Subj. 758 Section 2 Page 2919 Issued: 1978-03-22
Revid: 2005-04-18 Style 2919 Low Voltage Computer Cable.青岛法语培训
Rating 80︒C, 30 Volts.
Insulated Conductors No. 40 AWG minimum. Labeled or complying with Manufacturer’s AWM Procedure having a minimum rating of 80︒C, 30 V.
Asmbly Consists of two or more conductors, twisted pairs or groups of twisted conductors twisted together. The conductors or
groups of conductors may be laid parallel forming a flat,
oval or round cable. The lay of the conductors is not
specified. A barrier layer and/or fillers are optional.
Manufacturer shall maintain a complete description of each
asmbly. May u same or mixed AWG size.
Covering (Optional) - A 6 mil or heavier PVC covering may be extruded over the conductor asmbly.
Shield Optional.
Jacket PVC - Class 43
#Dia of cable
under jacket Minimum Minimum
rising是什么意思in inches Average at any point
0.425 or less 30 24
0.426 - 0.700 45 36
0.701 - 1.000 60 48
1.000 - 1.500 80 64
1.501 -
2.500 110 88
2.501 and larger 140 112
# - Major dia if cable is flat or oval.
Braid Optional.
Standard Appliance Wiring Material UL 758.
Subj. 758 Section 2 Page 2919A Issued: 1978-03-22
Revid: 2003-02-17
to UL Reprentative Detailed Examination.
salTensile Strength and Elongation of Jacket.
The designation of all Styles of the individual conductors ud making up the cable asmbly shall be available, and the UL Reprentative’s tag shall indicate if the Style is labeled or not. If they are not labeled, the appropriate Follow-Up Tests shall be conducted.
Counter-Check Program
* (4) Detailed Examination.subject怎么读
(4) Tensile Strength and Elongation of Jacket.
(4) Heat Shock on Jacket.
(4) Deformation on Jacket.
(4) Cold Bend on Completed Cable.
(12) Cable Flame Test on Completed Cable.
If the insulated Styles are not labeled, the appropriate Follow-Up Tests shall be conducted.disappointment
Marking General.
U As internal wiring or external interconnection in Class 2 Circuits of electronic computers and electric business