This 57-year-old black female entered the hospital with naua and vomiting, temperature of 100.5 ℉, and continuous pain in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen. Examination revealed rebound tenderness in the RUQ with a positive Murphy’s sign. Her skin, nails, and conjunctivae were yellowish, and she complained of clay-colored stools. Leukocyte count was 16,000. The cholecystogram indicated cholelithiasis.
A cholecystectomy was performed with ligation of the cystic duct. Bile ducts were free of stones. Postop treatment included respiratory therapy, IM for pain, an antiemetic IM, and IV fluid therapy.
人才 英语The patient was discharged without complications one week after surgery. Instructions pertaining to diet, activity level, and possible adver reactions were given and patient understood them well. She was to make an appointment with her physician for postoperative care.
This patient, a 38-year-old white woman, came to the Emergency Room with a urinary tract infection and a temperature of 101 ℉. She had a previously diagnod lymphoma stabilized with chemotherapeutic agents. On admission, her hemoglobin was 7.9; her white count 3,700 with 62% polys and 11% bands. Platelet count was 72,000. Urine cultures were positive for gram-negative rods.
The patient was started on combined antibiotics. When blood culture showed Salmonella nsitive to ampicillin, this alone was continued at 2 g IV q6h. During treatment, her platelet count fell to about 40,000, probably due to the chemotherapy in combination with the infection. Septra was added to treatment in ca of platelet destruction by ampicillin.
The patient was discharged with an appointment for a follow-up in one week.
Patients prented as a 46-year-old male with signs of pneumonia. He appeared acutely i
ll, with fever, chills, cough, blue-tinged lips, and vere dyspnea. Fine wheezes could be heard on expiration, which he said was not unusual since he
suffered from asthma. He said that his asthma was generally well controlled, but that pulmonary function tests usually show reduced lung capacity. Using a stethoscope, rales could clearly be heard. A chest x-ray confirmed the diagnosis of pneumonia and also revealed a pleural effusion. Ordered a sputum culture to determine the causative pathogen and arterial blood gas to asss the extent of respiratory impairment. Patient was admitted to the hospital for treatment. Treatment plan: intravenous antibiotics beginning immediately, to be adjusted pending results of sputum culture.
Patient prented as a 54-year-old male complaining of fatigue, weakness, anorexia, naua, swelling in the legs and abdomen, itching, and yellowing of the skin. The symptoms, especially the jaundice, were highly suggestive of liver dia. With the exception of hemorrhoids and previous surgery for an inguinal hernia, patient’s history ap
peared unremarkable. On questioning, however, patient acknowledged longstanding alcoholism. Suspect cirrhosis. Ordered liver function test and a liver scan, results consistent with cirrhosis. Treatment plan: medications to alleviate symptoms, enrollment in alcohol treatment program, low protein diet.脾组词语
Patient prented as a 5-year-old boy brought in by his mother. She was concerned that the boy learned to sit up and walk much later than her first child and now has a waddling gait. He cannot run easily, has difficulty climbing stairs, and falls down often. On examination, the boy had enlarged but weak muscles. The myasthenia and bulkiness were most pronounced in the calf muscles. The boy did not complain of myalgia, and there was no evidence of myoclonus or other irregular muscles activity.
鄂霍次克A muscle biopsy revealed muscle atrophy with fat and connective tissue deposits. Electromyography showed short, weak bursts of electrical activity and intact nerves, ruling out atrophy of neurologic origin. Blood tests revealed elevated creatinine phosphokipitch
bangna levels. Diagnosis: muscular dystrophy. Treatment plan: orthopedic appliances, physical therapy, and genetic counling for family.
患者,57岁,黑人女性,因恶心、呕吐、发热(100.5 ℉)、右上腹持续疼痛而入院。检查显示右上腹有反跳痛,墨菲氏征阳性。病人皮肤、指甲、结膜均泛黄,而且大便呈陶土样。白细胞计数为:16,000。胆囊造影图提示有胆石病。
患者一开始就采用抗生素联合疗法。在血培养显示有对氨苄青霉素敏感的沙门氏菌生长时,则持续使用了该抗生素进行治疗,2克,静脉内给药,每6小时一次。治疗期间,血小板计数降至40,000,可能由化疗合并感染引起。再上Septra 治疗,以防氨苄青霉素引起的血小板破坏。