Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination and the development of public policies 期刊名称: Journal of Epidemiology and Community Healthessayist
作者: Abby Lippman
deep down年份: 2008年
statue期号: 第7期
摘要:Through heavy, profit-driven marketing, cervical cancer has been
平安夜快乐英文怎么说(re)constructed in the past couple of years in North America almost solely as an independent vaccine-preventable dia. With the heady mix of young girls and their xual behaviour as background, and an open-ended advertising budget providing memorable catch-phras,1 the powerful major story-tellers (pharmaceutical companies, physicians and their organisations, the media) have constructed a gripping story comprising a feared dia (cancer), a unique product (the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine, Gardasili) to address it, and hyped promis of prevention. This prentation has all to灯笼英语
creeo often silenced, or at least marginalid, other ways of talking about cervical cancer (and HPV infection), at the same time arousing controversies, confusions and conundrums in