ASTM B856-13

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Standard Specification for
parachute什么意思Concentric-Lay-Stranded Aluminum Conductors,Coated Steel Supported (ACSS)1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation B856;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or,in the ca of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parenthes indicates the year of last reapproval.A superscript epsilon (´)indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1.1This specification covers round wire concentric-lay-stranded aluminum conductors,steel supported (ACSS)for u as overhead electrical conductors (e Explanatory Note 1).1.2The values stated in inch-pound or SI units are to be regarded parately as standard.Each system shall be ud independently of the other.Combining values from the two systems may result in nonconformance with the specification.For conductor sizes designated by AWG or kcmil sizes,the requirements in SI units are numerically converted from the corresponding requirements in inch-pound units.For conductor sizes designation by AWG or kcmil,the requirements in SI units have been numerically converted from corresponding values stated or derived in inch-pound units.For conductor sizes designated by SI units only,the requirements are stated or derived in SI units.
1.2.1For density,resistivity and temperature,the values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard.2.Referenced Documents
2.1The following documents of the issue in effect on date of material purcha form part of this specification to the extent referenced herein:
2.2ASTM Standards:2
B263Test Method for Determination of Cross-Sectional Area of Stranded Conductors
B354Terminology Relating to Uninsulated Metallic Electri-cal Conductors
B498/B498M Specification for Zinc-Coated (Galvanized)Steel Core Wire for U in Overhead Electrical Conduc-tors
B500/B500M Specification for Metallic Coated or Alumi-num Clad Stranded Steel Core for U in Overhead Electrical Conductors
B502Specification for Aluminum-Clad Steel Core Wire for U in Overhead Electrical Aluminum Conductors
B549Specification for Concentric-Lay-Stranded Aluminum Conductors,Aluminum-Clad Steel Reinforced for U in Overhead Electrical Conductors
B606Specification for High-Strength Zinc-Coated (Galva-nized)Steel Core Wire for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Conductors,Steel Reinforced
B609/B609M Specification for Aluminum 1350Round Wire,Annealed and Intermediate Tempers,for Electrical Purpos
B802/B802M Specification for Zinc–5%Aluminum-Mischmetal Alloy-Coated Steel Core Wire for Aluminum Conductors,Steel Reinforced (ACSR)
B803Specification for High-Strength Zinc–5%Aluminum-Mischmetal Alloy-Coated Steel Core Wire for U in Overhead Electrical Conductors
B857Specification for Shaped Wire Compact Concentric-Lay-Stranded Aluminum Conductors,Coated-Steel Sup-ported (ACSS/TW)
analydB957Specification for Extra-High-Strength and Ultra-High-Strength Zinc-Coated (Galvanized)Steel Core Wire for Overhead Electrical Conductors
B958Specification for Extra-High-Strength and Ultra-High-Strength Class A Zinc–5%Aluminum-Mischmetal Alloy-Coated Steel Core Wire for U in Overhead Electrical Conductors
E29Practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data to Determine Conformance with Specifications
E527Practice for Numbering Metals and Alloys in the Unified Numbering System (UNS)2.3Other Standards:
Aluminum Association Publication 50Code words for Over-head Aluminum Electrical Conductors 3
NBS Handbook 100—Copper Wire Tables of the National Bureau of Standards 4
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee B01on Electrical Conductors and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee B01.07on Conductors of Light Metals.
Current edition approved April 1,2011.Published May 2011.Originally approved in 1995.Last previous edition approved in 2003as B856-03.DOI:10.1520/B0856-11.2
For referenced ASTM standards,visit the ASTM website,,or contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM Standards volume information,refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on the ASTM website.
Available from the Aluminum Association,Inc.,90019th Street,NW,Suite 300,Washington,DC 2006.4
Available from National Technical Information Services,5285Port Royal Road,Springfield,V A 22161.
Copyright ©ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA 19428-2959.United States
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3.1For definitions of terms relating to conductors refer to definitions found in Specification B35
3.2.1aluminum-clad—aluminum bonded.3.2.2galvanized—zinc coated.
3.2.3Zn-5A1-MM—Zinc-5%Aluminum-Mischmetal Alloy (Zn-5A1-MM)coated.
