Prevention of the Generalized Shwartzman Reaction by Bradykinin and Prostaglandins 期刊名称: Thrombosis and Haemostasis四级考试成绩查询>conduction
作者: Latour, J.G.,Léger-Gauthier, C.,Groulx, C.
摘要:We have investigated, in the pregnant rat, the implications of Hageman factor and prekallikrein activation in the pathogenesis of the generalized
Shwartzman reaction (GSR). We have found that unlike the hyperlipemia animal, the pregnant rat, which develops the GSR after a single injection of endotoxin (S.
perpendiculartyphosa 0.4 mg) on day 20 of gestation, does not consume prekallikrein.
Prekallikrein was estimated by measurement on TAME of the arginine estera
activity generated by kallikrein upon addition of active Hageman factor to the test plasma. Bradykinin triacetate (2 or 4 μg/kg/min.), prostaglandin (PG) E-, (0.3
μg/kg/min.), PGA2 (1.0 μg/kg/min.) or isoproterenol (0.66 μg/kg/min.) when given as昕薇电子杂志
fpe>air jacket
a slow infusion over 4 hours, from the time of the endotoxin to the sacrifice of the
animals, were found to prevent the GSR. On the other hand,...