弗兰克 阿巴内尔
q1是什么意思美国英语作文 篇1
The understanding of American culture must not end with what we know on TV, becau she has the most distinctive features of her own, which is diversity. As a country with a large immigrant population, the United States does not have a unique way of life, there is no only standard of conduct, and there is no unique culture. The diversity of the United States penetration in all aspects of the country, the following guidelines may not be able to help you overcome all from the cultural differences, but hope to everyone to prepare for the basic study in the United States and general plan to help.
我懂得了珍惜Americans have a very different lifestyle than Chine people. American food is light and easy to make, and the main cour is meat, fish and chicken. A meal usually consists of only one main cour, and salads and coffee are by no means less. Hot dogs and hamburgers are two of the most popular fast foods.
Americans are so active that more than a fifth of them move every year. The most detailed list of hous and apartments available on Sunday in newspapers across the country can be ud to find homes or to find local estate agents. In addition to paying for rent, the rent hou generally pays for utilities, namely gas, electricity, heating, hot water and simple electrical repairs and other repairs. The rent is usually a month, usually on the first day of the month. Electricity in most parts of the United States is 110-120 volts, 60Hz.
Almost every home in the United States has a car, and the American highway is very developed and accessible, so many americans work very far from where they live. They often go on a family trip during the holidays. The most popular means of transportation in
the city are bus and subways. The subway is usually run day and night. Taxis are usually paid by distance or by distance. The whole country executes the right driving, the big city executes traffic regulation especially strict.
美国英语作文 篇2
Raising Children 美式教养观
The job of raising children is a tough one. Children don't come with an instructionmanual. And each child is different. So parents sometimes pull their hair out in frustration, notknowing what to do. But in raising children-as in all of life-what we do is influenced by ourculture. Naturally then, American parents teach their children basic American values.
To Americans, the goal of parents is to help children stand on their own two feet. Frominfancy, each child may get his or her own room. As children grow, they gain more freedom tomake their own choices. Teenagers choo their own forms of entertainment, as well as thefriends to share them with. When they reach young adulthood, they choo their own careersand marriage partners. Of cour, many young adults still ek their parents' advice andapproval for the choices they make. But once they "leave the nest" at around 18 to 21 yearsold, they want to be on their own, not "tied to their mother's apron strings."
The relationship between parents and children in America is very informal. Americanparents try to treat their children as individuals-not as extensions of themlves. They allowthem to fulfill their own dreams. Americans prai and encourage their children to give themthe confidence to succeed. When children become adults, their relationship with their parentsbecomes more like a friendship among equals. But contrary to popular belief, most adultAmericans don't make their parents pay for room and board when they come to visit. Even asadults, they respect and honor their parents.
Most young couples with children struggle with the issue of childcare. Mothers havetraditionally stayed home with their children. In recent years, though, a growing trend
palladiumis to putpreschoolers in a day care center so Mom can work. Many Americans have strong feelings aboutwhich type of arrangement is best. Some argue that attending a day care center can be apositive experience for children. Others insist that mothers are the best caregivers for children.A number of women are now leaving the work force to become full-time homemakers.bedridden
Disciplining children is another area that American parents have differing opinions about.Many parents feel that an old-fashioned spanking helps youngsters learn what "No!" means.Others prefer alternate forms of discipline. For example, "time outs" have betipping
come popular inrecent years. Children in "time out" have to sit in a corner or by a wall. They can get up onlywhen they are ready to act nicely. Older children and teenagers who break the rules may begrounded, or not allowed to go out with friends. Some of their privileges at home-like TV ortelephone u-may also be taken away for a while. Although discipline isn't fun for parents orchildren, it's a necessary part of training.