3.3.1ACSS—aluminum conductor,steel supported.
3.3.2ACSS/AW2—supported with regular strength aluminum-clad core wire in accordance with Specification B502.
3.3.3ACSS/AW3—supported with high strength aluminum-clad core wire in accordance with Specification B502.
3.3.4ACSS/GA2—supported with regular strength galva-nized steel core wire,coating Class A in accordance with Specification B498/B498M .
3.3.5ACSS/GC2—supported with regular strength galva-nized steel core wire,coating Class C in accordance with Specification B498/B498M .
3.3.6ACSS/GA3—supported with high-strength galvanized steel core wire in accordance with Specification B606.
3.3.7ACSS/GA4—supported with extra-high strength zinc Class A coated steel core wire in accordance with Specification B957.
3.3.8ACSS/GA5—supported with ultra-high strength zinc Class A coated steel core wire in accordance with Specification B957.
sone3.3.9ACSS/MA2—supported with regular strength Zn-5A1-MM coated steel core wire,coating Class A in accordance with Specification B802/B802M .
3.3.10ACSS/MA3—supported with high-strength Zn-5A1-MM coated steel core wire in accordance with Specifica-tion B803.
3.3.11ACSS/MA4—supported with extra-high strength Zinc-5%Aluminum-Mischmetal Alloy (Zn-5A1-MM)Coated steel core wire in accordance with Specification B958.
3.3.12ACSS/MA5—supported with ultra-high strength Zinc-5%Aluminum-Mischmetal Alloy (Zn-5A1-MM)Coated steel core wire in accordance with Specification B958.
4.Ordering Information
4.1Orders for material under this specification shall include the following information:
4.1.1Quantity of each size,stranding,and class,
4.1.2Conductor size,circular-mil area or AWG,and diam-eter (e Section 9and Table 1),
4.1.3Number of wires,aluminum and steel,
4.1.4Type of steel core wire and class (if applicable)of coating (e
4.1.5Direction of lay of outer layer of aluminum wires if other than right hand (e 7.3),
4.1.6Special tension test,if desired (e 14.3),bec口语
4.1.7Package size and type (e 16.1),
4.1.8Special package markings,if required (e 16.4),4.1.9Heavy wood lagging,if required (e 16.3),and 4.1.10Place of inspection (e Section 15).
5.Requirement for Wires
5.1After stranding,the round aluminum wires shall con-form to the requirements of Specification B609/B609M for 1350-0temper,except for elongation requirements.The elon-gation shall not be less than 20%after stranding.
5.2Before stranding,the steel core wire shall meet the requirements of Specification B498/B498M ,B
606,B802/B802M ,B803,B957,or B958,whichever is applicable.5.3The stranded steel core shall meet the requirements of Specification B500/B500M as applicable.
6.1Electric-butt welds,cold-pressure welds,and electric-butt,cold-upt welds in the finished individual aluminum wires composing the conductor may be made during the stranding process.No weld shall occur within 50ft (15m)of a weld in the same wire or in any other wire of the completed conductor (e Explanatory Note 2).
6.2There shall be no joints of any kind made in the finished coated steel wires.
7.1The length of lay of the various layers of aluminum wires in a conductor shall conform to Table 2(e Explanatory Note 3).
7.2The length of lay of the various layers of steel wires in a conductor shall conform to Specification B500/B500M .7.3The direction of lay of the outside layer of aluminum wires shall be right hand unless otherwi specified in the purcha order.The direction of lay of the aluminum and steel wires
shall be reverd in successive layers.8.Construction
8.1The number and diameter of the aluminum and steel wires and the area of cross ction of the aluminum wires for standard constructions are shown in Table 1.
