
更新时间:2023-05-27 18:21:04 阅读: 评论:0

为了测量电阻,我们使用单位“欧姆”。To measure resistance,we u the unit "ohm".
重要的是要应用这些定律。It is important to apply the laws.
这种装置能用来测量电流电压电阻。Such a device can be ud to measure current,voltage and resistance.
我们想要求这个电流中的电流。We wish to find the current in the circuit.
无线电波的用途之一是发送信息。One of the us of radio waves is to transmit intelligence.
在这种情况下该物体被说成带电了。In this ca the object is said to be charged.
我们感到理解这个概念很困难。We find it very difficult to understand this concept.
工科学生应该知道如何使用计算机。wonderful wonderfulEngineering students should know how to u a computer.
物体做工的能力被称为能量。The ability of a body to do work is called energy.
重要的是我们要把理论应用于实践。It is important for us to apply theory to practice.
计算在这个电流中流动的电流密度是可能的。It is possible to calculate the current flowing in this           circuit.positive是什么意思
这些是常用的设备。The are commonly ud devices.
电压等取决于电路中的电阻以及所加的电压。Voltage equals current multiplied by resistance.
宿命论者显然电流与外加电压成正比。It is apparent that current is proportional to the applied voltage.
人们发现的金属都是良导体。It has been found that metals are all good conductors.
该机器的效率取决于它能运转多快。The efficiency of the machine depends on how fast it can run.
你知道电位差是什么吗?Do you know what the potential difference is?
正如我们将会看到的那样,速度是一个矢量。As we shall e,velocity is a vector.
这些仪器正是我们需要的。There instruments are just what we need.
导线中的电子绝不能从正流向负。By no means do electrons in a wire flow from the positive to the negative.
所有物质,不论是水、铁还是空气,都是由原子构成的。Every substance,be it water,iron or air,consists of atoms.
(1) If the signal source were direct connected instead of capacitor coupled, there would be a low resistance path from the ba to the negative supply line, and this would affect the circuit bias conditions.如果信号源和电路不是用电容耦合而是直接耦合,从基极到负电源线就会有一个低阻通路,并且这将影响到电路偏置状态
(2) A conventional operational amplifier (op-amps) can be simply described as a high-gain direct-coupled voltage amplifier that has a single output terminal, and becau it has both inverting and non-inverting input terminals, the device can function as an inverting, n
on-inverting, or differential amplifiers, filters, oscillators, level switches, comparators, etc. 传统的运算放大器(op-amps)可以被简单的描述为一个高增益使电压放大器,优点有一个输出端,因为它既有反向和用户的输入端子,设备能作为一个反向功能,用户,或差分放大器、滤波器、振荡器、液位开关、比较器等。
(3) The differential amplifier has a high-impedance (constant-current)tail to give it a high input impedance and a high degree of common-mode signal rejection. It also has a high-impedance collector (or drain) load, to give it a large amount of signal-voltage gain (typically about 100 dB).affirmation (3)微分放大器有一个高祖抗(恒流)“尾巴给它一个高输入阻抗及高度的共模信号的排斥反应。它也有一个高祖抗收集器(或排放)负荷,给它一个大量的signal-voltage增益(通常大约100分贝)
(4) In that circuit, a fixed reference voltage is fed to the non-inverting terminal. Becau of the very high open-loop voltage gain of the op-amp, the output is driven into positive saturation (clo to +V) when the sample voltage goes slightly above the reference voltage, and driven into negative saturation (clo to -V) when the sample voltage goes sl
ightly below the reference voltage. 电路、固定的参考电压反馈到用户的终端。因为非常高电压增益的放大器的开环,输出驱动转化为积极的饱和度(接近+ V)当样品是略高于电压参考电压,并被推入负面饱和度(接近-V)电压略低于样品去参考电压。
(1) For example, to reprent the 10 numerals (0, 1, 2, , 9) and the 26 letters of the English alphabet would require 36 different combinations of 1’s and 0’s. Since 25<36<26, then a minimum of 6 bits per bite are required in order to accommodate all the alphanumeric characters.
(2) Furthermore, ripple or voltage spikes may exist in the power supply or ground leads, and other sources of unwanted signals, called noi, may be prent in the circuit.
(3) For the reasons the digital levels are not specified precily, but as indicated by the shaded region in Figure 3.6, each state is defined by a voltage range about a designated level, such as 41 V and 0.20.2 V.
(4) At 1 signifies the existence of a positive pul in a dynamic positive-logic system; a nemcdonalds
gative pul denotes a 1 in a dynamic negative-logic system a 0 at a particular input (or output) at a given instant of time designates that no pul is prent at that particular moment.
1)例如,代表10数字(0129成人 英文…)26个字母需要36不同的组合,“1”和“0”。自从25 < 36 < 26,那么至少6位要求每一口为了适应所有的字母数字字符。
(3)对这些原因是没有指定的数字水准仪清楚,conference是什么意思但所示的阴影区域图3.6,每个国家都被定义为一个关于一个指定层次电压范围,41伏特和0.20.2 Vslam。
(4)1表示存在一种积极的脉冲在动态positive-logic系统、负脉冲代表一个1日在系统动态negative-logic 0在某一特定的输入(或产量)在一个特定的瞬间表示无脉搏是目前在那个时刻。

本文发布于:2023-05-27 18:21:04,感谢您对本站的认可!



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