 K500 K1000 K1500 K Ag0 .73 1 .51 2 .827 .95
Al–2 .2–1 .66 1 .96
Au0 .82 1 .94 2 .86 3 .85
Ba–412 .128 .5
Be–2 .5 1 .7 2 .77 .9
Ca 1 .0510 .317 .1
Cd–0 .05 2 .55
Ce13 .6 6 .2 5 .2–4 .8
Co–8 .43–30 .8–44 .8–35 .9–7 .8 Cr521 .816 .617 .9 5 .7
Thermal emf α(T) in μV/K at Temperature T
100 K300 K500 K1000 K1500 K
Cs–0 .9
Cu 1 .19 1 .83 2 .83 5 .36
Dy–4 .1–1 .80 .9 2 .3
Er–3 .8–0 .1 1 .9 4 .2
Eu 5 .324 .546
Fe11 .61530 .4
meridian>counterboreGa0 .5
Gd–4 .6–1 .6–0 .5–0 .8
Hf0 5 .5 5 .7–0 .5
Ho–6 .7–1 .6 1 .4 2 .8
Thermal emf α(T) in μV/K at Temperature T
100 K300 K500 K1000 K1500 K In0 .56 1 .68
Ir 1 .420 .86–0 .1–2 .7–5 .7 K–5 .2–13 .7
La0 .1 1 .72–1 .7
Li 4 .3
Lu–6 .9–4 .3–2 .60
Mg–2 .1–1 .46
Mn–2 .5–9 .8–8 .4–1 .5
Mo0 .1 5 .611 .417 .413 .7 Na–2 .6–6 .3
Nb 1 .05–0 .44–1 .10 .45 3 .2 Nd–4–2 .30–1 .2
Ni–8 .5–19 .5–25 .8–29 .9
Np8 .9–3 .1
Os–3 .2–4 .4–4 .7–6 .3–8 .5 Pb–0 .58–1 .05–1 .5
Pd 1 .1–10 .7–16 .3–32 .3–46 .4 Pt 4 .1–5 .3–7 .9–8 .2feet
Rb–3 .6–10
Thermal emf α(T) in μV/K at Temperature T
100 K300 K500 K1000 K1500 K Re–1 .4–5 .9–5 .9–1 .9 1 .8 Rh0 .80 .60 .5–1 .5
Ru0 .3–1 .4–1 .8–4 .2–7 .5 Sc–14 .3–19–17 .5–5 .410 .2 Sm0 .7 1 .20 .6–3
Sn–0 .04–1
Sr–3 1 .1 4 .2
Ta0 .7–1 .9–2 .3 1 .67 .2 Tb–1 .6–10 .30 .6
Th0 .6–3 .2–9 .2–14 .3–10 .4 Ti–29 .1 5 .3–3 .1–0 .5 Tl0 .60 .3–1 .5
Tm–1 .3 1 .9 2 .7 2 .2
U37 .11116 .7
V 2 .90 .23 1 .1 4 .6
W–4 .40 .9919 .821 .3 Y–5 .1–0 .70 .3 2 .9 6 .6 Yb 5 .13020 .312 .3
Zn0 .7 2 .4
Zr 4 .48 .9 4 .6–3 1 .1
Thermoelectric Properties of lected miconductors; Values near room Temperature
unless otherwi indicated
Materialα/μV K–1Materialα/μV K–1Materialα/μV K–1
Elemental Semiconductors
B600 (500 K)n-Si300p-Si–500
n-Ge600p-Ge–830α-Sn–40 (250 K)
I-VI Compounds
II-VI Compounds
III-V Compounds
V-VI Compounds
I-III-VI Compounds
I-IV-VI Compounds
I-V-VI Compounds
behaviorismII-IV-V Compounds
12-218 Thermoelectric Properties of Metals and Semiconductors