8.2ACSS may be constructed using steel core wire with a number of different types.The acceptable core wires are,but not limited to:
8.2.1Regular strength Galvanized steel core wires,with coating Class A or C (designated GA2and GC2)in accor-dance with Specification B498/B498M (e Explanatory Note 9);
8.2.2High-strength galvanized steel core wire,coating Class A (designated GA3)in accordance with Specification B606(e Explanatory Note 9);
8.2.3Regular strength Zn-5A1-MM coated steel core wire,coating Class A (designated MA2)in accordance with Speci-fication B802/B802M ;
8.2.4High-strength Zn-5A1-MM coated steel core wire,coating Class A (designated MA3)in accordance with Speci-fication B803
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8.2.5Extra-high-strength galvanized steel core wire coating Class A (designated GA4)in accordance with Specification B957(e Explanatory Note 9);
8.2.6Extra-high-strength Zn-5Al-MM coated steel core wire,coating Class A (designated MA4)in accordance with Specification B958;
8.2.7Ultra-high-strength galvanized steel core wire coating Class A (designated GA5)in accordance with Specification B957(e Explanatory Note 9);
8.2.8Ultra-high-strength Zn-5Al-MM coated steel core wire,coating Class A (designated MA5)in accordance with Specification B958;
8.2.9Regular strength Aluminum Clad steel (designated AW2in accordance with B502;
8.2.10High-strength Aluminum Clad steel (designated AW3in accordance with B502.9.Rated Strength of Conductor
9.1The rated strength of the completed ACSS conductor shall be taken as the aggregate strengths of the aluminum and steel components,calculated as follows.The strength contri-bution of the aluminum wires shall be taken as that percentage,indicated in Table 3,of the sum of the strengths of
the 1350-0wires calculated from their minimum average tensile strengths
prototype是什么specified in Specification B609/B609M .The strength contri-bution of the steel core wires shall be taken as that percentage,indicated in Table 3,of the sum of the strengths of the steel wires,calculated from their specified nominal wire diameter and the appropriate minimum ultimate tensile strengths given in Specification B498/B498M ,B502,B549,B606,B802/B802M ,B803,B957,or B958,whichever is applicable.9.2Rated strength and breaking strength values shall be rounded to three significant figures,in the final value only,in accordance with the rounding method of Practice E29.9.3Rated strength of typical constructions are given in Table 1.10.Density
10.1For the purpo of calculating mass,cross ctions,and so forth,the density of aluminum 1350shall be taken as 0.0975lb/in.3(2705kg/m 3)at 20°C (e Explanatory Note 4).10.2For the purpo of calculating mass,cross ctions,and so forth,the density of galvanized or Zn-5A1-MM alloy coated steel wire shall be taken as 0.281lb/in.3(7780kg/m 3)at 20°C.10.3For the purpos of calculating mass,cross ctions,and so forth,the density of aluminum-clad steel wire shall be taken as 0.2381lb/in.3(6590kg/m 3)at 20°C.11.Mass and Electrical Resistance
11.1The mass and electrical resistance of a unit length of stranded conductor are a function of the le
ngth of lay.The approximate weight and electrical resistance may be deter-mined using the standard increments shown in Table 3.When greater accuracy is desired,the increment bad on the specific lay of the conductor may be calculated (e Explanatory Note 5).
go out
11.2In the calculation of the electrical resistance of a conductor,the zinc-coated,Zn-5A1-MM-coated,steel core wires shall be taken as 0.19157V ·mm 2/m at 20°C and the resistivity of aluminum-clad steel core wires shall be taken as 0.0848V ·mm 2/m at 20°C.The are typical values and are not guaranteed.The electrical resistance of the aluminum wires shall be taken as 0.0279V ·mm 2/m at 20°C.
TABLE 2Lay Factors for Aluminum Conductors,Steel-Supported (ACSS),Concentric-Lay-Stranded A
Stranding Class Stranding
Ratio of Length of Lay of a Layer to Nominal Outside Diameter of That Layer
Aluminum Wire Layers
First (Outside)
Fourth (Inside)min
pref B
max min pref max min max min max AA
A See Specification B500/B500M for lay factors of the steel core wires.B
Preferred (pref).
TABLE 3Standard Increments and Rating Factors for Mass,
Resistivity,and Rated Strength Determination
Stranding Design Aluminum/Steel
Standard Increments Due to
Stranding (for Mass and Resistivity)Increa Rating Factors (for Rated
2.50.49610024/7  2.50.49610026/7  2.50.49610030/7  2.750.49610042/7  2.50.49610045/7  2.50.49610048/7  2.50.49610054/7  2.50.49610072/7
3.00.49610016/19  2.50.69610030/19  2.750.69610054/19  3.00.6
9610076/19  3.00.69610084/19
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