英美诗歌鉴赏——To Helen,致海伦
英美诗歌鉴赏——To Helen,致海伦
To Helen
Helen, thy beauty is to me
chocolate iceLike tho Nicean barks平底船
of yore,很久以前
That gently, o'er a perfumed芳香的
The weary疲倦的
, wayworn旅行累了的
To his own native shore.
On desperate as long wont to roam漫步,漫游
Thy hyacinth hair, thy classic face,
防波堤Thy Naiad airs have brought me home
To the glory that was Greece
And the grandeur 壮丽,宏伟
品位的意思that was Rome.
Lo! in yon brilliant window-niche壁龛小学英语三年级下册
How statue-like向雕像一样
I e thee stand,
The agate玛瑙的
lamp within thy hand!
Ah, Psyche, from the regions which
Are Holy Land!
The writer Edgar Allen Poe was born in 1809. His father derted the family, and his mother died when Poe was three. Poe was taken into the home of his uncle. In 1826, he entered the University of Virginia, only to drop out later . He was nt to West Point and dismisd, too. Then he turned to fiction writing to support himlf. He worked as an editor throughout his life. His wife’s death in 1847, drove Poe to heavy drinking occasionally. One day in 1849, he was found unconscious on a Baltimore street and then died.
Poe established himlf as a successful short story writer and literary critic. He succeeded in formulating influential literary theories and in demonstrating mastery of the forms he favored_hinghly musical poems and short pro narratives. His theory of short fiction is best exemplified in Ligeia and The Fall of The Hou of Usher, which was to become one of his most famous stories.
Poe wrote To Helen as a reflection on the beauty of Mrs.Standard who died in 1824. She encouraged Poe to write poems when he was 14. Poe regarded her as his first , pure love.
First, let us e the clever rhymes in this great poem. Alliteration: the /w/ in “ The weary, wayworn wanderer bore” and the /s/ in “ How statue-like I e thee stand” .assonance: both “like” and “Nicean” have the vowel /ai/; both “wont” and “roam” have the vowel / / ; “agate”,“lamp” and“hand”all have the vowel / /. Rhyme: “me” and “a”; ”yore”, ”bore” and “shore”; “roam”, “home” and “Rome”. The rhymes makes the poem contain musical charm and more attractive to read.
avoidanceThe title expresd how beautiful Mrs.Standard was by just one word—Helen,who, in Greek story, was the most beautiful woman in the world and also lighted the flames of the Trojan war.But that is not enough, we e the poet ud similes to continue his prai. He compared her to “Nicean barks of yore”which brought tired “wanderers” home. The /w/ in “ The weary, wayworn wanderer bore” bring out the tired faces vividly. The lady are
not doll, she could brought peace and relief. Maybe that is how the writer thought about Mrs.Standard.
迪斯尼神奇英语全集In the cond part, the poet described just two body parts, “Thy hyacinth hair, thy classic face,” short but vivid, just let the reader imagine the picture of a beauty who is classic just like the goddess in the Greek story. The word “Greece” and “Rome” were mentioned in this part, we know Greece and Rome are two ideal places in the heart of western people. I think that addes to the woman’s classic beauty again.
In the third part, there is another simile, “How statue-like I e thee stand,” the woman is just like a statue which will never become old or ugly and will remain forever. “Psyche”means soul in Greek, so in this part, the image of the woman is totally different, she has not only physical beauty but also spiritual beauty.
Although this poem was made to memorize a lady who had already pasd by, there is no sadness in the lines. The poet expresd his admiration and love as much as possible. He also told us what was real beauty, not only face but also heart. And the high
spiritual in the lines may means the poet will look after the real beauty and kindness forever.