Pride and prejuice
There is so much of gratitude or vanity in almost every attatchment, that it is not safe. to leave any to itlf. We can all begin freely---a slight preference is natural enough; but there are very few of us who have heart enough to be really in love without enouragementj. In nine cas out of ten, a woman had better shew more affection than she feels.
Happiness un marriage is entirely a matter of chance. If the dispositions od the parities are ever so well known to each other; or ever so similar before hand, it does not advance their felicity in the least. They always contrive to grow sufficiently unlike afterwards to have their share of vexation; and it is better to know as little as possible if the defects of the person with whom you are to pass your life.
The vice of love
miscellaneousBut the best, in my opinion, was the home life in the little flat—the ardent, voluble chats after the day’s study; the cozy dinner and fresh, light breakfasts; the interchange of ambitions—ambitious interwoven each with the other’s or el inconsiderable—the mutual help and inspiration; and—overlook my artlesslnes—stuffed olived and chee sandwiches at 11 P.M.
On a spring evening
先生的英文缩写He would walk with her alone all day in the woods, by the stream, across the dewy field where the grass was studded with wild flowers. And they awaited the wedding day without too much impatience, but wrapped in each other, bathed in an exquisite tenderness, tasting the delightful charm of gentle caress, of holding hands, of loving glances—such long ones that their souls emed to mingle—and vaguely disturbed by the still unrealized desire of passionare embraces, feeling somewhat upt by lips that drew them toward each other, which emed to watch and wait and promi.
纽约时报畅销书日语同声翻译A full-grown forest stretched into distance behind the pond, and above the new foliage of the great trees the moon had suddenly appeared. It had rin little across the branches w
hich etched themlves upon its orbit; and climbing the sky, in the midst of the stars which it blotted out, it had begun to pour onto the world that melancholy light of dreams so dear to the ntimental, to poets and lovers.
The young couple had watched it at first. Then, filled with the tender sweetness of the night, with the ethereal brightness of the fields and woods, they had gone out and walked slowly on the enormous lawn as far as the glistening pond.
It was teatime, just before the lamps were brought in. The villa overlooked the a; the va
nished sun had left the sky ro-tipped in its passing and powdered with golden dust; and the Mediterranean, without ripple or faintest movement, smooth, still gleaming with the light of the dying day, spread out a vast shield of burnid metal.
lookoverThey were speaking of love, retelling an ancient tale, saying over again things already said many, many times before. The soft melancholy dusk presd upon their speech,so that a feeling of tenderness welled up in their hearts, and their word “love,” constantly repeated, now in a man’s strong voice, now in the high, clear tones of a woman, emed to fill littme room, flitting about it like a bird, hovering like a sprit over them.
She had never a thought for anything but him. She had regretted neither jewels nor fine clothes fashion nor comfort of armchairs nor the perfumed warmth of tapestryhung rooms nor softness of down whereon the body sinks to rest. She had never needed anything but him; so only that he was there, she wanted nothing.
In the early youth, she had forsaken life and the world and tho who had loved and nuetured her. She had come, alone with him, to this wild ravine. And he had been everything to her, all that a woman desires, all that she dreams of, all that she cealessly awaits, all for which she never ceas to hope. He had filled her existence with happiness from its beginning to its clo.